Your stoner quotes

Re: Your stoner quotes.

"Hey man, where are you goin'?"

After doin' a completely random action..
"What did you do that for?"
"I'm not actually sure dude.."
Re: Your stoner quotes.

After watching disney's 1994 animated "B" movie : " A Troll in Central Park", I was left with the following unanswered question: What do Trolls eat!!?!

The following night, as my comrads and I gathered around the vape, we came up with these conclusions regarding trolls:

FACT: ALL trolls eat socks
FACT: ALL trolls LOVE socks
FACT: Trolls ONLY travel via hippitie-hop
Re: Your stoner quotes.

"Let's get High" or "ere" another good one, sorry no story to tell

Let's torch one of these....

Re: Your stoner quotes.

DAAAAAYMN! Nice buds! Also:

Dan: "It's acceptable as FUCK!"
Re: Your stoner quotes.

so these are just are just a few random quotes from friends.. Yep lazy and don't want to type out each story with them.. I suffer couchlock often, and it's funny cuz marijuana cures that problem and hurts it at the same time... I'm just shooting random shit.

"What are talking about? Lesbians don't have families."

"I'm crazy? You're the one who felt her up."

"Let's smoke til we sleep, then wake up to smoke more. You better wake me up bro. I'm not missing this sesh."
Re: Your stoner quotes.

Me: "Did I just say something?"
Re: Your stoner quotes.

The most used term said by potsmokers "'Ear!"
Re: Your stoner quotes.

when me and my friends are high we said "real talk" after we say something serious lol idk how it started i cant really remember becuz we were really high when it started lol
Re: Your stoner quotes.

You may want to light up a bowl or something this may take a while ,Back in the early 70s I lived in a basement aprtment with a "group" of crazy stoners. Up in the ceiling area were a bunch oh heating pipes where a friend of ours used to like to sleep. (he'd just curl up and fall asleep where it was warm. One day me and Dennis were sitting around smoking a little hash and Dennis started glueing things to the ceiling ( I told you they were strange friends) An ashtray a pack of cigs a lighter etc. The next day we picked up a couple of young hippy chicks who wanted to get high, and brought them down to our little haven. Well after getting totaly wasted this girl leans back and sees this stuff stuck to the ceiling and says "Whats all that shit on the ceiling " and Dennis just casually tells her" it's his shit" and points to our friend who is now fast asleep up in the pipes, well these two broads just freak out and the last we see of them their running up the steps completly freaked out !! Part two "Harpo" comming soon...
Re: Your stoner quotes.

Me, "It tastes berry berry good.. This Fast Actin Tenactin.. Berry.. How odd.. Like Fruity Pebbles.."

Friend, "Stoner"

I dubbed the weed we've been smoking Fast Actin Tenactin..
Re: Your stoner quotes.

one time me and my friends just roasted a bowl before school and we rolled into the parking lot and we were fuckin FUBAR dude lol

anyway we all got out of the car and were kinda standing around it and i paused for a second and was like "dude..." they all looked at me and i was like "i bet this is what vampires feel like ALL THE TIME"..... noone laughed i was like uhhh ok

then we were walking up towards the building and i was like "dude.... i bet this is what vampires feel like all the time!!!!" and EVERYONE CRACKED THE FUCK UP and then my friend mike was like "..... didnt u just say that like 2 minutes ago?" lol
Re: Your stoner quotes.

TV: "You're starting to feel it aren't you?"
Me, surprised as shit: "YES!! Dude, did you hear that!!!"
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