7 weeks into flower, all hairs are red: But trichomes?


Well-Known Member
My outdoor plants always turn all of their hair red super early, like 5-6 weeks into flower, im 7 weeks in and there isnt a single white hair. Trichomes are still mostly clear, few cloudy ones and few amber....

Aren't hair supposed to change color along trichomes?? Thats what everyone says but its never been my experience.





Hiya - you should be checking the trichs at the top
It looks like it hasn't flowered properly? Have you applied PK 13/14 or other bloom stimulator?
Might still be worth a shot even at 7 weeks
My outdoor plants always turn all of their hair red super early, like 5-6 weeks into flower, im 7 weeks in and there isnt a single white hair. Trichomes are still mostly clear, few cloudy ones and few amber....

Aren't hair supposed to change color along trichomes?? Thats what everyone says but its never been my experience.





Beautiful ladies my friend.
I see a couple white hairs still.
I check trics all over my girls.
How have they been fed?
Stay safe.
Hiya - you should be checking the trichs at the top
It looks like it hasn't flowered properly? Have you applied PK 13/14 or other bloom stimulator?
Might still be worth a shot even at 7 weeks
No def not a floweing issue all my plants have always done and produced great smoke, this year i wanna try to get cloudy and amber trichomes (last year i harvested a bit early due to harsh weather)
I only use Mega crop and silica
Beautiful ladies my friend.
I see a couple white hairs still.
I check trics all over my girls.
How have they been fed?
Stay safe.
Currently running mc and silica only, mc I'm feeding everywatering using the MC calculator

Is it possible to have both clear and amber tricomes without or with few cloudy ones?

I checked and there is a few amber ones here and there, maybe they're amber and I'm not able to tell probably, i only have a rly powerful x60 microscope and its really hard to focus properly, and then i have a jewelers loupe and it's not rly powerful, just powerful enough to tell if amber apart from others
Currently running mc and silica only, mc I'm feeding everywatering using the MC calculator

Is it possible to have both clear and amber tricomes without or with few cloudy ones?

I checked and there is a few amber ones here and there, maybe they're amber and I'm not able to tell probably, i only have a rly powerful x60 microscope and its really hard to focus properly, and then i have a jewelers loupe and it's not rly powerful, just powerful enough to tell if amber apart from others
Combinations of clear cloudy and amber are possible.
Once there are no white hairs left she will be mature.
If you have the weather I like to give an extra week.
But we generally don't have the weather here to go any extra time.
Stay safe.
Combinations of clear cloudy and amber are possible.
Once there are no white hairs left she will be mature.
If you have the weather I like to give an extra week.
But we generally don't have the weather here to go any extra time.
Stay safe.
Is it possible to never get cloudy trichomes?,idk maybe i just have a bad eye, i don't think I've ever had cloudy trichomes but i love my weed over any weed i ever tried here in South europe.

I have pretty high tolerance and my friends weed or hash never gets me as high as the high thc strains i grow.... Maybe weather?? We have a rly rly long summer but they only get 8-10 weeks of flower max as they switched at the beginning of September
And by November it gets very cold (beautiful purple weed tho! Love the cold)
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