Why is she so Short?

the point is… if the room is sealed then how is the fan venting to outside? It’s just recirculating the same stale air.

For lights look at our sponsors page, found in black bar at top of your screen many offer 10% discounts to 420 members.

One of our members has been fighting with dying plants for nearly a year, turns out his tent was located in dead air zone. He moved the tent to another spot in same room and things are finally looking up. Only took 8 pages, months of frustration and many dead plants but here’s link Acid dead air zone

fan configuration is backwards, warm air automatically rises so you are working against basic principles of convection / air movement…. cooler fresh air should come in bottom, the hot air should be extracted out of the top. Plants would benefit by elevating the plant on small table or riser to have access to the warmer air in top of closet
Lower one Gets the air out Higher one gets the air in

should be exactly the other way around. it will help to do it correctly. if you expand to more plants then plan for exhausting to outdoor then. at that point you will need to buy a tent or build a whole new space.

you'll outrun the closet with a single plant, but it will still be ok for 1 plant only.
Got an exhaust Fan its the lower one one the pic, whats a scrubber?
Usually the scrubber is a filter that will remove unwanted smells from the air. Many growers use one that is connected to their fan as a way to remove the smell of the flowers so that people do not know that someone is growing Cannabis plants.
Change your bulbs. They need the white full spectrum with IR and UV at 680-700+
When I want to mess with the apical dominance I utilize the blurples lights to keep my plants on the short. Once I take them outta the baby box and into the full spectrum they fill out and get their length up.
Usually the scrubber is a filter that will remove unwanted smells from the air. Many growers use one that is connected to their fan as a way to remove the smell of the flowers so that people do not know that someone is growing Cannabis plants.
Unlike me lol I hold the door open on both sides the house 😆
Unlike me lol I hold the door open on both sides the house

i have a flower room at my parent's house. it's set up proper and exhausted outdoor etc. i stopped changing the filter since my mom insists on leaving the door open during day cycle because she loves the odor.
Straight up. If they made a cannabis skunk diesel perfume...I'd smell like a French whore 💚

google the cannabis terpene wheel. it is based on the wine flavour wheel.
@Goldjkr you can get away without a scrubber if only running the one plant. depending where it is in the house, it could stink the whole place up, but a single plant is generally not too bad.

you also shouldn't need to exhaust to outdoor with just the one plant, unless you face a really high temp and rh climate, then all bets are off.

if you expand your space and start growing 3 - 4 or more, then i would invest in a bigger better set up, especially for flower.

you can run the current cabinet for the one plant, but i'd tweak it a little, and get a better light. it won't need much, or be that expensive. there's a few sponsors lights i'd look at. go through the board for a forum discount.

when you expand, you can continue to use the cabinet as a seedling and early veg space. nothing gets wasted.

in the meantime, the growing experience you gain will be invaluable.
Hi guys, its me again back with Some more stuff,
Got the light hanged at 32DLI rn thats
20cm away from the top.
She likes It very much.

Im gonna buy a Panel to help with that
Either its gonna be a Spectra p600 or a Mars Ts600 cause they both gonna be enough for her alone when shes in flower + the two bulbes ill be placing on the sides of the Closet so she Sees more light (U could say "Hmhmhmh but da HeAt" but the Bulbes dont Produce much at all so Its Good just Not Sure which panel to get.

Also im in the Perfect VPD Range hole Day and night now

Thanks very much guys u helped me Alot <3

Edit: I think im gonna get the p600 cause its dimmable
And its here tommorow 13:00
Chello guys again, i got the Panel now
Its producing Too much HEAT i cant keep up with the humidty please help me

Got a Glas of cooking Walter in It so It gets introduced to the humidty and then ill hang a cold wet towel on the inlet Fan

Dont know now

Edit of the Edit :
Shes at 27°C and 45Rh :( so shes in high transpiration whole time
Change your bulbs. They need the white full spectrum with IR and UV at 680-700+
When I want to mess with the apical dominance I utilize the blurples lights to keep my plants on the short. Once I take them outta the baby box and into the full spectrum they fill out and get their length up.
Blurples were called that because they had light in the red and blue regions and very little to none in the green region so the light was purple.

Blue light inhibits cell expansion so plants that get a lot of blue light will be short and will have very small internodal space.

Red photons are good for growth because red diodes are cheap to manufacture and are very efficient in terms of photons per watt of input power.

These are the spectra of my Growcraft veg light and of the Growcraft flower light.


This is a photoperiod grow from a year ago. 45± days in veg, topped and LST'd and using the blue-heavy veg light, then 70± days with the flower light. The plant was only about 2' tall but the stalks were 45"+.

The plant was so nice that bud rot decided to call it home.

There are different definitions for the wavelength of IR but 600-700 is considered deep red while far red is still visible but below 750 or so. Infrared is >750 or 800, depending on your source. Bugbee says >800, so there's that.

UV is <400nm

This is from a Bugbee video:

Blurples can work well for cannabis because, while PAR does include green, it's not needed for plant growth. The big issue with blurples was that the lack of green light made it very hard to see the plant because human eyes are far more sensitive to green than any other color. Without the ability to see the plant is was very hard to see if the plant was healthy.

This graphic is in a document I've written on converting lux to µmol. One of the inaccuracies in using a lux meter for agriculture is that light meter sensors are designed to be sensitive to the same wavelengths to which the human eye is sensitive (the dashed line). In contrast, the solid line is is a generalized representation of the photosynthetically active radiation ("PAR").

One is not line is not like the other but, for most lights, a conversion factor of 0.015 is pretty close.
Lux vs PAR.png

Re. blurple and growing cannabis. The picture below is from my grow in 2017. Those plants were grown under a Kind 600XL blurple. Despite the "modest" light output, I managed to grow a couple of plants, one that was pretty good sized.

KIND XL 600 Series 1 PPFD Diagram.png

I dont know what VPD Is 😅
VPD is vapor pressure deficit.

Simple description is that it's similar to the "feels like" temperature for humans. When it's hot and high humidity, sweat doesn't evaporate. On the other hand, when it's hot and really dry (Arizona) sweat does evaporate so we have to drink a lot of water.

Plants sweat ("transpire") by opening pores in their leaves.

If the tent is hot and dry (which is a high VPD), they need to take up a lot of water and that means that they're taking up a lot of nutrients. If the can't use all the nutrients (chemicals) you can get nutrient imbalances and nutrient burn.

Why is it called vapor pressure deficit? Because it's the difference between the water pressure in the plant (like humans, plants are mostly water) and the amount of water in the air in the tent. That difference is a "deficit".

Some growers pay no attention to VPD. That's fine for them. Their plants have no choice, though.

If VPD is too high, your plants have to transpire a lot and that can cause problems (nutrient imbalances or nutrient burn).

If it's too low, they can't transpire enough so they don't take up enough nutrients (because they're not taking up water) so growth suffers.

That's nice to know but light, a lack of light, is the issue that you're facing. 300µmol is good for the seedling stage. You don't have to increase the light levels (cannabis will survive at >=64±µmol) but, if you don't at least double that light level, you'll have very tall, skinny plants with very few leaves, and, essentially, nothing to harvest.
Yes thank u very much
VPD is vapor pressure deficit.

Simple description is that it's similar to the "feels like" temperature for humans. When it's hot and high humidity, sweat doesn't evaporate. On the other hand, when it's hot and really dry (Arizona) sweat does evaporate so we have to drink a lot of water.

Plants sweat ("transpire") by opening pores in their leaves.

If the tent is hot and dry (which is a high VPD), they need to take up a lot of water and that means that they're taking up a lot of nutrients. If the can't use all the nutrients (chemicals) you can get nutrient imbalances and nutrient burn.

Why is it called vapor pressure deficit? Because it's the difference between the water pressure in the plant (like humans, plants are mostly water) and the amount of water in the air in the tent. That difference is a "deficit".

Some growers pay no attention to VPD. That's fine for them. Their plants have no choice, though.

If VPD is too high, your plants have to transpire a lot and that can cause problems (nutrient imbalances or nutrient burn).

If it's too low, they can't transpire enough so they don't take up enough nutrients (because they're not taking up water) so growth suffers.

That's nice to know but light, a lack of light, is the issue that you're facing. 300µmol is good for the seedling stage. You don't have to increase the light levels (cannabis will survive at >=64±µmol) but, if you don't at least double that light level, you'll have very tall, skinny plants with very few leaves, and, essentially, nothing to harvest.
Yes thank u very much,

My closet is producing way too much heat i woke to 30,5°C and 40% need help ASAP
My closet is producing way too much heat i woke to 30,5°C and 40% need help ASAP

you'll probably need to vent the closet.
Got an exhaust Fan its the lower one one the pic, whats a scrubber?

What Light should i get then? Cause i really dont See a Problem with It on the Technical and Physics side
Wutz happenin Goldjkr, looks like your receiving a bunch of help 👍 you mentioned in an earlier post that you didn't want a panel light due to airflow constriction. But @VIVOSUN has the AeroLight which has a fan in the center of it helping with air flow. Link below.

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