911 need help....

You will want to hang them until a stem snaps when bent. Then moved to jars and open at least an hour a day to release any moisture. I usually do this a week. After that, the longer they are jarred, the taster they get.
You dry in the dark for as long as it takes to do the snapping thing. It will of course vary due to humidity differences. It is helpful to keep a fan on (NOT pointed directly at the harvest!) in the same area to keep the air moving. You don't want your harvest to mold.

After that you keep them in the jars forever (until you consume them). You "burp" the jars at least once a day for a week. Often more than once a day.

When they are dry enough that you can snap the stems (and the outside of the buds seems dry) and you put them in jars, the moisture inside the buds will continue wicking out. Soon it will have equalized and the outside of the buds will feel - and be - moist again. So you leave the jars open for a bit so that the outside of the buds can dry again. Then you seal them back up. Then you repeat. Continue to repeat until the buds are nice and dry (not powdery dry, just dry).

Then you leave the lids on. Take out what you need for a day or three or whatever so you don't have to keep getting into the jars.

All of this should take place in darkness.

The best dry is a SLOW dry but be careful that it doesn't take so long that mold happens.

The best cure is a LONG cure.
It should smell/taste much better after a great dry/cure (or even a good one). Chlorophyll isn't very tasty lol.

And... For many it takes a few harvests to get really good at the process. If you have to miss perfection one way or the other it is of course better to get things too dry than to put them away for good when they are too moist.

But it's not exactly rocket science. Just takes a little practice.

AND... If you've found an extra-special bud, be sure to enter it in the Nug of the Month contest!
Also, the more non-bud material you leave on will affect drying rates.

But most people like to manicure their buds before drying since it's a lot easier to trim leaves from fresh-cut bud than it is to trim them after they've wilted.

Of course if you happen to have just cut down 50 outdoor plants, each with a pound or better...
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