Where did I go wrong?


Well-Known Member
I’ve been growing a Auto Cinderella Jack and for my 2nd grow it was doing really well, then it died overnight!
We had a mini heatwave for 3 days and the tent got to about 29c or 84F and the humidity took off about 77% maxing out to 85% but she was watered and looked to be ok, then the leaves dried up to a crisp and shes stopped drinking, I thought I might have been heavy handed on the nutrition but now I think it’s root rot or bud rot?

any ideas?

1st pic is last week, the others are today




Hi Mate - Spider mites have gone wild in the hot dry weather and eaten all your sap
Combined with heat stress, it's a recipe for disaster
If you look closely you can see the tiny webs they spin on the tips [pic 4], and all those tiny specks are feeding bites
This may be a lost cause even with an H2O2 rinse because the bugs get stuck in the bud and are horrible to smoke
Hi Mate - Spider mites have gone wild in the hot dry weather and eaten all your sap
Combined with heat stress, it's a recipe for disaster
If you look closely you can see the tiny webs they spin on the tips [pic 4], and all those tiny specks are feeding bites
This may be a lost cause even with an H2O2 rinse because the bugs get stuck in the bud and are horrible to smoke
I have 3 more plants in the same tent, they look ok at the mo, what can I do?
I have 3 more plants in the same tent, they look ok at the mo, what can I do?
Put a large big bag over the entire plant, remove it from the tent and burn it
Wipe down the area it was growing with a preventative insecticide
Check your other plants for white specks, if there are just a few of them, cut off any affected leaves
If you see multiple clusters, you may need to spray both the plant and the entire grow space or they'll be back
Be as thorough as possible or you may end up having to do it twice, three times or more
I feel your pain homie. insecticidal soap every few days on the top and on your next grow try integrating some SNS 209 with every watering from seed to harvest. I've been dealing with them for a while now and they never fully go away. You'll get them under control and not see a bug for months and then one day start noticing the tell tale spots on your leaves, etc. Your best bet is to stay proactive and be a hostile host.
Put a large big bag over the entire plant, remove it from the tent and burn it
Wipe down the area it was growing with a preventative insecticide
Check your other plants for white specks, if there are just a few of them, cut off any affected leaves
If you see multiple clusters, you may need to spray both the plant and the entire grow space or they'll be back
Be as thorough as possible or you may end up having to do it twice, three times or more
I feel your pain homie. insecticidal soap every few days on the top and on your next grow try integrating some SNS 209 with every watering from seed to harvest. I've been dealing with them for a while now and they never fully go away. You'll get them under control and not see a bug for months and then one day start noticing the tell tale spots on your leaves, etc. Your best bet is to stay proactive and be a hostile host.
Just found them on another plant, I could cry :(
The Cinderella was about 3 weeks away, I have a Auto Desfran about 5 weeks away that looks ok and 2 Critical Orange Punch, I has them 1 doesnt. Going to bin the 2 infected and try to save the other 2.
Is the insecticidal a spray? any brand you can recommend ?
Keep in mind where you are at in the flowering stage. Then get the strongest stuff you can find for mite control that can be used at this stage and get to work.

Going to bin the 2 infected and try to save the other 2.
All 4 are infected, not just the two you might see the webs on. You can probably save the three. If you look closely you will see the small white or off-white colored spots on the leaves which indicate where the mites have been chewing. The photo of the worst plant has so many of these spots that the leaves probably look almost gray instead of green. Those were the tell-tale marks that have been on the plant leaves for 4-5 weeks and that most of us miss.

You are going to have to spray those 3 remaining plants every day for 4 to 5 days straight. Maybe even consider two sprays each day. Then go to every other day for awhile. The mites have to be killed off as soon as they hatch until all the eggs have hatched and any adults that get missed by the first several spraying sessions are finally killed.

Then you can start to relax a bit but remember that "mites are forever". Even if you get rid of every one of them inside the house there are thousands outside waiting to their turn to come inside.

No point in crying;). Just look at is as one of life's little challenges except that this challenge is one that you can win eventually.:thumb:
I try to mix it up and rotate treatments so they don't get too used to any of them. i use safer soap brand that you dilute into water and spray on. Usually like $10/bottle.
Don't use dish soap it'll mess up your plants. The insecticidal soap is cleaner and doesn't harm the plants, just suffocates the bugs.
For what it's worth a hot shower will get rid of them. Wrap the pots up and turn them upside down under hot water. As hot as your fingers can handle. I have found hot water through a spray bottle works just as well. Once a week for two or three weeks. Clean your space and you should be good to go. And no. Your plants will not be damaged provide its not boiling water. Good luck
For what it's worth a hot shower will get rid of them. Wrap the pots up and turn them upside down under hot water. As hot as your fingers can handle. I have found hot water through a spray bottle works just as well. Once a week for two or three weeks. Clean your space and you should be good to go. And no. Your plants will not be damaged provide its not boiling water. Good luck
The very hot water wouldn't affect or damage trichomes? I've used regular room temp water in that way for my houseplants, but it never occurred to me to use hot.
Nope. It's not boiling. Just as hot as you can handle. Works better than anything else I have tried or seen and quick too. Not to mention costs nothing and is available to almost every grower, everywhere and especially when you need it. All wins in my book.
Err.. well, according to my family, I can handle lava, so maybe I should probably not take that bit of advice. Less than boiling, check!
I’ve been growing a Auto Cinderella Jack and for my 2nd grow it was doing really well, then it died overnight!
We had a mini heatwave for 3 days and the tent got to about 29c or 84F and the humidity took off about 77% maxing out to 85% but she was watered and looked to be ok, then the leaves dried up to a crisp and shes stopped drinking, I thought I might have been heavy handed on the nutrition but now I think it’s root rot or bud rot?

any ideas?

1st pic is last week, the others are today





I see lots of "spider mites" in those photos. You can see the little spots on the leaves and the webs with little dots in them. Those are spider mites and they are the bane of many growers. I would get that plant out of the grow area immediately.

I would also look at treating your other plants as well. I haven't dealt with mites very often (thankful) but I did have them 1x and knocked them out with Spinosad which is a OMRI registered organic pesticide made from soil bacteria. However some states do not permit the use of Spinosad, so I would see what other growers suggest here, that may have dealt with them more.

Definitely get that infected plant out of the tent and away from your others. I would also assume that your other plants probably have spider mites and so I would work on treating them immediatly if possible.
2 plants died, 1 is 50/50 and the other looks like it might survive, they are both drinking which the other 2 wasn't so fingers crossed.

Sprayed them with some stuff I bought from zon, there was loads of the fuckers, looks all clear now but I will continue to spray as i think there are egg on the leaves.
2 plants died, 1 is 50/50 and the other looks like it might survive, they are both drinking which the other 2 wasn't so fingers crossed.

Sprayed them with some stuff I bought from zon, there was loads of the fuckers, looks all clear now but I will continue to spray as i think there are egg on the leaves.
Make sure after this grow is done to completely clean and sterilize your tent fully, pots, and everything else that is inside that environment. When starting your next grow, once the plants get into mid veg, treat them with IPM related products like neem oils, insecticidal soaps..etc... start early to prevent infestation later.

Hope things work out for your current project. I've heard of people using a vacuum cleaner to suck the mites off the plants which might not be a bad idea. Even if you can only get 75% of them, its better than none. :)
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