12' sq Closet Scrog


New Member
So this is my first post in these forums. Just wanted to post my setup and get whatever helpful input i could from the wealth of growers on these boards. I've been doing a lot of research for the past month or so on the different methods of growing with some basic botany and finally decided to go with a ScrOG setup.

I feel it is perfect for my 4' x 3' working space within my 4.5' x 4.5' small walk in closet.

On the sides of the wall i was thinking of putting up 6 pieces of 1 inch flat wood to hold the hooks that keep the chicken wire in place. Easy way to add a little tension. The screen is not up yet as i'm not sure how much extra space i will need since this was started with seeds.

The lighting is supplied by a 400w HPS using a phillips son agro 430 bulb 24 hours a day for now. The distance between the actual bulb and the seedlings at the moment is a gap from 20"-24" with no signs of burn...yet. I have no light meter so i cant tell what intensity they are recieving. I would really appreciate input on that.

Temperatures can hit a bit over 90F if i close the door for the night, not easy to sleep with the sun shining in your face. When the door is open it stays around 80F but never under that. I have a fan blowing in constantly and i can only imagine what would happen if i didnt. I removed the ballast kit from the grow room to help with the heat situation and knocked a few degrees off with the door open. Same situation closed unfortunately (still goes over 90). Humidity is another issue. I cant get it over 30% naturally unless it rains outdoors which goes up to about 55%. I suppose i will need to buy a humidifier.

Even besides all these issues, my babies have been growing well. They seem to be at least. This is day 12 (today) fresh after watering:

Seem pretty healthy so far. I planted some of them as seed in jiffy cups under a 45w CFL for the first 4-5 days. Another 4 i added direcly under the HPS and they came out in 3 days nearly catching up with the first batch in the center. The second set of real leaves are starting to push upwards so things will start to move along very soon. Most of the growth seen is from the HPS which really made a difference compared to the CFL. Next grow i will be using clones so none of this risky sexing business will come into play.

I have also begun, as of yesterday, to fertilize the lot of them with an 8-6-7 miracle gro solution every single time i water them. I really have no idea what i'm doing when it comes to feeding them. A lot of the forum threads are confusing and everyone has their own method, many conflicting with eachother by miles. So i REALLY could use input on this. I plan to buy a digital PH meter within the week. I had a few strips of PH tester from a pool testing kit, tested the water falling into the pan after watering but it was a no go. Cant get a reading since it doesnt read under 7PH.

I have a few more pics in the file if anyone wants to take a look. I could also use some suggestions for possibly upgrading the closet. Maybe more chambers or a different method suggestion? Im open to ideas.

Total cost of all seen in the picture is $478 and some change. The lighting was a good 50% of the cost and eight 15L bags of premium potting soil coming in at second 7$ each tax in.

looks great! good luck!
well hello i am a grower also. Because i like to grow! so i smoke off of what i grow. I also watter my plants because they need water!
they also need light!
aniways u have it started pretty good if u ever need advice from me man just hit me back!
p.s we can maybe get together some time and smoke somethin :yummy::Rasta:
The lil ones look healthy but i wouldn't feed them nutes every watering. Ide give them some inbetween time to soak up the remaining nutes or just drink. Its very easy to get nute burn on the little plants that dont have extensive root systems yet.
I would nute them every other watering with quarter strength nutes. Just dilute it to 1/4 strenght with more water. As they get bigger in Veg stage slowly inceease the nute ratio. 1/2. 3/4. then full strngth when they look healthy enough, big fan leafs, thick stems, the works.
Hope this helps and keep us posted, hell start a journal :smokin: ppl will watch it and give support.
If you foliar feed with a mixture thats too strong cant you burn the plants?

Or could you feed them by wattering and then go to foliar and water feed? So that the plants get strong nute systems and then foliar feed with diluted nutes in the waterings. Ya know, more leafs, more surface area, more nutes absorbed.... in theory.
.... I was wondering that too but maby he is waiting to put the screen down right as he flowers. Allowing to trim before he sets it down on the girls. Knowing the hight of teh screen should be enough to gestimate where to cut and what will stretc enough. But maintaining teh ladies will be tricky...
It's been a long time since an update but lots has changed. I removed the huge bed mat and went with individual pots to control heat. Also made a huge mistake by throwing all the babies out in anticipation of the clones. Clones came late and i changed my mind because i got impatient so i took the plants out of the garbage (ripped leaves/roots and all) and planted them again. They are recovering.

IT is now day 18 and I started giving them nutes at day 15. Slight yellowing of the leaves but i'm thinking it's related to the Ph of the water. My tap water is at 8.0 so definitely needs adjusting.

Here is some pics to chew on. Will post new updates as i get close to 12-12.

The square pots are new clones that were already at 7 days of rooting.

My favorite and fastest growing plant nicknamed gargantua (probably a guy)

The yellowing issue. Hoping to resolve it.

I'm one step closer to not paying ridiculous prices.
Forgot to mention Fert. I picked up some Botanicare Pure Blend Pro vegetative. It's as close as possible organic mix and gives me less of a chance to burn the plants.
wow i like the big plant. looks a indica domimant. Do you know the strains of the clones?
The clones are nothing special, some street strain I picked up most likely m39. The good thing about it is that they were already rooting before i picked them up which saves me quite a bit of time. Gargantua and friends in the beer cups are northern lights + bubble gum. I regret what i did to them but i'm sure they will recover before the 12/12. I'm going to keep only the strongest to use the 400w efficiently. This might end up a SOG for the first run since it wouldnt take very long to fill the screen with so many plants, i think it would be a waste.

Next time i'm going to have only 4 plants and train them under the screen. Less plants to manage and i could fill the screen as efficiently as what this SOG will provide, and with much less maintenance.

Only thing i have to worry about this week is building a dark room as cheap as possible. I'm thinking dollar store black shower curtains and a cheap frame of wood or PVC.
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