Trying to plan my grow set-up - Need some advice

The emergency blanket didn't work for me, too hard to get it to go flat and just a royal pain (but that may just be my dexterity ;) ). I went the auto windowshade route and seems to be working fine, though the material absorbs stuff I think so no idea if it will get dirty or absorb moisture, if I replace them I will probably just go Flat White Paint as I have heard it works fine. As if you don't get foil flat (or the emergency blankets) you can risk getting hot spots I have read (think like a magnifying glass and frying bugs when you was a kid). As around here the Mylar film is expensive and only comes in 25 foot rolls.

Right, that's the deal here as well with the reflectix. It's 25 foot rolls and I want to say it was 50 bucks?! Anyways I've got an HVLP and a compressor, I don't mind spraying it. Just want to make sure I'm doing my homework .

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Sounds like you pretty serious about this! I guess we all have our own ways of looking at this. To each our own... Please, do keep us posted on how this goes, OK?
I guess at my age I'm just a simple kind of gardener. Very simple. I do, however, try to duplicate 'nature' as much as possible. And whatever way you do grow, please be sure to baby your plants. They need LOVE just like the rest of us! Love them and they'll do everything they can for you. Peace, Ms. Amy y'all wondering who/what I am? Well, I'm fixing to turn 60 in a few months. I'm a grandparent. I never was introduced to Cannabis until 5 years ago.. hahahha talk about a late 'bloomer' in life! But once I toked a few... man... this is so totally awesome. Cannabis opens up your mind to what EXISTENCE/the meaning of life is all about. I've toked Sativa; however, right now I have some Indica in the grow and I'm looking forward to seeing what Indica is... Trust me, I WILL keep y'all posted on what I learn!!

That's really cool Amy and I have returned to cannabis after many years of abstinence. I struggled with morality (thanks Reagan administration for making me feel like I'm gonna rot my brain!), especially as a parent. Once I accepted how it made me feel and relieved myself of feeling guilty, it's been a healthy relationship. Cheers!

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LOL! I'm a war vet (US Army) and I was in Desert Storm. All this stoopit bullshit started with Prez. Ronald Regean. Whatever. Fuck the politicians; they the reason that Cannabis is 'illegal' - ha! Fuck all the politicians; they just SELF-SERVING bastards anyway. I despise their hypocrisy. Toke it up, homie. I feel not the least bit 'guilty' for what I do regarding this miracle plant. Just coz they not making any MONEY off it, they want to bash it. Well, I say, let them stay CLOSED-MINDED on it. People, ordinary people like you and me know better. We have opened our minds and see existence as it is. God created this plant and He gave it to us. So who are these BASTARDS to make it illegal? I think they are wrong.
Hey man, you remember that old '70s song by Elton John "Grow Some Funk Of Your Own"? Yeah, I'm down with that! Cherish nature. As an old saying from the '70s went: 'Support wildlife - throw a party'. Well, I don't know if you could call it a party or not.. unless you say as I do: "Partay For One".. LOL! Toke it up!!


Don't compromise. Get a 1x1x2m grow tent. A 5" RVK and either a HID lamp or LED. Avoid garage but depends where in the world you are and what temps that could expose them to. Much safer in the bedroom but Defford need the tent. Gl


What you got against cabs? :love:
So here's where I'm at. Bead of caulk all the way around and drywall mud is done. Ready to do some sanding and spraying. I got ultra white flat paint with primer already in it. I've used this stuff before for a client of mine.


Getting close to done. I'm spraying the cab because I want to experiment without the reflectix. I will add it later if needed. Right now I need suggestions on lighting and odor control. These are what I'm leaning towards. Probably need two of the lights.
Can Max Fan Mixed Flow Inline Fan, 6-Inch 334 Cubic Feet Per Minute

VIPARSPECTRA Reflector-Series 300W LED Grow Light Full Spectrum for Indoor Plants Veg and Flower

Or I could do one of these:
VIPARSPECTRA PAR600 600W 12-band LED Grow Light - 3-Switches Full Spectrum for Indoor Plants Veg and Flower

Any advice would be great, I'm not sold on Viparspectra for lighting I'm open to suggestions. Keep in mind the cabinet is roughly 2x4x4

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U can rip ur 2x4's in 1/2 u don't need that much str. U could also use styrofoam (white) on the inside to retain heat. No drywall needed. Plywood the outside. Or if retaining heat isint an issue u could replace styrofoam with s mylar blanket for better reflection. Also if money is tight I start my plants veg'n with cfl's u can keep them super close. An a hell of a lot cheaper then an led to get u going. I ll post a few pics of how I started an where Iam at now with my grow.

I to am working with a budget. An limited space. I have 1000w lamp going into the tent end of month once I get my cool hood. As well as a 4x4 flood table. Takes time don't go to big to fast start with what u need an build on that :) Iam proof patience pays off.

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An as a side note, I still have the lighted Rubbermaid tote, I now use it to clone so no wasted effort or money

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Thanks Dbrow for the advice. I didn't realize styrofoam was an option. I think I'm gonna be happy with what I've done. If not I can always add to it. It's just screws holding it together after all. In fact at this point I've decided not to add insulation between the walls yet. I want to see if I can keep things relatively controlled without it because as BCKush said, I may need to remove the insulation when the heat goes up around here.

I got the plywood on the outside cut and screwed on yesterday but I don't have a pic of it.
I'm gonna get the door on and paint the cab today, I hope. Pics to follow.

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That's why I suggested styrofoam, if u cut it nicely it's a snug fit but can also be removed with out damage. But u can always add it later if need

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That's why I suggested styrofoam, if u cut it nicely it's a snug fit but can also be removed with out damage. But u can always add it later if need

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Nice! You are suggesting that for inside the cab, correct?

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Yes inside, it's not as reflective as Mylar but better then tinfoil

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Cool man, I had a look and it seems like an easy way to keep me warm if need be. That's great! My humidity/temp sensor has been monitoring the garage ( not the cabinet yet) and temps are averaging upper 50's - low 70's. RH is between 20 - 40%.

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