2' X 2' grow chamber....how many watts?


New Member
I have a 2X2X6 foot tall chamber with a vent at top. I was thinking of starting my seedlings under a 175 watt mercury vapor light, with fans and ventilation I can keep them close to the light. I am then considering using a 400 watt HPS exclusively throughout vegetative & flowering stages. would this be enough light in both instances or too much with the 400w? Oh and of course seed stock would be what I think was a 100% Indica. Thanks, this would be my 1st ever attempt, any simple advice would help.:bong:
Re: 2' X 2' grow chamber....how many watts ?

ok for the lighting what kinda light is that 175 watt ... is it a floural.... and then second Flourals and Metal Holid,or MH is the only light that is acutally good for the veg state . The hps is only good for the flowerin state.. So now i would just go wiht that 175 watt for veg.. and then once ready throw the hps into flower. All the hps is going to do in veg is make them strecth and cause excess heat.. hope that helps
Re: 2' X 2' grow chamber....how many watts ?

Mercury Vapor is no good for growing. Lots of heat and poor spectrum for growing. Go with a metal halide or flouro like b said. With a 400w HPS in that small of an area you are going to need some serious ventilation, but it would be great if you could use it. Just becareful about your plants getting too close, any closer than 18" and they will wilt and burn.
Re: 2' X 2' grow chamber....how many watts ?

With a 400watt? I wouldn't want to go any closer with my 400watt. I got mine about 12" away once and the thing burnt to shit. Those things put out some serious heat. I know with your 150watt you have your plants closer and their cool but 400watts? that's alot of heat.
Re: 2' X 2' grow chamber....how many watts ?

o I know Ndw4m I completly agree with u but basically what i was sayin doesnt have to be strictly 18inches away.I would say what ever ur plant if comfortlable with
Re: 2' X 2' grow chamber....how many watts ?

with a cool tube and extractor fan you will be close with the temp build up, if you use the tube and fan to pull fresh air into the cabnet as a whole then it will probably be ok, but if you close the room off so you can control humidity it will need some aditional ventalation.
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