13 days old: are these seedling about right?


Well-Known Member
Ok , so my seedlings are 13 days old from popping thier heads out and having first leaves, thats what i called day 1. They dont seem to have moved in size or leave growth - this may be normal as i know ( hope ) all the action is going on underneath, but in comparison to pictures of 2 week old seedlings, these seem pretty small and stunted.


What Strain is it? Auto Flower , Blue Mystic
How Many Plants? 3
Is it in Vegetative or Flowering Stage? Seedling
If in Vegetative Stage... How Long? Day 13
Indoor or Outdoor? Indoor
Soil or Hydro? Soil
If Soil... What is in your Mix? 75 generic organic soil 25 perlite
If Soil... What Size Pot? 11 gallon ( 42 litre )
Size (Wattage) of Light? How Many? Mars pro 300W LED
Is it Air Cooled? no need
Temperature of Room/Cabinet? 27 - 29 day , 22 - 25 night
RH of Room/Cabinet? average 50 to 60
PH of Medium or Reservoir? 7
Any Pests? no
How Often are you Watering? as when required , no more than 500ml every 3 or 4 days, plus 1ml voodo juice
Type and Strength of Fertilizers used? none yet
Size or Square Footage of Room? Mylar Tent 100x100x200cm


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Cant really tell with the far away photo with purple lights on. The way I judge my autos is by the nodes they have at 14 days. At 14 days I should have the 4th node at least. If not, I consider them a bit slow.
Hard to stay what is holding them back, the leaves look to be drooping ,they don't seem to be stretching tho so I would think your led light is close enough, is it too close ,any nutrients in the soil, I'm on day 14 ,I tried to start my seedlings off with a Honeywell 2' 30 watt led,,what a wast of time they couldn't get enough light returned it now there under my T5 HO fluorescent and doing much better..
Also... I am not familiar with LED lights... but I know from experience, seedlings don't want an HID yet, that's for sure! They are fragile, and need to be treated like babies. A tiny CFL light will help your seedling grow better :)

I had mine under 150w HID and it hurt them.. Switched to CFL and they love it. Also, put clear plastic cups over them as seedlings, and spray cup with mist couple times a day. Seedlings love really high humidity, which most ppl accomplish this way.
Dont baby autoflowers with a nice easy soft light. Push them from day 1. Unless you dont care about yields. They only veg for 3-4 weeks tops so give them all the light they can handle. I'm one of those who push em hard, even top them. But I always aim for 4oz minimum autos with many auto strains getting even more.
Ok yes sorry.. I don't do auto flowers myself, so all about babying the seedlings.

Sorry mate, if the solo cup idea is mostly for photo type, my bad. Maybe listen to others here :)
Yeah, autos are nice for some reasons and bad for others. Start em in the final pot from day 1 so they dont stunt for a few days if transplanted. Makes watering them correctly hard until they get bigger. Gotta be done because some automatically start flowering as soon as 3 weeks old. Heres a few of my autos at day 14.
Looking good! Yes, I imagine it would make watering difficult to start. Would be tough to get a good wet/dry cycle. Well, I'm going to stay out of this one then. Funny how many things can change because of auto vs photo.. I assumed the start would be almost identical, but I see why it isn't!
Fanleaf..I'm going to try auto's in a couple weeks,was thinking of using my Mars SP-250 when it arrives at about 36" your thoughts
Been doing autos a long time. Regardless of what light manufacturers and half the people I would go closer straight from day one with that light. 22-24" is where I would be. My seedling get lights adjusted so they see 900-1000umol/s of light at 1 day old. Just keep canopy temps between 77-80 degrees Fahrenheit with a very mild air movement. Dont want too much air movement because that will not let the plants use the humidity coming upwards from the container.
Good luck!
Guys thanks for your feedback. Will
Persevere with them and can’t see why they not growing but in comparison to some of your guys it’s definitly smaller. Hopefully it will wake up and go mental soon. I have light at 36” so will move to 24 now for a bit.

As for should have fourth node by week 2. I hardly have four leaves lol.
Put a humidity dome around them. Even a clear solo cup will work. They need more humidity. 70-80%. The light doesn’t matter much. I got my seedlings under a 1000w mh 31” away from tops and they all growing like wild fire. Humidity and less water is key. Also 7ph is slightly High. Try keeping it closer to the 6-6.5. That way all essential nutrients are available
Put a humidity done on and left light on for 24 hours. One seedling looking very sad.
Starting too look like a nutrient lockout. the yellow crinkling of the leaves usually means the plant is taking the nuts from the leaves in order to keep living. So Esther too much nutrient or too little. This could all be because the water ph your using is too high and locks out certain nutrients. Make sure you ph the water too 6-6.5. That way you know nutrients are available when you water. The runoff ph doesn’t matter as much as what you put in.
Another possibility is the light. I use a 30w led from Home Depot to get my clones to root. They root amazingly under those lights but after a little while the leaves will yellow and die. ALL the leaves except the newest growth. I’m still trying to figure out why but is deffinetly has too do with the light cause when they root I put them into the veg room with the 1000w MH and they do just fine. All the yellowed leaves usually start to turn green again.. I’d solve the light problem by raising it up to get them to stretch a bit and not 24/7. Stick with 18-6. All autos respond best too 18-6.
As for the possible nutrient lockout, keep the waterings at a ph 6-6.5 and water less often but more water during. Smart pots are the best for this they hold a lot of water but dry out really fast allowing you too water more often which gives the plant fresh food/water.
Thank you very much for your advice. And after doing a bit fault finding I have found out that the crappy ph meter I had I broke. It was showing everything at 7. When I bought new ph meter and shows the water I been using is 8.5.
I have now adjusted the water to 6 and flushed them through to the point of run off. So as long as I have not drowned the poor wee fellas hopefully they will perk up soon
Have also removed the humidity dome and raised the light back up to 36” and put back on a 18/6 light schedule.
Don’t think they will need watering for a while but will definitely be monitoring the ph from now.
Thanks again sask420grow
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