A Base Treatment Regimen For Cancer

Kingston, thank you for the quick reply. This is all a little overwhelming, so I really appreciate all the information and encouragement that everyone on this sight gives . You guys are all awesome!

We're here to help you gain confidence. Like KR says, we understand how intimidating it can be. It takes courage to keep going. Your dedication to your sister in the face of this information overdrive is wonderful to take part in. Don't be concerned about asking anything.
Competitive Inhibition Considerations: Ingest apigenin and amentoflavone supplements 30–40 minutes before dosing to provide the liver enzyzmes “busy work” so the cannabinoids are metabolized away slower. Do not ingest coconut oil or other fats 30–40 minutes before dosing so the medicine can target the liver.

Carrier Oil Considerations : Since I am targeting the liver via anal ingestion of a portion of the doses I will be using coconut oil. Coconut Oil is a Medium Chained Fatty Acid.

Dosage Administration : When the dosages reach 100 mg/dose, the dosages will be administered as 25% oral and 75% anal which will be deeply inserted to the rectum as to hit the hepatic portal vein to quickly move the oils to the liver.

In his introduction to this thread, CajunCelt includes the above instructions. I realise CajunCelt is engaged fighting his own battle at present, but perhaps others can help me here.

His introduction was written for treating liver cancer specifically. I'm wondering is there something similar but more general for other cancers that I can link to as an introduction for others?

I believe the above needs to change to "do ingest some coconut oil 30 mins before", and "insert only to a shallow depth". Correct me if I'm wrong. :blushsmile:
What u growers are doing here is amazing sharing cancer awarness and showing and proving it cures cancer.and helping desperate people in need.really shows there is some good left in the human race.if i won the lottery i would give u all enough money to live happy with ya feet up for life.keep doing what ur doing really amazing;) thanks alot;)

In my very first post I told you we had a GREAT group of people here. Some of the very best hang out right here. :circle-of-love::peace:
In his introduction to this thread, CajunCelt includes the above instructions. I realise CajunCelt is engaged fighting his own battle at present, but perhaps others can help me here.

His introduction was written for treating liver cancer specifically. I'm wondering is there something similar but more general for other cancers that I can link to as an introduction for others?

I believe the above needs to change to "do ingest some coconut oil 30 mins before", and "insert only to a shallow depth". Correct me if I'm wrong. :blushsmile:

I've considered this on occasion and have resisted the urge to modify his instructions at all. Cajun makes it very clear at the outset that the protocol he presented was his personal one. It worked astoundingly well, and he now understands the necessity of consistent maintenance. Chemotherapy strengthens the strongest tumor cells, which is how cancer roars back with a terrible bite.

Those instructions are liver-cancer specific, and that fact is clear. Anyone reading through this thread seeking help with their own concerns will come to the current page and engage us personally.

I maintain this thread, but this is CajunCelt 's work and we won't be messing with his dream.
I've considered this on occasion and have resisted the urge to modify his instructions at all. Cajun makes it very clear at the outset that the protocol he presented was his personal one. It worked astoundingly well, and he now understands the necessity of consistent maintenance. Chemotherapy strengthens the strongest tumor cells, which is how cancer roars back with a terrible bite.

Those instructions are liver-cancer specific, and that fact is clear. Anyone reading through this thread seeking help with their own concerns will come to the current page and engage us personally.

I maintain this thread, but this is CajunCelt 's work and we won't be messing with his dream.

Thanks SweetSue. I wasn't suggesting original posts be altered. I was asking have similar instructions been written for the non-liver cases.

I'm almost certain they have, but it may take me a while before I stumble over them again. Quite possibly I may have even discussed such previously, so will consult my posting history. I say it's not a case of failing memory, rather it's contending with information overload. :blushsmile: I already have a dozen browser tabs open into various places in a couple of threads, marking places for recurring reference.
Thank you for your tireless librarianship here! :thanks:
Kristian, I think Sue did a pretty good job answering your questions. I'll focus on calculating dosages.

If you mix the 2 oils you have now equally you will get mixture that is 14% CBD and 35% THC, or 49% total cannabinoids. That's a little low so you can make first batch a little stronger with more CCO per batch.

Base unit for full batch is ml. I would go ahead and make full batch at 4 ml CCO to 17 ml olive oil, then add the additional 45 ml olive oil with 15 ml liquid lecithin, to make total 81 ml and fill the capsules, about 90 or so. Don't worry, you'll be able to use all of them.

Start by dosing rectally only, not vaginally, 1 capsule 5 times a day (30 minutes after taking the supplements).

After 4 days if she feels ready then increase to 1 rectally and 1 vaginally. I have no experience with vaginal suppositories. It's mucosal membrane so will be absorbed well, but may cause some euphoria. Theoretically it shouldn't. If it does and she's uncomfortable with it you can instead do 2 capsules rectally. With practice you can get them side by side just past the sphincter. Be careful not to push one up too far or she may get euphoria.

With the next batch you can increase both dosages at once or the one rectally first and other after you run out of lower dosage pills. Whatever she is comfortable with. By that point it will become intuitive. Just increase when ready.

Last thing on supplements. Chamomile tea has some apigenin but not much. I found 50 mg capsules online from Swansons. Alternatively you may find product called Amentomax where body building supplements are sold. It contains amentoflavone which is another good competitive inhibitor.

Relax (as much as you can right now) and know that just starting the process will start helping mom, and as you proceed it will quickly become much easier.

p.s.: When you use up 66% THC just continue same with 80% oil.

Hi everyone, just an small update about my mother.

Unfortunately she is getting weaker and she have not eating properly for about two weeks. She can only eat some soup, protein drink and water.

She is getting a lot of difference medicin (morphine, appetite med, lactose etc.

Although her health is getting worse, she is still taken 4 Biobombs per day, and she is getting about 0.9 ml THC 80% and 0.1 ml CBD 40% per day.

I'm going to make more Biobombs 20:1 ratio, but this time I'll add some more of the 40% CBD.

Her eating problems might be caused of mouth and throats fungus. She is getting medicine for that, and it seems to help a little.

Next week she will be inlaid to the hospital, so they can give here more energy and pain relief. She will still be able to take her Biobombs.

The doctors can't give her more treatment and they told her that she won't recover from her cancer :(

Our hope is in the Biobombs. I'll hope they can help here in some way. As long as she is getting THC in here system. But maybe she should have much more CBD? What if her cancer is estrogen based? Is it like breast cancer? Much more CBD than THC 3:1?

Thanks guys

I'm really sorry that your mother is getting weaker. I don't want to offer false hope, but I do want to mention that there are several posts on this site from members that were told they had only 1-2 months left and managed to turn things around. my point is it's never to late to try.

If you know your mother's cancer is estrogen based then yes you should switch the ratio to 3:1 CBD to THC. Sue knows more about this than I do. If the doctors think it might be but aren't sure, then it may be time to change the regimen. One option is to increase the dose above 1 gram per day (assuming it's not estrogen based). Second option is to switch ratio as you suggested. A third option Cajun briefly mentioned is to add DMSO. I know nothing about how it works or what the dosage would be so I haven't been recommending it, but I don't doubt Cajun's advice. Sue may have found more details on it.

My thoughts are going back and forth on whether to stick with THC or go with CBD. I'd like to know if the doctors actually see the cancer worsening or any change at all, or if they are focusing on her weakening state that might be due to other things.
* If it's the cancer worsening then definitely go with CBD, because at the current level the tumors should have stopped growing. Make sure the doctors know you switched because high CBD will affect blood thinners and possibly morphine dosage.
* If the cancer is not getting worse but it's other conditions weakening her then I would increase the THC dominant dosage up to as much as 2 grams per day (in steps as before). At same time I would increase the supplements for competitive inhibition.
* In either case I would add the DMSO if you can get it. Other's here can recommend dosage and administration.

I'll be praying for both of you and expecting the best. In any even let us know how she is doing. We're a community, not a clinic.We stick together.
Hi everyone, just an small update about my mother.

Unfortunately she is getting weaker and she have not eating properly for about two weeks. She can only eat some soup, protein drink and water.

She is getting a lot of difference medicin (morphine, appetite med, lactose etc.

Although her health is getting worse, she is still taken 4 Biobombs per day, and she is getting about 0.9 ml THC 80% and 0.1 ml CBD 40% per day.

I'm going to make more Biobombs 20:1 ratio, but this time I'll add some more of the 40% CBD.

Her eating problems might be caused of mouth and throats fungus. She is getting medicine for that, and it seems to help a little.

Next week she will be inlaid to the hospital, so they can give here more energy and pain relief. She will still be able to take her Biobombs.

The doctors can't give her more treatment and they told her that she won't recover from her cancer :(

Our hope is in the Biobombs. I'll hope they can help here in some way. As long as she is getting THC in here system. But maybe she should have much more CBD? What if her cancer is estrogen based? Is it like breast cancer? Much more CBD than THC 3:1?

Thanks guys


I encourage you to digest KR's post and give it some thought. Take a deep breath and consider. At this point we know she's getting weaker, but that could be more tied to her inability to get nutrition in than anything else.

If you have proof that the cancer hasn't been effected by the therapy then the immediate option is to flip the ratio and see if that works. You'll know before too long if this worked or not.

If you don't know that for certain my advice would mirror KR's to increase the THC. Both cannabinoids effect tumor cells, but in different ways, and we know THC signals cell apoptosis. CBD, on the other hand will act on the surrounding inflammation and slow the tumor cell growth. They're both important players in this game.

Have you considered making the next batch 10:1?

Kristian, I'm so sorry it's your mother you have to practice this lost medical art on. I wish we knew more. Please take heart in the knowledge that at some level you're supporting her challenged endocannabinoid system and making a difference. Herbal medicines take time. We humans get caught up in the immediacy of the moment. You're feeding her body nutrients she can't get any other way. Have faith and find a way to come to peace with the reality that there are no guarantees. Your offering her relief, and her body will do with the medication what it will. You're doing a wonderful thing here. Were you my son I'd be beaming with pride. :love:

We're here for you, whenever you need.
I was watching part of today's (Saturday) Health Summit livestream on Green Flower. The panel on terpenes had a very good point on a question that's been asked several times in this thread: Would adding terpenes from other sources to CCO make it more effective? The panelists unanimously said No.

It wasn't the other sources that was a problem. Terpenes are the same no matter what plant they are from. But they don't occur in isolation. They occur in specific ratios with others due to the fact that the enzymes that produce one kind of terpene also produce others. Therefore the effects we expect from a specific terpene depend in part on the presence of its related terpene(s). Adding just one terpene throws the profile out of balance, and the profile matters more than the individual terpene. Single terpenes still produce effects but they don't add to the entourage effect that we want from whole plant extracts and could have negative impact.

The panelist from a company that makes terpene infused cannabis oils, who you might think would say it was a good idea, instead pointed out that they do so to recreate the profile of the original strain, i.e. they only add back what was lost in the extraction process to restore the same natural balance.

It's okay to use essential oils on their own, but please don't add them to CCO or bio bombs.
I was watching part of today's (Saturday) Health Summit livestream on Green Flower. The panel on terpenes had a very good point on a question that's been asked several times in this thread: Would adding terpenes from other sources to CCO make it more effective? The panelists unanimously said No.

It wasn't the other sources that was a problem. Terpenes are the same no matter what plant they are from. But they don't occur in isolation. They occur in specific ratios with others due to the fact that the enzymes that produce one kind of terpene also produce others. Therefore the effects we expect from a specific terpene depend in part on the presence of its related terpene(s). Adding just one terpene throws the profile out of balance, and the profile matters more than the individual terpene. Single terpenes still produce effects but they don't add to the entourage effect that we want from whole plant extracts and could have negative impact.

The panelist from a company that makes terpene infused cannabis oils, who you might think would say it was a good idea, instead pointed out that they do so to recreate the profile of the original strain, i.e. they only add back what was lost in the extraction process to restore the same natural balance.

It's okay to use essential oils on their own, but please don't add them to CCO or bio bombs.

Thank you KR. You beat me to it. :battingeyelashes: :love:

It is a very hard question to ask... Are the doctor's giving her morphine at the level to manage pain, or are they giving her morphine at a hospice level, to provide relief as the morphine helps shut down her system? You may want to ask directly.

If the doctors have decided it is terminal, they may be medically assisting her to make the transition. It would help you to know which path they are pursuing. I am not medically qualified, but as I understand it, If you are not her medical proxy, they may not tell you. It's a hard question for everyone involved.
I encourage you to digest KR's post and give it some thought. Take a deep breath and consider. At this point we know she's getting weaker, but that could be more tied to her inability to get nutrition in than anything else.

If you have proof that the cancer hasn't been effected by the therapy then the immediate option is to flip the ratio and see if that works. You'll know before too long if this worked or not.

If you don't know that for certain my advice would mirror KR's to increase the THC. Both cannabinoids effect tumor cells, but in different ways, and we know THC signals cell apoptosis. CBD, on the other hand will act on the surrounding inflammation and slow the tumor cell growth. They're both important players in this game.

Have you considered making the next batch 10:1?

Kristian, I'm so sorry it's your mother you have to practice this lost medical art on. I wish we knew more. Please take heart in the knowledge that at some level you're supporting her challenged endocannabinoid system and making a difference. Herbal medicines take time. We humans get caught up in the immediacy of the moment. You're feeding her body nutrients she can't get any other way. Have faith and find a way to come to peace with the reality that there are no guarantees. Your offering her relief, and her body will do with the medication what it will. You're doing a wonderful thing here. Were you my son I'd be beaming with pride. :love:

We're here for you, whenever you need.

Thanks KR and SS, I'll really appreciate it.

I'll don't know if her cancer is estrogen based, but I'll will ask her doctors tomorrow.

So KR you suggest, that she should eat two pills of Apigenin before takin her Biobombs?

DMSO? What is that?

Her scan has been delayed for about 3 weeks, so we don't know if the cancer has stopped spreading, is the same, or is decreased.

And yes this treatment helps my father, sister and my self, so we know we are doing something. I'll cannot just sit down, and do nothing.

SS, about 10:1 ratio, I'll don't quite know how to mix that. Can you explain?

Last time I'll made 21:0 (18 ml THC and 3 ml of CBD). Then I'll added 15 ml of liquid sunflower lecithin, and 45 ml of organinc EVOO. That is about 90 size 00 capsules, and 4 caps per day, is a total of 0,93 ml/g of CCO in her system.

But 10:1? Is that 10 ml CCO and 1 ml of carrier oil? My mother should take 1 gr (or even more) of CCO per day.

If her cancer is not estrogen based, I'll will stick with THC but still add some CBD.

Thank you so much.

It is a very hard question to ask... Are the doctor's giving her morphine at the level to manage pain, or are they giving her morphine at a hospice level, to provide relief as the morphine helps shut down her system? You may want to ask directly.

If the doctors have decided it is terminal, they may be medically assisting her to make the transition. It would help you to know which path they are pursuing. I am not medically qualified, but as I understand it, If you are not her medical proxy, they may not tell you. It's a hard question for everyone involved.

Hi Radogast.

Hmm good question. I'll think it's to manage her pain. But what if they are giving here morphine at a hospice level? Will the CCO treatment don't work then?

I'll will ask them tomorrow about this, and about the estrogen based cancer.


Thanks KR and SS, I'll really appreciate it.

I'll don't know if her cancer is estrogen based, but I'll will ask her doctors tomorrow.

So KR you suggest, that she should eat two pills of Apigenin before takin her Biobombs?

DMSO? What is that?

Her scan has been delayed for about 3 weeks, so we don't know if the cancer has stopped spreading, is the same, or is decreased.

And yes this treatment helps my father, sister and my self, so we know we are doing something. I'll cannot just sit down, and do nothing.

SS, about 10:1 ratio, I'll don't quite know how to mix that. Can you explain?

Last time I'll made 21:0 (18 ml THC and 3 ml of CBD). Then I'll added 15 ml of liquid sunflower lecithin, and 45 ml of organinc EVOO. That is about 90 size 00 capsules, and 4 caps per day, is a total of 0,93 ml/g of CCO in her system.

But 10:1? Is that 10 ml CCO and 1 ml of carrier oil? My mother should take 1 gr (or even more) of CCO per day.

If her cancer is not estrogen based, I'll will stick with THC but still add some CBD.

Thank you so much.

Kristian, you're working off the old formulation, the one Cajun started us out with. It's effective, but we as a group felt the necessity to rework it to increase the cannabinoid load. So far the changes have been well-accepted, but keep in mind we're all lab rats around here, testing as we go. None of this is written in stone. I'm currently working on a thread for the BioBombs, but it's not done yet. Here are the latest formulations.

BioBomb Capsules - Continuing rework

1 gram = 1 ml = 1 cc

20:1 = 1 cc CCO + 16 cc carrier oil + 4 cc lecithin

1000 mg cannabinoids /21 capsules = 47 mg cannabinoids per capsule.

10:1 = 1 cc CCO + 8 cc carrier oil + 2 cc lecithin

1000 mg /11 capsules = 91 mg cannabinoids per capsule

5:1 = 1 cc CCO + 4 cc carrier oil + 1 cc lecithin

1000 mg/6 capsules = 167 mg cannabinoids per capsule.

The 10:1 would be 1 gram of CCO, 10 ml of olive oil, and 2 ml of lecithin. Don't forget the 24-hour refrigeration to encapsulate the cannabinoids in lecithin.

You're mixing oils, so this formulation would be worked based on the total grams of CCO used. Mix your CCO and then add the required proportions based on that total. If you mix the way you were, you start off with 21 grams of CCO. To that you'd be adding 168 ml of olive oil and 20 ml of lecithin. You'll end up with 231 capsules with more than twice the cannabinoid count you were using.

I'd increase the CBD content. A surprising number of cancers respond positively to that balanced ratio Mother Nature creates in wild cannabis.

Is she having any problems tolerating the cannabinoid therapy? Is she giving you any feedback at all on how she feels under the influence of the THC? This is the most important consideration. If she can tolerate you increase the dose, but you don't increase and place the patient in an uncomfortable euphoric position. We're looking for relief, and letting the ECS do the healing part.
Kristian, you're working off the old formulation, the one Cajun started us out with. It's effective, but we as a group felt the necessity to rework it to increase the cannabinoid load. So far the changes have been well-accepted, but keep in mind we're all lab rats around here, testing as we go. None of this is written in stone. I'm currently working on a thread for the BioBombs, but it's not done yet. Here are the latest formulations.

BioBomb Capsules - Continuing rework

1 gram = 1 ml = 1 cc

20:1 = 1 cc CCO + 16 cc carrier oil + 4 cc lecithin

1000 mg cannabinoids /21 capsules = 47 mg cannabinoids per capsule.

10:1 = 1 cc CCO + 8 cc carrier oil + 2 cc lecithin

1000 mg /11 capsules = 91 mg cannabinoids per capsule

5:1 = 1 cc CCO + 4 cc carrier oil + 1 cc lecithin

1000 mg/6 capsules = 167 mg cannabinoids per capsule.

The 10:1 would be 1 gram of CCO, 10 ml of olive oil, and 2 ml of lecithin. Don't forget the 24-hour refrigeration to encapsulate the cannabinoids in lecithin.

You're mixing oils, so this formulation would be worked based on the total grams of CCO used. Mix your CCO and then add the required proportions based on that total. If you mix the way you were, you start off with 21 grams of CCO. To that you'd be adding 168 ml of olive oil and 20 ml of lecithin. You'll end up with 231 capsules with more than twice the cannabinoid count you were using.

I'd increase the CBD content. A surprising number of cancers respond positively to that balanced ratio Mother Nature creates in wild cannabis.

Is she having any problems tolerating the cannabinoid therapy? Is she giving you any feedback at all on how she feels under the influence of the THC? This is the most important consideration. If she can tolerate you increase the dose, but you don't increase and place the patient in an uncomfortable euphoric position. We're looking for relief, and letting the ECS do the healing part.

Thanks Sue, I'll didn't realize that.

But if 10:1 give us caps with 91 mg of CCO, and my mother is taking 4 caps per day rectally, there is a long way to 1 gr per day.

She is very tired, but she is taking the THC fine as I'll see it.

Should we go with 5:1 caps, 4 times per day? That is about 0,6 mg CCO per day. I'll can't get her to take more than 4 per day at the moment.

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