ViparSpecrtra New Light New Strains 30% Plus THC? ViperRoom 2.0

Ok so it took all three fat b seeds.
And as you can see the last one seems to have made it. And the rest of the gang ;)

Happy growing all :)


So @Weed Seeds Express have sent me out another pack of fat B's.
Great service as always cant recommend them enough tbh.
So if this last lady dont make it im sure i can add her to this or the next line up.
THANK YOU @Weed Seeds Express
So the hell fire has hit the bottom of the cup.
And had a proper feed to around 15% run off.
in coco I don’t tend to let them dry out long just enough to help those roots search for water. ;)


They wake up happy!
Wont lie with how the other strains popped was not holding out much hope for her.
Contacted simon at WSE he just sent me another pack out so guesss this one is a feebee now.
Well it was buy a pack get one free so i guess there are a few feebees.

Thanks for passing by ;)
Well all the fat bastards failed out of that pack.
New pa k came last week popped a seed.
Pics later already got its tail.
With how quick this one popped I would say
Bad pack the last one.
Again more pics later got to shoot to work now.
My clones and the rest of the gang.

Happy growing all.


Whole bad pack might have gotten cooked in transit? I'm glad the replacement is looking more promising!
Ye think it might of mate.
The new batch no issues at all.
First one popped with a nice long tail in less than 48 hours.
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