A Closet A Light & A Bucket Of Dirt

I guess the only way to get to know a community is to jump right in.
So here goes.

Been growing off and on for around 30 years. Mostly outdoor growing.
I recently lost the luxury of growing outdoors so in the closet I went.

The Closet:
The "tent" is two Mylar emergency blankets hanging on, you guessed it, hangers in the closet.
The blankets are about two dollars each and can be picked up many places.


The Light:
Bought from one of the site sponsors, it is a DIY kit from Timber Grow Lights.
250 Watt Cree CXB3590. Five COBs.
The frame was built using twelve dollars worth of angled aluminum.


The Bucket of Dirt:
Current grow is all recycled dirt from previous grows, outside potted plants, coffee grounds the occasional banana peel etc etc.
The next grow I will use Fox Farms Ocean Forest. Been cold and rainy here and I'm not feeling the need to play in the mud.
Besides, I have a bag of it.


The Nutes:
Two Tablespoons Every Other Watering. Buds by Burpee. Lol.


Three or Four Times During Flower - One Teaspoon Per Gallon - 1/3 Strength


I will use fish emulsion during veg if needed. I just don't have any to show you right now.
It is cheap and works really well. It also smells really bad.

Temperature and Humidity:
I like it about 71 degrees Fahrenheit (21.6 Celsius) and about 50 percent humidity.
I get too hot otherwise and I don't like the air too dry.

My current lady is an Incredible Bulk from Dr. Krippling Seeds.
This is Day 50 of flower for her.
She was topped twice and vegged for about five weeks.
Question - Would you still top plants if you could hear them scream?





On deck is Sugar Black Rose from Delicious Seeds.
She is two days old.



You will quite often see that some pics have the stray hair in them that you can see.
Here is the culprit. Just part of the package. Her name is Pepe and she stays.
Pepe is a Papillion and just turned 8 years old.


There you have it. I would offer you a chair, but we are in a closet.
There is room for all though. It's a virtual closet.
Got my lounge chair, yummy vanilla late, and my packed pipe. Enough to share with all. Your plant is gorgeous!

Sent from my LGMS428 using 420
Thanks for the swift replies. I'm lucky in that I have plenty of room here even if I did have to kick the children out for it, at least they got free of the basement ;) I just always wonder if there's a gain to be had yield wise I suppose, mainly because my yields are weak. I see 20 oz plants from fluxes and I know that I don't grow that in a year, not at once anyway. I see the maximisation of space as a great reason to do it, but sometimes I wonder if there's more to it :thumb:
I understand the topping, I don't know if it's a definite increase in yield though to be fair as I haven't seen it in a true comparison grow with equal clones, lights, nutrients, training, distance from electronic interference vs time taken to harvest. Cutting that apical stem is going to cause the plant stunted growth for a short while and each the same after that although probably not so extreme as the first. I suppose I'm saying that I've not seen it with my own eyes. Don't take it the wrong way though please it's not intended as a skit or slur, the plants I see that are topped and trained look amazing, I just wonder whether it's mainly aesthetics :thumb:
I understand the topping, I don't know if it's a definite increase in yield though to be fair as I haven't seen it in a true comparison grow with equal clones, lights, nutrients, training, distance from electronic interference vs time taken to harvest. Cutting that apical stem is going to cause the plant stunted growth for a short while and each the same after that although probably not so extreme as the first. I suppose I'm saying that I've not seen it with my own eyes. Don't take it the wrong way though please it's not intended as a skit or slur, the plants I see that are topped and trained look amazing, I just wonder whether it's mainly aesthetics :thumb:

Gotcha. You may be correct there too.
In a small space though, I think it increases yield.
Allows me to veg longer.
good q's kraizey, for sure,,, for aesthetics mostly you ask,,??

i say nay , and nay i say,

couple things for sure,, maximizes space, absolutely,, i use my screen to basically 'spread the plant out', by spreading the branches out, i can keep them all at a similar elevation, thereby maximizing the amount of light exposure to the maximum amount of bud surface

when i spread my branches out, this also elevates the whole plant, or at least keeps it from needing to be lowered, reasoning is that more of the 'whole' plant is closer to the light source. the screen helps for tucking big leaves out of the way etc, again for maximum light exposure and penetration

topping,, from what i have read, a plant, mj plant, has one dominant top,, that top takes total priority in the nutrient ladder, ,, when one tops the plant,, the plant is confused and makes the next tops on the totem pole the privileged priority tops,, so now the plant prioritizes two tops, etc

certainly seems to bear itself out as far as i can see,, now one other point about topping,, me, personally, i have never ever noticed any 'lag' or delay or tears or plants rebelling, not even for a second, imo , the healthy plants just carry right on, like they could care less,, ha

me 2 bits, cheers
Ah I see, longer veg is always good I reckon unless you're running sog. so one plant trained horizontally and opening up inner cola sites would yield more than fitting 4 smaller plants there. Thanks for your answer Ditchweed, appreciated. I need to see if there's any definitive research about it now lol, it's that itch that can't be scratched :thumb:
good q's kraizey, for sure,,, for aesthetics mostly you ask,,??

i say nay , and nay i say,

couple things for sure,, maximizes space, absolutely,, i use my screen to basically 'spread the plant out', by spreading the branches out, i can keep them all at a similar elevation, thereby maximizing the amount of light exposure to the maximum amount of bud surface

when i spread my branches out, this also elevates the whole plant, or at least keeps it from needing to be lowered, reasoning is that more of the 'whole' plant is closer to the light source. the screen helps for tucking big leaves out of the way etc, again for maximum light exposure and penetration

topping,, from what i have read, a plant, mj plant, has one dominant top,, that top takes total priority in the nutrient ladder, ,, when one tops the plant,, the plant is confused and makes the next tops on the totem pole the privileged priority tops,, so now the plant prioritizes two tops, etc

certainly seems to bear itself out as far as i can see,, now one other point about topping,, me, personally, i have never ever noticed any 'lag' or delay or tears or plants rebelling, not even for a second, imo , the healthy plants just carry right on, like they could care less,, ha

me 2 bits, cheers

Very elegantly put nivek. You use words well my friend. You make them all your own too.

In nature it is common for plants to lose bits and pieces along the way.
I think that is why they just go forward. They are pretty bad ass. Lol.
good q's kraizey, for sure,,, for aesthetics mostly you ask,,??

i say nay , and nay i say,

couple things for sure,, maximizes space, absolutely,, i use my screen to basically 'spread the plant out', by spreading the branches out, i can keep them all at a similar elevation, thereby maximizing the amount of light exposure to the maximum amount of bud surface

when i spread my branches out, this also elevates the whole plant, or at least keeps it from needing to be lowered, reasoning is that more of the 'whole' plant is closer to the light source. the screen helps for tucking big leaves out of the way etc, again for maximum light exposure and penetration

topping,, from what i have read, a plant, mj plant, has one dominant top,, that top takes total priority in the nutrient ladder, ,, when one tops the plant,, the plant is confused and makes the next tops on the totem pole the privileged priority tops,, so now the plant prioritizes two tops, etc

certainly seems to bear itself out as far as i can see,, now one other point about topping,, me, personally, i have never ever noticed any 'lag' or delay or tears or plants rebelling, not even for a second, imo , the healthy plants just carry right on, like they could care less,, ha

me 2 bits, cheers

Hey Nivek I missed this response as I must have been typing but here's a belated thanks for your reply :thanks: I understand what you mean by the dominant tops, how it's built by splitting the apical stem and inducing dominant colas, the same can be applied by tying down that stem and making the highest branches the side shoots as far as I know. I'm just not sure whether everything aside (space etc) that it's the best way to play and make hay. I have plenty of weed to last but it would be nice to have more and different strains so that growing wouldn't be a problem for years lol. I'm wondering if definitively training means better produce in a better time I suppose.

I think scrogs and lollipopping is good practice but nowadays the lights penetrate enough (always have done in older trusted light sources) that realistically it's apples v oranges when it comes to scrogging. My mind is wandering, it's all this painkiller...:passitleft:
Beautiful buds bro.

With the training and topping, it definitely increases yield, especially if you know what youre doing.
Without sounding like a prick,i pulled 7.5 ounces out of a cupborad that was about two foot wide
and a foot deep. The height was about waist height.

I'm hoping to try and double that this crop, in a similar space but with more height.

Half the fun for me is getting maximum yield with minimum space and power.
I'd like to hit 10 oz out of this setup at least. My mate doesnt train his plants and
gets a lot less out of them. He runs hydro and a more powerful light too.

Looks awesome to me :) my Incredible bulk should be above ground tonight, had a quick look earlier and her stem is already poking up, 2 days to germinate, not bad at all :thumb:

All of the Incredible Bulks that I have tried have been strong healthy plants.
I bet you will get that as well. Maybe even something special.
I am a fan of that strain.
Wow very nice!
Awesome affordable set up too!
Your dog is so cute very simular to my Chico
He's a Papion / Chiauwa mix.
Thanks for sharing the pics.
I harvested one plant this year all organic as well .
Now I'm reaping the benefits too.
God created hundreds of various strains of this herb around the world for us to use.
I've been vaping for about a year now and no hacking what so ever now.
cheers all
Wow very nice!
Awesome affordable set up too!
Your dog is so cute very simular to my Chico
He's a Papion / Chiauwa mix.
Thanks for sharing the pics.
I harvested one plant this year all organic as well .
Now I'm reaping the benefits too.
God created hundreds of various strains of this herb around the world for us to use.
I've been vaping for about a year now and no hacking what so ever now.
cheers all

I believe that this was your first post. Welcome to the site.
If you love dogs, we will get along nicely.

Have some reps friend.

Wow very nice!
Awesome affordable set up too!
Your dog is so cute very simular to my Chico
He's a Papion / Chiauwa mix.
Thanks for sharing the pics.
I harvested one plant this year all organic as well .
Now I'm reaping the benefits too.
God created hundreds of various strains of this herb around the world for us to use.
I've been vaping for about a year now and no hacking what so ever now.
cheers all

I'm always interested in the Vaporizer that folks are using. Would you share your experience, brand, model and maybe what you like about? I vape with a portable - a Flowermate 5.0 I think. I'm looking for a recommendation of a table model.

Cheers. But I still love my pipes :bongrip:

PS: Agree with Ditch about topping. I just top, wait for new growth, top again or take some clones. Whether done systematically or haphazardly, cutting the terminal end of any branch forces the plant to develop more branches.
Heya friends, great timing for this topic, fer me anyhoo. Jim too maybe.

Reason being,, I just ' won' a volcano vaporizer on eBay. Should be here near Christmas. I am excited, must say. I have a magic flight, never use it, hugely high maintenance. I would love to hear any opinions on the volcano, cheers fer now
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