About to end week 4 of flowering - Not sure if my plants are going well - Help


Active Member
Im growing under a 400watt hid i have one unknown from seed im currently about to end.week 4 of flowering and im not sure if i should begin flushing or im not sure if i fed it correctly or if im moving on correctly some of the.pistils.are beginning to brown already so im not sure if that means its almost ready because the buds dont loom very fat. If anyone can help me out please i use fox farm fertilizer and growing in 3 gallon ocean farm soil all together i am 11 weeks monday from sprout.my temps are at the golden standard 75-85 most of.the time 80% ph and everything has been fine and i have only fed it every three waterings but im not sure if i did it correctly
thats a nice looking plant!

you're around the same timing as i am, i expect to see my girls start swelling up over the next few weeks, though i am growing 8 week indica strains.

based on the leaf shape yours looks mostly sativa, so you could be in for a longer flower period; i wouldn't sweat it at 4 weeks yet, as you should have at least 4-6 more weeks to go. Longer in some sativas.

The hairs will turn from white to gold/orange or darker depending on genetics as the mature.
do you have a magnifier? if you keep an eye on the trichromes that will give you an idea of when she's ready to harvest - heres a link to show you what to look for.

Pictures on when to harvest - Trichome colours

if you aren't noticing any issues or stunted growth then i'd say you're doing just fine,
stay the course!
Cannabis strains will typically flower between 8-12 weeks. So at best you are still a month out but chances are you want to go more. It is not extremely likely that you randomly got a quick flowering 8 week strain by chance.

There are 3 types of weed. Sativa, Indica or a cross of them somewhere inbetween. Indicas flower faster. Sativas flower longer. you plant is looking like a sativa to me but is likely a cross that maybe 10-30% indica. So you probably have a 10ish week flowering period if you don't screw something up.

I recently picked up this 60x lighted magnification tool that is like 4 bucks and works amazingly well...like seriously it works great and is practically free. WAAAAY better than any cheapo jewelers loop I have used.

Amazon: KingMas Mini 60x LED UV Light Pocket Microscope Jeweler Magnifier Loupe


So for that 4 bucks you can get in there and actually verify when it is time to harvest because you can easily see the maturity of the trics. I highly recommend doing this as it is "the way" you confirm maturity until you have grown a particular strain back to back a few times and have it dialed in.

So when it comes to the flush it depends on the medium you are using. if you are in a great soil 2 weeks is about right. if you are in a not so great soil maybe 1.5 weeks. If you are in soilless mediums probably about a week and for hydro you can flush 3-4 days if done correctly. So you have a long way to go before flushing.

Good luck! So far it is looking real nice!
I recently picked up this 60x lighted magnification tool that is like 4 bucks and works amazingly well...like seriously it works great and is practically free. WAAAAY better than any cheapo jewelers loop I have used.

Amazon.com: KingMas Mini 60x LED UV Light Pocket Microscope Jeweler Magnifier Loupe: Industrial & Scientific

I just ordered an identical item from ebay for like $7; thanks for the tip!
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