1 of my WR has deformed leaves only 1week in soil


Well-Known Member
Hi got some problems with one of my rhinos.

Its been slow from the start and now the leaves arent looking right. Twisting and deformed. Had this problem before and i just tossed it away, but is there anything i can do? The other 2 looks fine, and they all have the same soil and so on. Vegging under 250MH and its been 5days since it came up from the dirt.

Heres some pictures, pls help. one of the ones that look good, and the bad one.
Re: 1 of my WR has deformed leaves only 1week in soil.

I don't see anything to worry about. It will probably straighten out as it grows.
Re: 1 of my WR has deformed leaves only 1week in soil.

I don't see anything to worry about. It will probably straighten out as it grows.

Yeah lets hope so =) Looks a little bit better today but not as good as the others.

Re: 1 of my WR has deformed leaves only 1week in soil.

Maybe i should start a grow journal cause more problems are coming.. The deformed leaves is looking a bit better but not as bushy as the other 2, gonna give it som extra Magnesium today. However one of my other plant started to get real crispy hand hard leaves and now they have brown spots and dying :/

Repotted them yesterday but still bad :( Pls help.

Strain - White Rhino GreenHouse Seeds
Light - 250W MH 40cm over the plant
Soil - PH 6.0
Age - 13 days into veg
Nutrition - Bio Grow and root juice.

I agree with the above stated. I wouldn't worry about it yet. Let your plants hit their stride and then make a decision on if there is a problem or not. Don't make the mistake of doing too much! I did and lost plants because of it.

I saw very similar early growth on one of my now strongest plants. Looking at your soil though I would say you are in need of some Vermiculite and/or Perlite for aeration. What is your current soil mix? Feed your soil and you feed your plants. Let us know how they progress and good luck!
I have a white rhino in my grow it Cracked the seed in 3 days and was in soil in 5 days. first mistake I made was watering without checking PH and had the same results as yours, my seedling started very week caught a nute burn on the edges due to me overreacting and misdiagnosing a ph problem as a nute problem. The leaves started out curling in wierd shapes and directions almost never standing up and reaching like you want em too. After going over some old outdoor notes I had from my past grows I flushed with neutral water then fed lightly with General organics Bio grow ph 6.5 solution for 2 weeks the plant came back to life and started growing . Never caught up with the rest of the ladies in my harem and now after 2.5 weeks in flower it still has yet to show but a few pistils and all my others are budding nicely. Hine sight is 20/20 It is basically just taking up valuable lighting for no forseeable yield I should just rip it out but its still one of my girls and Ive payed so much attention to it I dont want to quit. next time first things first PH is Key to plant health and is often overlooked. Just my opinion if it doesnt work it self out in a week or so id scrap it use the light for a producer again just my opinion
whats up guys! A little update :)

Its still some behind but its coming, the other 2 hade som bad leaves to, but new ones looking good green and healthy so guess i dont have to give it any nutes at all for now. Gonna veg 1 or 2 weeks more :)
Sorry for the bad pic.. my phone :)
21 days old since it came up from the soil.
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