Yet Another New Guy


New Member
Hey everyone,

I'm TheAutonomousGeek, or T.A.G. for short. Note that it's "autonomous", not "anonymous" though I prefer to be that as well. Basically I'm very passionate about being able to do things for myself since having an ability gives you more options. If I can grow my own food I have the option to do that, OR pay for others to do so. Freedom, at its most basic element. You get the idea.

So that, plus my other passion (all things technological) created the concept for my blog which, after several days (weeks) of kicking around ideas I decided to call "The Autonomous Geek" and also to take the name as a moniker for my online presence.

I don't live in a state where it's legal to do so, so I don't grow cannabis at present (LEO's take note, please) and don't plan to unless the laws change. I do, however, strongly believe it shouldn't be illegal to grow any plant, anywhere. What's more, I recognize that if there's any innovation in hydroponics happening, it's happening with you guys here with far more frequency than some lab jockey staring at begonias all day. Things get done where the motivation - the love - is. That's here, so I'm here.

I'm not new to hydroponics by any means, though. The only thing more fun than doing something myself is doing it myself with as much science as possible. Hydroponics is just the obvious combination of building some self-sufficiency skills while getting technology involved as much as possible. I'm still trying to figure out how to incorporate robots. Or lasers. Or robots with lasers.

Anyway, I'm looking forward to exchanging knowledge here :)

:ciao: OTAG, and :welcome: to the great community here at :420: where we are dedicated to spreading Cannabis and Hemp awareness throughout the world.

Great introduction, very informative. I hope that the laws change where you are soon, so you can start to grow this wonderful and beneficial plant!

If you are interested in activism efforts to change the laws we have an area you can read through at your leisure and maybe even find out how to get involved in your state to help change them:


Unfortunately posting links to off site blogs or social media are against the guidelines here. There is an option to create a blog here on :420:, you might be interested in doing that.
Just click on the forums tab on the top left and then scroll down to blogs. You will see how to create one of your own there.

I hope you enjoy your time here and learn great information, and most of all make some great friends!

Hi 0TAG. :welcome: to :420:. I took a look at your blog and did not see any reference to cannabis or what we are doing here. I looked at the hydroponic link and it has a few sentences but nothing really relevant to growing our own as it were. I feel that the link is not appropriate for this forum. But that is just me. Perhaps looking over this site and reading some of the threads would be helpful in understand all of us as a group. I can certainly admire what you are striving to do but this is a bit of a different culture here. Spend some time getting to know us and what we value would be fantastic. We have great people with tons of knowledge that are willing to share with everyone. You know that you can post a lot of good cannabis news and information on your blog. You can post pro-activism things legally as well. The govt. hasn't repealed free speech yet. My wife and I are activists. Do you belong to MPP or one of the many other fine organizations working toward legalization? I would encourage you to make a difference if you are not doing so already. I wish you the best. :peace: :Namaste:
Let me try to answer all the things brought up:

1. I am rather politically active on this and other issues. I keep that tightly compartmentalized, however, and don't want to bring it into my blog. Personally, I don't feel I have anything new to contribute to political blogging so I don't see a strong reason for me to create another political blog with some guy ranting into the Net about how he thinks things should be. My particular focus in politics is less cannabis specific than "the government needs to butt the hell out of what we do", but cannabis definitely is a significant issue for me. It's an obvious overreach of government, in my personal opinion.

2. There isn't a lot on my blog at present, but I believe it will become more relevant in terms of what might interest the users here on two fronts. First, I'm going to be adding a lot of content specifically about hydroponics as I get things moving in my home garden. Second, the underlying theme of my blog is autonomy, self-reliance, and basically building your ability to do things for yourself which is the foundation of increasing the scope of your options - your choices - which is in turn the very thing that freedom actually is. I believe that once someone actually expands their own freedom to choose in any significant way they are most likely going to want to do it more - to become more free. That fundamental concept, once internalized, is something I don't believe anyone can have and simultaneously remain anti-cannabis. (Or anything similar.) So you could say I'm coming at the issue publicly in a stealthy way, in addition to my private political life.

3. I'm mainly at the forums for my own study. If there are people here who'd want to read the blog that's great but I'm mostly interested in being a part of this community (and others like it) to improve my knowledge and the community's knowledge on growing hydroponically.
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