
  1. Ron Strider

    Industrial Hemp New Star Crop In Montana Agriculture

    "It has taken 17 years to finally get our first crop in the ground." In 2001, industrial hemp became legal to grow in Montana. And considering it's one of the fastest growing crops around, it's amazing how long it took to actually be planted in Montana soil. "We have about six hundred...
  2. N

    Trichomes: clear to cloudy time-frame?

    Stupid question time (the only type I ask, it seems) Can anyone tell me, roughly, how long it takes for trichomes to go from clear to cloudy, and then from cloudy to amber? (On White Widows / Dark Angels from CKS, under a 1000w HPS) I know this is VERY plant specific, but all I want is a sort...
  3. Ron Strider

    MI: Holly Considers Medical Marijuana Facilities

    On Tuesday, July 11, the Holly Village Council held its second study session on the matter of whether to allow medical marijuana facilities in its community. The first study session was held on June 13. A public hearing will take place at the Aug. 22 Village Council meeting. "I don't...
  4. Mars Hydro

    Mars-Hydro Summer Sale - Discount For July

    :circle-of-love:Anyone place order on our official webstie for any products can use the coupon code:sara(this coupon code will be long term effective),will get 3% off discount. And after use the coupon code,anyone's order totoal amount: over $500USD,will get anohter $10USD off over $1000USD,will...
  5. D

    Changing notifications.

    I cannot seem to stop the email notifications. I tried the setting under General Settings: Default Thread Subscription Mode: But I still get lotsa emails of postings to the threads I've subscribed. Help???
  6. Ron Strider

    MI: Township Talks Medical Marijuana, But Doesn't Get Far

    Kalamazoo Township trustees held a preliminary discussion Monday on how they plan to handle the medical marijuana issue, but made no decisions. Like most communities, Township Manager Dexter Mitchell said, until the state gets organized, they will just have to wait before setting their own...
  7. G

    New learner - First Grow Attempt

    Hello all. This is my first attempt at growing. So far, all I have done is give water. She, hopefully a she, is a day over 3 weeks since Sandee (her name) has sprouted through the soil. I plan on doing an indoor for her. I have been looking at different options as I am on a tight budget. I...
  8. Lilface2016

    This is me!

    Hi everyone. I'm G, from, Portland Oregon. I have had an indoor grow that is just finishing. I was trying to get in here to get feedback earlier. I couldn't navigate this site very easily. I think I've got it now! My first is an indoor grow with medicine woman, the second is bag-seed...
  9. K

    Can't get it right!

    Ive sprouted 4 seeds in an inhert medium (peat moss, sand and perelite) as everything I have read indicates that seedlings dont need any nutrients for the first two weeks at least. The first set of spiked leaves on my seedlings are turning yellowish white. They are under 200 watts of cfl all up...
  10. N

    G's First & Accidental Grow - May Have Gone Overboard On Equipment

    What strain is it? No idea Is it in Veg or Flower stage? Flowering 4weeks Indoor or outdoor? Indoor Soil or Hydro? Soil If soil... what is in your mix? Larger mother plant in random soil where it self sowed pot must be about 30L. Clone in CocoCoir70/30 15L pot. Size of light? 1 2x200w LED...
  11. D

    Well hi there!

    Hey all, I'm Omen, been a lurker for a while figured I'd register and join in on the fun! Working on my first indoor grow now that NV has legalized. I managed to get two clones of Skywalker OG in January, and boy did I not realize just how unprepared I was. After a month or two of using some...
  12. Ron Strider

    NV: Clark County Commission Approves All 25 Applications For Retail Marijuana

    Clark County commissioners approved 25 existing medical marijuana dispensaries to sell recreationally — but the big question remains: can alcohol distributors get the pot to those stores in time for a July 1 start? One by one, Clark County gave the green light to companies, including Essence...
  13. Why Doe

    Help me buy nutes

    With the million different brands and all the different kinds the more I learn the more lost I get lol. I bought the fox farm trio, grow big, big bloom and tiger bloom, off amazon before doing a bunch of research and learning there are better things you can use. I'd like to just use them since I...
  14. T

    Growing on the equator

    growing in Bogota Colombia, high altitude, temps 46 night 70 day. to cold at night? heat blanket maybe for the night? Outdoor patio grow in big pots. I'm very new to the forum thing so sorry in advance if I did this wrong. I have grown in the past several times, living in PA it was always...
  15. Ron Strider

    IA: Medical Marijuana Applications Available Today

    Medical marijuana for thousands of Iowans in need - is one step closer to becoming reality. Registration cards are required before you can get the medicinal oil. Applications for the cards go live on Monday, but there are some conditions that need to be met. For the first time, Iowans who...
  16. B

    Just need a little advice

    Tent help Is that to big for a 400 Watt set up or should I get another one to go with it
  17. GrowGrowGrow

    GGGs Outdoor Girl Scout Cookies 2017

    Hello! Never thought I would do another grow journal but here I am so let me give you the rundown Strain: Girl Scout Cookies (clone) Medium: Soil (Ocean forest) Nutes: Elite 2 part for now Container: 25 gal plastic I received the clone in early May and put her outside. This...
  18. G

    Wind break advice needed

    I'm growing outdoor in 4' square boxes with horizontal trellising and 20% shade cloth around each box. The shade cloth is there to really protect from the strong winds, and also keeps the bugs from them. First time I've tried this approach. We get long direct sun (10+ hot each day) so the...
  19. beachbumcindy

    Cannabis Oil For Elderly Parents With Pain Mgt Contracts & Drug Testing

    I use cannabis for chronic pain and have seen such great results that I wanted something for my 82 year old parents. But my father is under a pain management contract to get his pain pills. Part of the contract is that he will be drug tested on a regular basis. If anything shows up hinky then...
  20. F

    Can cannabis get too much sun light?

    In the past when I grew up on the roof (Spain, crazy sun basically all day long) I used a sun-shade. (I can't use the sunshade any more since my cats climb on it, then fall down onto the plants and smash them..or try to climb up and into the chimney via the sun shade thing. Yeah no kidding...)...
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