Whats wrong with my Seedling?


Active Member
Hello friends.

just started my second grow and decided to try indoor since winter is coming , ( first one was an outdoor grow), and ran in to some issues..
my first set of leaves tips looks burned even though I didn't feed them yet.. only water.
also it started to look pale green for some reason..

Strain : Montreal
1 plant in seedling stage
Soil - I bought in the local hydro shop (just soil mixed with perlite no nutrients inside)
really small pot size.. i guess its around 0.3L
1 DIY CXM22 GEN4 COB light - around 70-75W
Passive cooled
Temperature of Room/Cabinet : 24-30 C
RH of Room/Cabinet: 40-50
PH of Medium or Reservoir 6.8
Any Pests: No
How Often are you Watering? i spray the top layer every time i see its dry
Type and Strength of Fertilizers used: None - just tap water
Size or Square Footage of Room? 65cmX44cmX180cm


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Hi Idf420... It could be from over watering, When you see the top soil when its dry put your finger down into the soil about and inch or more and feel if the soil is damp then you don't need to water, If its dry then you can add some water if that's the watering method you choose to follow. I have went with the weight method if shes heavy leave her be and if she feels light when I lift her up give her a watering. Some people even use a scale to see when the weight drops when to water... I Have had great results with this method and no over watering :) Good luck with the grow!
Your young plant needs to set up some roots before it gets too big. That's what it's doing now IMO be patient it will come around.

I would question your watering method but I'm not a soil grower. Soak around the perimeter and wait for it to dry out is what I thought. If it takes 5 or 8 days wait for 5 or 8 days this will encourage better root growth.

Let your tap water sit for at least 12 hours before using. I wouldn't worry too much about the slight burn unless it gets worse. Could be any number of things in the soil
Either the medium is to hot, and burning your fragile seedling... or it’s light burn. How far is your light from the plant? What medium are you using? Ffof is a guess... that stuff like to run hot
the soil is nut free, you are right about the lightning i think.. just raised it to 60cm..it was 25cm from plant..

thanks for the help guys!
I dont see the issue, maybe my feeble caveman eyeballs have failed me.

If pale green is the issue you might need more Nitrogen, try some fish fertilizer it wont burn like 1/4 tsp per gallon or less than that, dont qutote me on that though. Find a good resource for a starter mix levels.

Also consider that you have only 75 watts of light on it. Maybe its sucking up nutrients and yet cant grow as fast as it wants due to the light being a limiting factor.
The plant looks fine from what I can see. There’s a tiny brownish spot on the end of one leaf I guess... Just be careful with your watering habits and wait.

just soil.... no nutrients

That’s a bit of an oxymoron. Generally speaking ‘soil’ contains some nutrients almost by definition. Unless you mean pure peat moss, or coco- which aren’t usually called soil.
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