What are these spots?


420 Member
Day 46 from seed white widow autoflower can I get an opinion on these brown spots please. Much appreciative



Thank you. I love simple straight forward help
Glad to be able to help. In each case however, the unasked question is why? Where do you go from here... just dump something on it?
Further examination of your pictures reveals a very dark green on many of your leaves. This often is due to too much Nitrogen being given, which here at the beginning of the bloom period, should be reduced. Too much N or an incorrect mix of nutrients could easily cause these sorts of symptoms, and the pH of your nutrient fluids could also be a factor.
So the question actually becomes more about your nutrients, what you are supplying and by what method. Discussions of these points will necessarily bring in questions as to the grow medium you are using and how you apply the water. Let me know after pondering this if you want/need any further discussion on these matters. I will help as I am able to.
@Rnanney Do you see any bugs? Take a close look, also on the underside of the leaves. Do you see any evidence of mold on the underside of the leaves? If you find anything, please give us some clear closeup shots. If not caused by bugs or mold/fungus, the brown spots (necrosis, dead areas) are caused by either nutrient deficiency or excess (nute burn). Your leaves look nice and healthy otherwise. I agree with @Emilya, it could be calcium deficiency.
You didnt specify medium, and your plants look rather dark. I am growing hydro myself, and had a similar issue which turned out to be me keeping pH at 5.8 to strict, while it needs to get to 6 every so often to uptake CalMag. My foliage turned less dark after that as well.
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