
  1. P

    Yellow leaves

    Please help grower ..outdoor ..probably about 13 weeks or so in plant just starting to flower ..kinda lol ..but seems new growth comes out yellow ...I just flushed and re-nuted and seems to have greend up some what ...but what the problem?...I'm in mid-northern canada and Temps have...
  2. C

    Shade leaves hanging - Flimsy branches - Please help!

    Has anyone had this problem? I recently upgraded my lights from 125w to 400w. Now my shade leaves are hanging low and the branches are flimsy, only on the shade leaves. All other branches are strong! The leaves are healthy, not curled or burnt. I am adding nutes every other watering cycle. I...
  3. L

    Mitey Wax

    Has any one tried Mitey Wax on their plants? I was thinking of trying it. Any help would be great. I can't stand bugs on my plats. I found this sight wail I was on the net. Please let me know what you think. Cheers! Linengirl
  4. K

    Aphids are destroying my plant

    Please help
  5. FriarTuck

    Sour Grape Kush feminized monster clone

    i'm following this guy's youtube grow using only Foxfarm FX14000 Ocean Forest Soil. so my lady started to bud and and i am now on 4th week in bud. help me please!!!
  6. C

    Winnipeg Manitoba Canada

    Desperately need doctor in winnipeg to prescribe medical weed. I suffer with multiple sclerosis and the pain gets so bad! Please help if you can! Thanks!
  7. J


    Just want to say hello to every one. Am new so please bear with me:welcome:
  8. M

    Diagnose this plant please?

    Strain - Green Love Potion # of Plants - 1 Grow Type - Soil Grow Stage - Day 33 from flip Bucket Size - 2.5 gallon Lights - 600 Watt HPS Nutrients - 3-1-2 veg, 2-4 week of flowering 1-5-2, 4-7 week of flowering 1-1-3 Medium - Perlite 25%, soil 73%, dolomite lime 2% PPM - 1300 @ 4 week of flower...
  9. R

    Please help - My baby is growing holes and I find these pest crawling around it

    Help I keep finding these little fuckers hiding in the grooves on the top side of my leafs they appear to look yellow and black to the naked eye and this is thru my jewlers lope and it has been squished lol if you need pictures of plants holes please just ask
  10. E

    Newbie help - Multiple issues - A mi-nute of your time please

    Hi! I am a complete newbie to growing, first time. I made a box that is reflective from the inside, intake fans, output fans, led and cfl lights "picture posted below" I have 3 photo period plants, one KO in soil 3 gallon, a double berry and white widow in coco 3 gallon, all 3 weeks, plus I...
  11. S

    Texas magnum synthetic urine?

    First time post sorry if this is in the wrong spot. Please point me in the right direction if so please! I have a basic pre employment drug test for delta airlines at a concentra facility. I happen to have a bottle of the magnum synthetic urine. One of my friends has recently used this same...
  12. S

    First time grower seeking help please

    Basically i have 2 strawberry ammos that i planted into small pots 10 days ago i noticed that they were growing well and then stopped so i moved them into bigger pots two days ago. The leaves were pointing up towards the light almost so the leaves were closed. I am still having the same problem...
  13. I

    Cannabis oil recipe needed?

    can you please give me a recipie for making cannabis oil please
  14. Bodhisattva

    Please help diagnose mystery yellow dots on leaves - Thank you

    Thanks in advance for your help I suspect ph fluctuation but I am not sure. What are these little yellow dots? Background info 1) About 2 weeks ago i had a tiny bit of nutrient burn but seems resolved. 2) EC is at 1.4 (almost constant day by day) for the larger auto and 1.05 for the small...
  15. A

    Do my autoflower buds look ok?

    Hi, this is my first grow, i have been looking at pictures of male plants and pollen sacks and got myself all worked up about my lady's buds possibly having sacks in them! I think im just worrying but can u experienced folk please cast ur eyes over these pics and let me know what u think please...
  16. 4

    Should I harvest soon?

    I think this is the most frequently asked question I've seen, which doesn't stop me from asking it as well. :) I'm 65 days into flower, and I can't get good pictures to post, but please see what you can see and give me your opinions. This is holding my iPhone up to the eyepiece of a...
  17. S

    Please help me asap!

    So this is baby plant I'm just curious what's wrong with her? I'm thinking over watered or underwatered but I can't tell honestly. She's in fox farms soil under enough light and everything! Please help!
  18. W

    Fox Farm pH - Please help - Driving me crazy

    Ok this is my first grow im using fox farm ocean forrest and im growing autos.. Ok the first weeks went great as it should if ffof then i started to get efficiencies so i was told to start feeding them after about 23 days.. And when i fed them i it got worste so i been tryna everything using...
  19. J

    Problems finding the right pH of soil

    My plants keep dying please help. I'm looking for a basic potting soil with a good ph for cannabis that you can buy at Walmart, home hardware stores like that. I've only had success with pro mix veg and herb and miracle gro. Veg and herb is never here anymore, and miracle gro is Monsanto so...
  20. Teddy Edwards

    Support For 420 Magazine App For Android

    This is the support thread for the free 420 Magazine App For Android Please post any problems here. Before doing so, please try the fixes below and supply the following information. :thanks:
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