Who would you smoke with?

well, i think this is kinda late, but i think i would smoke with some of the moderators of this site. say maybe, Smokin Moose. He seems like a very mellow, relaxed type of guy. just the way i like it. i know some people i smoked with get all rowdy and try to burn each other with the lighters, not for me. I'd also like to smoke with boss-G. he seems like a very cool guy. Or Maybe Jimi Hendrix or other such musicians like the beatles. And maybe a couple celebrities like say, System of A Down. i don't like their new music very much, but their old songs like chop suey and stuff off that CD.
hmmm..maybe the guy from star trek..the bald captain to he can something like 'bongs to warp speed!' while everyone takes a major rip..or perhaps good ol' Samuel L Jackson for some LOUD solution to a problem i might have..lol id smoke with anyone who has made a journal on this site and Pflynn of course.lol but the ultimate person to smoke with would be Tommy Chong. there really isnt much more to say about that. i mean come on. all the stories that man must have and not to mention ridiculous reefer!
lol thats whats up.lol i couldnt think of that guys name from star trek.lol sam could be like " i've had it with these mother fuckin snakes, in this mother fucking bong!" hahahaha
hmmm..maybe the guy from star trek..the bald captain to he can something like 'bongs to warp speed!' while everyone takes a major rip..or perhaps good ol' Samuel L Jackson for some LOUD solution to a problem i might have..lol id smoke with anyone who has made a journal on this site and Pflynn of course.lol but the ultimate person to smoke with would be Tommy Chong. there really isnt much more to say about that. i mean come on. all the stories that man must have and not to mention ridiculous reefer!

Hey fillabong, you ever hook up with with that space captian,Sam,and Chong let me know because I'd be in like Flynn.:grinjoint:
I think I'd smoke with Friedrich Nietzsche.
bro you'd already be there between me and tommy with a FAT spliff in one hand and my filled bong in the other :grinjoint:lol

Hey fillabong, you ever hook up with with that space captian,Sam,and Chong let me know because I'd be in like Flynn.:grinjoint:
The president who finelly gets pot legalized,Mark Emery,and all the dirty hippy's from Bearcats Campground in Lesterville,Missouri.:bongrip:
Hmm Mahatma Gandhi.... That guy must have had lots to say. Getting baked with Gandhi would problably open a whole new world for me.
Id like to smoke with Bob Marley and Quagmire from family guy Giggity Giggity Giggity Goo
damn that crazy about bill murray. :grinjoint:lol who doesnt love ghost busters?
i know! i know! i would love to smoke with good ol amy winehouse/ i'm a musician also and the things i would learn!!

and my boyfriend's roommates who always be hatin/ they just need to hit da blunt!!

peace and be wild,

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