You know your high when

you know your high, when the USGS reports a volcano eruption plume at your resident address!!!
You know you are stoned when you finally get up off the couch just sit right back down because you forgot what you were getting up to do. Then after you sit down you cant figure out why you sat back down lol.
You know your high when you go to work in the morning sober, and thru the day keep getting higher without smoking anything....and then at lunch break find out you stepped on a large piece of hash in the morning and have been getting high all day off it stuck to the bottom of your foot!!! foot hash anyone!!! lol...yes this really happened!!
Icemud said:
You know your high when you go to work in the morning sober, and thru the day keep getting higher without smoking anything....and then at lunch break find out you stepped on a large piece of hash in the morning and have been getting high all day off it stuck to the bottom of your foot!!! foot hash anyone!!! lol...yes this really happened!!

How do you get high off of stepping on hash?
...when the boss spends five minutes telling you exactly what he wants you to do in a step-by-step fashion and the second he finishes you realize that you didn't hear a word of it because you were internally singing a song to yourself, so to CYA you turn around and talk him into taking an extremely early lunch because the alternative is to explain that it's all his fault anyway since he brings the cannabis and you Don't Want to Go There because if he stops bringing it, you'll go find a better job.

...when you're hungry enough to walk to the grocery store because your car is broken down (and while it takes an hour just to walk there and back, it would only take 20 minutes to finish repairing it)... And you don't have a lot of money and really want a frozen pizza but it's 95°F out so instead of buying what you need and skipping the pizza, you buy it and a bunch of other frozen stuff so you can guarantee that the pizza will still be frozen when you get home... And you get home with your pizza and $35 worth of frozen food that you've never bought before, make it to the kitchen, and decide to preheat the oven while you put everything away... And wake up the next morning with it 100°F in your house because the oven ran at 425°F all night and the pizza - and everything else you bought - is ruined because it's all still sitting on top of the oven.

...when you park along a country road, roll one up out of your sack, get home and realize that you can't find it because it fell out the window while you were toking up, get laughed at by your friends for losing the sack, go back the next day to find that it's still there(!!!), decide to celebrate by rolling one... and drop it again (but manage to figure it out within 15 minutes of driving off this time).

...when you and two friends are having a 90-mph 3-way conversation and all of a sudden you say, "Wait... what?" and totally stop it as the words are replaced by dumb looks (mirrored by your own) and none of you can remember a single thing you've said in the last ½-hour.

...when the cop that pulled you over for speeding yanks the joint out from behind your ear and asks why the f*ck you have a joint behind your ear and without thinking(!) you reply, "Because it's so strong I couldn't smoke another one right now to save my life," realize what you just said, and instead of p*ssing yourself, you just crack up.

...when you drive to the store... and walk home.

...when you check the timer three times to make sure you've set it correctly - and then forget to plug the light into it.

...when you take someone on a snipe hunt - for the second time.

...when your girlfriend and her stripper "friend" get into a fight in your living room and manage to totally destroy the only HDTV you've ever owned - and you don't get bent.

...when someone hands you a bowl and you just hand it back (happened to me once).

...when you pick up the cordless phone and try changing the television channel with it - and, when it doesn't work, your "thought" is, "But I just put new batteries in it."

When you try a new strain and then sit there for 20 minutes debating in your mind as to whether you are high or not... Then you end it with a big chuckle realizing you are way High.... :smokin:

Lol. <GRAVELLY VOICE> "They call that creeper, son." Been there. Sitting, trying out something new, gripe about how it wasn't worth smoking, then stand up and fall back down because Mr. Sledgehammer just came knocking.

This seems to happen to me a lot. We'll be watching something funny, or talking about something funny and i'll get up to go to the bathroom, and while doing my thing i'll randomly think about it and bust out laughing to myself while on the toilet lol. My husband comes in and checks on me to make sure i'm okay! :bigblush:

Good thing you're not a guy, you'd be making all kinds of messes.

How do you get high off of stepping on hash?

Uhh... Forget to wrap it in cellophane before sticking it in your shoe, and then accidentally step into a puddle of nitric acid? (DON'T step into puddles of nitric acid, whether or not you've got hash in your shoe.)
How do you get high off of stepping on hash?

I honestly would imagine the same way that you could get high from eating an edible, or using a topical spray... all I could say was I couldn't believe it and I was the one who did it...LOL
you know when your high when you cant finish a conversation without saying 'what were we talking about?' and then you just turn to your smoking buddy and say 'this is some good s**t!!!'
You know your high when you go get food from Taco bell, park and try to figure out where your going next and end up going to Mc Donalds then back home.
* When you suddenly realize, this Onion you're currently eating tastes pretty good, matter of fact it doesn't quite taste like onion from what you seem to remember.

* When the fractal you're currently seeing actually starts to make sense (!!)
- When you answer "What stop sign?" to the police.
- When you ask a question in the philosophy department of a university.
- When you go to the police department for directions.
- When your still talking on the phone long after the person hangs up.
- When you remember where you parked your car you will also know which pizza place you left you pizza at.
@art fog,
Oh sweet.. I'm a little more inland towards prospect pk : ))
Tho I'm gonna move (back) to Qns by xmas.

  • ... when it seems like a no-brainer that everyone you encounter, every conversation you recall, every aspect of modern life, media, politics, music, fashion.. you name it was made by and for people who were/are at least as stoned as you are. Then you smile wisely and knowingly! lol :laughtwo:
I was in Prospect pk alot nice area especially now. I also lived in Corona Queens for a couple years but the last 22 years to 2009 I lived in the West Village in Manhattan - a great life. Still go in an out. later

•When you drink the water and coffee your plants
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