A Base Treatment Regimen For Cancer

Not sure if this is where I should be posting this . Need help. Feeling somewhat overwhelmed. I am trying to help my sister. She has superior vena cava syndrome caused by stage 4 metastatic disease that has metastasized to the lymph nodes and liver. She was given some Dama Oil that is high CBD, on the syringe it says 51.18%CBD / 24.61% THC. This has been making her feel very restless and anxious along with some dark thoughts, none of which she had prior to this. From what I have read here, I think we need oil with higher THC and maybe some other supplements, also a little confused about if we need another oil to keep the liver busy or do we want it in the liver, since it has metastasized there. She has been taking the oil orally, do you think another way might work better. I am in Washington state and would like to find a reputable dispensary that might have what she needs. Any guidance or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Welcome Duarte. :hug: :love: Sorry to have to meet under such stressful circumstances, but take a breath. You did, indeed, come through the right door. I see Rad did a marvelous job of greeting you and offering some calming thoughts.

I can't help with a dispensary, and my hope is that one is available to you. Legalization hasn't yet translated into easy access of appropriate medications. We're still in baby steps.

The confusion you describe may be that the oil is made with a sativa-dominant strain, and your sister may be sensitive to it. There's also a possibility that she increased the dose too quickly and simply hasn't built the tolerance levels to a comfortable point for her. Can you be a little more specific about the protocol and how she was introduced to the oil? There's a particular process we encourage to gently allow the ECS to adapt to the increased influx of supplemental cannabinoids.

To treat stage four it's recommended to utilize suppositories for 75% of the daily dose with the remaining 25% being administered by tacking (as Rad described) in advance of the larger doses. This is a gradual process that begins with tacking the oil until you reach levels that are large enough that you're ready to add in suppositories.

Properly inserted you won't have to deal with the increased euphoria one will have if the dose is taken orally. This allows for much larger cannabinoid doses.

When this method is combined with demethylation and competitive inhibition (keeping the liver enzymes busy when the cannabinoid load hits the organ) you take the bioavailibility factor from 12-20% upwards to 90%. You can appreciate both the increased efficacy and the cost savings from such an approach.

If you haven't already, I recommend you read through the first ten pages of this thread. Cajun went out of his way to lay it all out in plain and simple terms. We'll help you translate any confusion into clarity as we move forward.

To treat stage four cancers you'll be needing more THC in the oil. Your ratio right now is the complete opposite of the one chosen by members who have successfully controlled cancerous growth in their own bodies. It's THC that we know to be the cannabinoid that can initiate cell apoptosis. Do what you can to increase the THC content in your sister's oil formulation, and explore locating an oil made with an indica-dominant strain. If finding the indica oil is not an option, the olfactory treatment with ground pepper is amazingly effective for quelling the anxiety some get from cannabis.

We know this can be overwhelming, and that's why we all hang around to help you sort through the information and develop a protocol you can work with confidently. You keep asking questions and we'll keep answering to the best of our ability. Together we'll find a solution that benefits your sister.

Another hug to bolster you. :hug: :love:

Next question?
Please excuse my lack of updates. I just got a message from my mother and had to share. I can't figure out how to post a screenshot I took but, this is verbatim.
"Just wanted to let you know that for the first time since treatment, my tongue is returning to its natural color. Still a lot of redness and sensitivity but this is the first time I have felt hope and it's all because of you. I love you!"

For this, I thank you all. I'm filled with goosebumps and tears.
Thank you for taking time to respond. We do not have a protocol, she heard on the news of a man treating his cancer with cannabis, we talked about and she decided she wanted to give it a try. The dispensary said this was what she needed, but from everything I was reading I thought she needed more THC. She started March 24th with a dose the size of a grain of rice every 4 hrs. I think she is now taking 2 doses every 4 hours. I had no idea there was such a science in this. I actually thought we could just buy some oil, she would take it orally for 90 days and then see what happens. Then fortunately I found this site and it sounds like I have a lot to learn. I live in Washington where cannabis is legal, but unfortunately my sister lives in a state where it is illegal, so her options are more limited. We are new to cannabis, but I will continue to read and I will start with the beginning of this thread as you suggested. She is almost out of what she started with so we will start looking for an oil with more THC. She doesn't have dentures, but we might be able to find some kind of mouth guard if you think that would help. I will also tell her about the pepper. Thanks to both of you for helping me.
Thank you for taking time to respond. We do not have a protocol, she heard on the news of a man treating his cancer with cannabis, we talked about and she decided she wanted to give it a try. The dispensary said this was what she needed, but from everything I was reading I thought she needed more THC. She started March 24th with a dose the size of a grain of rice every 4 hrs. I think she is now taking 2 doses every 4 hours. I had no idea there was such a science in this. I actually thought we could just buy some oil, she would take it orally for 90 days and then see what happens. Then fortunately I found this site and it sounds like I have a lot to learn. I live in Washington where cannabis is legal, but unfortunately my sister lives in a state where it is illegal, so her options are more limited. We are new to cannabis, but I will continue to read and I will start with the beginning of this thread as you suggested. She is almost out of what she started with so we will start looking for an oil with more THC. She doesn't have dentures, but we might be able to find some kind of mouth guard if you think that would help. I will also tell her about the pepper. Thanks to both of you for helping me.

Your oil doesn't have a high THC ratio, but it still has a good dose of THC in it. The dispensary is right in saying this will help her out.

She jumped into a high dose and her body is probably already adjusting to the high THC in her system. I think she has already prepped her body to accept higher doses of cannabis.

So together you've done good - let's just talk of a way to make this effective dosage easier on her brain and stay effective. And make the next oil choice and methods even better for her health. And read the first several pages.
Thank you for taking time to respond. We do not have a protocol, she heard on the news of a man treating his cancer with cannabis, we talked about and she decided she wanted to give it a try. The dispensary said this was what she needed, but from everything I was reading I thought she needed more THC. She started March 24th with a dose the size of a grain of rice every 4 hrs. I think she is now taking 2 doses every 4 hours. I had no idea there was such a science in this. I actually thought we could just buy some oil, she would take it orally for 90 days and then see what happens. Then fortunately I found this site and it sounds like I have a lot to learn. I live in Washington where cannabis is legal, but unfortunately my sister lives in a state where it is illegal, so her options are more limited. We are new to cannabis, but I will continue to read and I will start with the beginning of this thread as you suggested. She is almost out of what she started with so we will start looking for an oil with more THC. She doesn't have dentures, but we might be able to find some kind of mouth guard if you think that would help. I will also tell her about the pepper. Thanks to both of you for helping me.

Yeah, Cajun came along and we all started looking at the process from a perspective of dialing in appropriate protocols instead of blasting away blindly hoping for success.

I agree with Rad, the THC content in your sister's oil was a decent level. To be honest, even the working professionals are still sorting out what works and what doesn't, and each patient will respond differently to cannabis.

It might be a good idea to have her split the doses up so they're being administered further apart. If you can process the oil into BioBomb capsules that spreads the cannabinoids out even further and increases the medicinal value at the same time.

Make certain she has food in her stomach before she doses and that she stays well-hydrated. Cannabinoid therapies use lots of water resources. All those cannabinoids eventually need broken down and eliminated and that process takes water.

It's a lot to take in. Keep breathing. It used to intimidate many of us too. :battingeyelashes: :love:

One last thing, in reading through the early pages you'll come across the instructions for making suppositories. We've since reached the general conclusion that the size 00 capsules we use for the biobombs work well for suppositories. It saved us a lot of time and frustration.
Thank you for taking time to respond. We do not have a protocol, she heard on the news of a man treating his cancer with cannabis, we talked about and she decided she wanted to give it a try. The dispensary said this was what she needed, but from everything I was reading I thought she needed more THC. She started March 24th with a dose the size of a grain of rice every 4 hrs. I think she is now taking 2 doses every 4 hours. I had no idea there was such a science in this. I actually thought we could just buy some oil, she would take it orally for 90 days and then see what happens. Then fortunately I found this site and it sounds like I have a lot to learn. I live in Washington where cannabis is legal, but unfortunately my sister lives in a state where it is illegal, so her options are more limited. We are new to cannabis, but I will continue to read and I will start with the beginning of this thread as you suggested. She is almost out of what she started with so we will start looking for an oil with more THC. She doesn't have dentures, but we might be able to find some kind of mouth guard if you think that would help. I will also tell her about the pepper. Thanks to both of you for helping me.

Hi Duarte,
Like your sister I started using high CBD oil orally. Even with the CBD the higher doses were uncomfortable. Finding this thread changed everything for me.

By now you've probably read the opening posts. It's a lot to take in. I'm going to throw one more thing at you, but first I want to highlight a few things from posts above.
> Suppositories are much more effective and easier to tolerate than oral dosing. I easily tolerated 200 mg capsules that were high THC/very low CBD. Same dose orally would completely incapacitate me (found that out the hard way one night.) They are very easy to use, and easy to make by filling "00" size gelatin capsules.
> For liver tumors you want to use coconut oil as carrier oil. That is to help CCO reach the liver. You still want to use the supplements for competitive inhibition so that CCO isn't metabolized right away when it gets to liver.
> Anxiety and related symptoms shouldn't be a problem when taking by suppository. Choosing an indica dominant strain will also help. That will also help her sleep. If she gets too sleepy during day you use hybrid strain for daytime doses and indica for night.
> This protocol has been successful for cajun and myself, both stage 4 met.

Now for one more thing: the Bio Bomb recipe.
SweetSue's Cannabis Oil Study Hall
Mixing the CCO with carrier oil and lecithin will make it even more potent. When you are ready we'll walk you through the steps.
There you go Duarte. The wagons have circled. We'll try not to confuse you with conflicting information. :laughtwo: Please keep a sense of humor, despite the sober nature of what we're attempting. Our intent is to be of assistance to you and in so doing, we leave our egos outside this site.

Ask anything. We're here to try and help you find the answers.
Hi Kristian.

You can try some weak capsules orally for extra pain relief. Suppositories are great for fighting cancer but the other effects are felt much more subtly, at least for me. If her pain is acute then oral or vaping may help better. Oral can take up to 1 hour to reach full effect even in biobomb form but will last several hours.

You can make the biobombs with just THC. Most of my oil was very low in CBD (my high cbd crops failed.) It's much better to have some CBD in there, but most important is to keep up with increasing the dosage with THC if that's all you have at the moment. Besides its own anti-cancer effects CBD keeps THC and other cancer fighters in the system longer. So add it back in when you can and know that the THC is still working on its own.

Thanks Kingston.

I'll have now made Biobombs with 6 ml of 80% THC and 1 ml 40% CBD. She is bleeding from her vagina, and her doctor told us that she should not take capsules vaginally, but only rectally. So now my mother is taking 4 capsules per day (0.5 g thc per day)

Today we were in a meeting with her doctor, and they can't offer more chemo.Now the hope is on the Biobombs I'll guess. I'll really hope the new thc oil will do something good for her.

She is in constant back pain (6/10), and eating THC oil, helps a little bit. Her doctor gave her some morphine, and my mother will try that. But is it ok to combine Biobombs with morphine?

It's really hard times these days :/ but thank God, we have hope in the Biobombs.

In the next batch, I'll will increase thc strength and add more CBD.

Thanks guys.

Thanks Kingston.

I'll have now made Biobombs with 6 ml of 80% THC and 1 ml 40% CBD. Because my mother is bleeding from her vigina, her doctor tokd us that she should not take capsules vaginally, and only rectally. So now my mother is taking 4 capsules per day (0.5 g thc per day)

Today we were in a meeting with her doctor, and they can't offer more chemo. Now the hope is on the Biobimbs I'll gues. I'll really hope the new thc oil will do something good for her.

She is in constant back pain (6/10), and eating THC oil, helps a little bit. Her doctor gave her some morphine, and my mother will try that. But is it ok to combine Biobombs with morphine?

It's really hard times these days :/ but thank God, we have an hope in the Biobombs.

In the next batch, I'll will increase thc strength and add more CBD.

Thanks guys.

The cannabis will potentiate the morphine, making it more potent as well as extending the therapeutic window. Be alert that they may need to reduce the opioid dose. It's the opioid that should be reduced, not the cannabinoid therapy. Watch her carefully for any signs of distress with the morphine. Cannabis and opioids work in synergy, so it's a good idea to take them together, just be aware that you'll need less opioids.

Our hearts are with you Kristian. You're giving it your best effort, and at the very least offering her some relief from the pain. We're here if you need us, for anything. :hug: :love:
Thanks for all the info. Went to a dispensary and we were able to get Indica oil that says 82.9% THC & 16% CBD. I also purchased the Ginkgo, but will have to order the apigenin, empty capsules, and the liquid lecithin, as I was unable find them at our local health food store.
Any suggestions on dosage and method of dosage would be greatly appreciated. I'm still reading, but it is a lot to take in.
Thanks for all the info. Went to a dispensary and we were able to get Indica oil that says 82.9% THC & 16% CBD. I also purchased the Ginkgo, but will have to order the apigenin, empty capsules, and the liquid lecithin, as I was unable find them at our local health food store.
Any suggestions on dosage and method of dosage would be greatly appreciated. I'm still reading, but it is a lot to take in.

Nicely done, you are moving forward :)
Dear all,

my father has liver cancer and he consumed biobombs just orally. However, after 6 weeks he we didn´t had any oil more, because in my country cannabis oil is not legalised and it is not easy to find some reliable source.

But now I had some and I think it would be good to reduce the psychoactive effects and split the dose: part of it rectal and part of it oral. But I am confused about insertion or rather how deep it should be inserted?

I saw the post from Cajun where stands “The suppository should ideally be placed around 2 ½ to 4 centimetres (1 to 1 ½ inches) into the rectum, just past the anal sphincter.”
But on some other place I found that the depth should be at least 4 to 5 cm to enter the Superior (upper) hemorrhoidal artery, which leads to the liver.

Can you please advise?
Dear all,

my father has liver cancer and he consumed biobombs just orally. However, after 6 weeks he we didn´t had any oil more, because in my country cannabis oil is not legalised and it is not easy to find some reliable source.

But now I had some and I think it would be good to reduce the psychoactive effects and split the dose: part of it rectal and part of it oral. But I am confused about insertion or rather how deep it should be inserted?

I saw the post from Cajun where stands “The suppository should ideally be placed around 2 ½ to 4 centimetres (1 to 1 ½ inches) into the rectum, just past the anal sphincter.”
But on some other place I found that the depth should be at least 4 to 5 cm to enter the Superior (upper) hemorrhoidal artery, which leads to the liver.

Can you please advise?

In the previous recommendation from SweetSue, you had the amentoflavone, mango, etc for competitive inhibition - keep doing that.
A Base Treatment Regimen for Cancer

The 2-4 cm is to avoid the artery straight to the liver. The 4-5 cm is to hit the Superior Hemorrhoidal Artery to the liver.

It's an excellent question because if you are trying to reduce the psychoactive effects, going straight to the liver rectally will not help that.

If you are tring to avoid the first pass metabolism in the blood stream, you want to use the shallow insertion - and a shallow insertion may not be an improvement because the stomach is physically closer to the liver than the anus - but which is the better biological pathway?

I have a guess but I think you want more than a guess.
I'll watch beside you and wait for an answer.
Thanks for all the info. Went to a dispensary and we were able to get Indica oil that says 82.9% THC & 16% CBD. I also purchased the Ginkgo, but will have to order the apigenin, empty capsules, and the liquid lecithin, as I was unable find them at our local health food store.
Any suggestions on dosage and method of dosage would be greatly appreciated. I'm still reading, but it is a lot to take in.

I've been considering this for a few days Duarte, because I knew you had a few days before supplies arrived. I went back and pulled Cajun's opening post so we could look at it more carefully. This was a successful regimine for liver cancer, so I'd think it's of particular importance here.

He does, indeed mention that because he was targeting liver cancer he was inserting deeper to hit the hepatic portal vein. This suggests a need to follow his advice to administer 25% of the dose orally, supposedly through tacking, which will help ease the euphoric effects, and the necessity to work up the tolerance level carefully in order to be able to take on that much THC.

More on on your oil below.

This method is not meant to replace anyone's current successful protocol.

Dietary Considerations: Follow the alkaline diet guidelines. This makes a hostile environment in the body helping prevent illness and disease. Organic everything if at all possible.

Activate Cannaboid Receptors: Include demethylating agents such as green tea. These protect the CB1 receptors from shutdown due to methylation. Phenols, Phenylpropanoids and essential oils can clean cell receptors. Grapefruit juice cleans and clears the cannabinoid receptors. Mangos will be used for pre-dosing to avoid the"Grapefruit Affect" since I have heart medications that will have interactions with grapefruit.

Competitive Inhibition Considerations: Ingest apigenin and amentoflavone supplements 30—40 minutes before dosing to provide the liver enzyzmes "busy work" so the cannabinoids are metabolized away slower. Do not ingest coconut oil or other fats 30—40 minutes before dosing so the medicine can target the liver.

Carrier Oil Considerations: Since I am targeting the liver via anal ingestion of a portion of the doses I will be using coconut oil. Coconut Oil is a Medium Chained Fatty Acid. MCFAs are absorbed directly from the intestines into the portal vein and sent straight to the liver.

Producing the Cannabis Oils: Make cannabis oils accordlingly. Since I am targeting my liver my carrier oil of choice will be coconut oil.

Dosing Considerations: The object is to ingest a minimum of 1g of cannabis oil on a daily basis. If you're not accustomed to THC in the system, start with a very low dose of 25 mg 3 times a day. I will double the dosage to 50 mg after 5 maybe 6 days. I will try to double the dosage to100 mg 4 times a day in 4 to 5 days. From that time forward I hope to double the dosage every 4 days until I have reached a daily dosage that is at least 1 g of cannabis oils.

Dosage Administration: When the dosages reach 100 mg/dose, the dosages will be administered as 25% oral and 75% anal which will be deeply inserted to the rectum as to hit the hepatic portal vein to quickly move the oils to the liver.

Pre-Dosage Preparation: 30—40minutes before dosage:
80 mg Apinenin
200mg Amentoflavone(Ginko Baloba,Amentomax)
1 Mango cup

I have achieved my treatment goal within 2 months with this protocol.

You've taken care of competitive inhibition. Good work. On to dosing. I'd recommend you process your oil into BioBombs, which can be taken either orally or rectally.

A question for the crew: Cajun said this mix could be used for tacking as well. Has anyone tried that? If so, can you share any insights? Thank you. :battingeyelashes:

The formulations we worked out for capsules:

BioBomb Capsules - Continuing rework

20:1 = 1 cc CCO + 16 cc carrier oil + 4 cc lecithin

1000 mg cannabinoids /21 capsules = 47 mg cannabinoids per capsule.

10:1 = 1 cc CCO + 8 cc carrier oil + 2 cc lecithin

1000 mg /11 capsules = 91 mg cannabinoids per capsule

5:1 = 1 cc CCO + 4 cc carrier oil + 1 cc lecithin

1000 mg/6 capsules = 167 mg cannabinoids per capsule.

One of my personal hang ups with Cajun's protocol has been how one splits up that dose into 25% oral and 75% anal. There's been no clean way I've found to get the count right on the money. Thankfully we work with a very forgiving plant that will keep healing as we work out particulars. If it were me, I'd be having a small tack before every suppository dose, start with the 20:1 capsules, and work up the dose as tolerated. Any and all input on that suggestion is welcome.

I'd like to get KingstonRabbi's take on where to start, but my gut says she's already at least to the 20:1 in tolerance. I hesitate to suggest anything stronger. The BioBombs are a tremendous increase in bioavailability. The best rule of thumb is start at a sub-therapeutic level and work the dose up slowly and thoughtfully. Cajun laid out his approach, and it's pretty sound.

The oil you've procured is very high in THC in ratio to the CBD. Your sister may have an easier time tolerating the THC if you can bring those ratios closer together. In a perfect world we'd be looking for something in a 2:1 THC:CBD. This imbalance will make the 20:1 capsules a good starting point, in my opinion.

She may sleep more with this oil. Sleep can be a curative, to a point, but it's worth being alert to too much. It's hard to project how she'll react, which is why you start low.

Keep breathing Duarte. It gets easier to digest as you go along.
As a following thought to the question of dosing, it turns out in many cases that the body will begin to heal and regain homeostasis at a lower cannabinoid dose than was initially suspected. Every patient heals in their own individual way, but every one has an endocannabinoid system and will benefit from the influx of backups.

Start at a sub-therapeutic level and increase slowly. Let the body have the time to adapt and let natural healing commence.
I had one more question. Is it better to use fresh plant material for producing of oil or dried?

That would depend on the oil you wanted to produce and the method you were using to extract libra. There are a myriad of variables. I've made an infused oil with fresh, and I'm certain there exist other methods of removing the oil from fresh plant material. Given enough money and equipment..... :dreamy:

Cajun did indeed say he was inserting deep, to get the meds straight to the liver. He also encourages competitive inhibition and building the tolerance levels up slowly. Inserting deeply means you need the enzymes to be distracted big time so the cannabinoids can target cells in the liver itself. It also means you're going to likely get high until you build the tolerance levels.

With any patient there's a level where they're uncomfortable with euphoria. Adjust what you can in terms of strain choice, ratio, dosage times, or method of administration. If that doesn't help back off one step from there and see how it goes. Assume the body knows what it's doing. It's evolved to heal.

Edit: I read that and realized I think of it as a cultivator, growing for my own medications, prepared to produce my own oils. I suddenly realized that for more and more of us the choices include, and sometimes are restricted to the oils available at local dispensaries.
Dear all,

my father has liver cancer and he consumed biobombs just orally. However, after 6 weeks he we didn´t had any oil more, because in my country cannabis oil is not legalised and it is not easy to find some reliable source.

But now I had some and I think it would be good to reduce the psychoactive effects and split the dose: part of it rectal and part of it oral. But I am confused about insertion or rather how deep it should be inserted?

I saw the post from Cajun where stands “The suppository should ideally be placed around 2 ½ to 4 centimetres (1 to 1 ½ inches) into the rectum, just past the anal sphincter.”
But on some other place I found that the depth should be at least 4 to 5 cm to enter the Superior (upper) hemorrhoidal artery, which leads to the liver.

Can you please advise?

Hi Libra, welcome back.

I would recommend taking all of the oil rectally rather than taking half orally. I'm biased against oral dosing for cancer based on my first experience using cannabis oil. I didn't know about taking supplements back then and if I had I might feel differently now. But I believe digestion in stomach destroys some of medicine, negating any benefit from being closer to liver. The other issue with oral dosing is that even 1:1 ratio was very uncomfortable at high doses. If you insert the capsule 5 cm, about 2 knuckle joints in, the oil will reach the portal vein and go straight to the liver as your father needs. He will get maximum absorption and direct delivery.

I had one more question. Is it better to use fresh plant material for producing of oil or dried?

If you are making concentrated cannabis oil you want to use dried. The water in fresh herb will bind to alcohol solvent interfering with extraction of cannabinoids and also causing problems cooking it down. You can use fresh for some methods of infused oils. Sue has had discussion about this on her study hall thread recently.
Hi Duarte.

For initial dosing I think it's best to start lower at 1:20 ratio. If you build too quickly and she feels too uncomfortable it will just slow down her overall progression to higher doses. Also body needs time to adjust for medicine to be most effective.
Dear people thank you very much!

Radogast I think KingstonRabbi answered the question. I mean I had a guess, but I wasn´t sure. There are definitely different opinions, because some people say for liver cancer the dose should be taken just orally and some say rectal is better. I think we will try the second one, because unfortunately the last CT showed that the cancer is making Progress :-(. Although I must admit that the protocol was not quite correct in the 6 weeks of consuming of oil, because the father was taking the coconut oil together with amentoflavone and apigenin 30 min before biobomb…and I understood from one post of KingstoneRabbi, that in case of liver cancer the tablespoon of coconut oil will interfere with biobomb (coconut/cannabis).

Ok, in this case the suppository should be inserted deeper to reach Superior Hemorrhoidal Artery to reach the liver , but the psyhoactive effect will not be avoided. But what about creative inhibition? I mean 30 minutes before insertion of suppository the father should take amentoflaovone and apigenin, too, right?
The problem is that the father should start with oil again, because he had a break. It means we should increase the dosis slowly again. For my understanding, we should start slowly with oral or tacking…and than when we reach xx mg/d we go to suppositories?! I mean at what time, or at which dose we should switch to suppositories?
After we reach the maximum dose that father can tolerate, we should spread the dosis over the day and take the oil 4 times. It mean 3 times suppositories and one time orally? If there are more information about preparing of suppositories somewhere else, can you please give me the link?

I am going to make the oil by myself, and I think I will follow the receipt with the dried material.

Thank you one more time for the support!
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