420 Featured Articles

Growing Hope: The Fight For Medical Marijuana For Epileptic Kids

January 22nd 2015 was a brisk, cold day. All the trees in Richmond, Virginia were bare from a harsh winter. As the chill blew...

Oregon: Legal Marijuana Set To Hit Store Shelves In July, But...

Oregon is gearing up for its grand opening into the retail marijuana business, but when exactly the first recreational pot transactions will be made...

As New Jersey Family Fights For Edible Marijuana In School, Colorado...

As a New Jersey family wages a court battle to get permission for their daughter to consume edible medical marijuana in school, Colorado this...

Federal Lawmakers Give Medical Marijuana A Shot

A bipartisan group of federal lawmakers Wednesday unveiled legislation that would offer access to certain medical marijuana products. The coalition includes Colorado Sens. Michael Bennet,...

One Marijuana Regulation To Rule Them All? Washington State Consolidates Marijuana

Ever since the passage of the Washington state recreational marijuana initiative I-502, activists, those with marijuana business interests and the state have been in...

Marijuana Is Not, Repeat Not, A Gateway Drug

With states legalizing marijuana by popular vote, some politicians, including Boston mayor Marty Walsh and New Jersey governor Chris Christie, are still calling marijuana...

California: Drawing A Road Map To Legalization

Thursday, California took a Key step toward legalizing the Recreational use of Marijuana when experts led by Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom showed a policy...

Senators Introduce Bill To Legalize MMJ

Bipartisan legislation was introduced yesterday in the U.S. Senate proposing to change federal law such that states could regulate the medical use of marijuana...

Alaska Becomes 3rd Legal Marijuana State

Smoking, growing and possessing marijuana *is now legal in America's wildest state*, thanks to a voter initiative aimed at clearing away 40 years of conflicting...

Tommy Chong: ‘We Won, We Totally Won’

Tommy Chong remembers the day federal agents raided his glass pipe business, making arrests and smashing bongs along the way. The 2003 raids, infamously known...

Doctors’ Group Supports Decriminalization

The U.S. government should reclassify marijuana as a less dangerous drug so that scientists can conduct more research into its potential health effects, the...

California 2016: Next Big Goal For Marijuana Legalization Activists

Marijuana activists who have longed for decades to end America’s drug war pocketed more major victories Tuesday, with Oregon and the nation’s capital approving...

Oregon, Alaska And Washington, D.C. Legalize Marijuana

Voters in Oregon, Alaska and Washington, D.C. have voted to approve sweeping pro-marijuana legalization, according to a CNN projections. The three wins have pro-legalization...

Voters Lit Up For Marijuana In The Midterms

“You did it! Isn’t this amazing?” Oregon Rep. Earl Blumenauer said to a room full of supporters in Portland on Tuesday night after being...

Why Oregon Is About To Be The Poster Child For How...

At the International Cannabis Business Conference (ICBC) in Portland last month, the atmosphere was that of a winning NASCAR pit crew during the victory...

Marijuana Industry Could Be Worth $35 Billion In 2020, If All...

If all 50 states legalized marijuana and the federal government ended prohibition of the plant, the marijuana industry in the United States would be...

420 Magazine’s Plant of the Month May 2024

Major Props to our member @beez0404 and his amazing Cap Junky plant, earning the distinguished “Plant Of The Month” Title and Badge and...

420 Magazine’s Photo of the Month May 2024

edited May 2024 Photo Of The Month Winner
Congratulations are in order for our member @InTheShed and his amazing photo of the month titled "Cap Junky Post-Transplant Tears", earning the...

420 Magazine’s Nug of the Month May 2024

Props to our member @HappyHazmat88 and his beautiful frosty Mystery Nug​, earning the honorable “Nug of the Month” badge and the...

420 Magazine’s Grow Journal of the Month May 2024

May 2024 Grow Journal Of The Month Winner @StoneOtter
Congratulations to our member @StoneOtter and his winning Grow Journal of the Month, earning the distinguished “Grow Journal of the Month”...

420 Magazine’s Member of the Month May 2024

May 2024 Member Of The Month Winner @Tokin Roll
Congratulations are in order for @Tokin Roll, our 420 Magazine Member of the Month, earning the distinguished “Member of the...