Adding more peat moss to ProMix HP


Well-Known Member

It has been suggested I needed to add More peat moss to my ProMix HP.

Which got me thinking.

I am quite pleased with my resent grow with ProMix HP/MC and non phed well water @ ~7.5 and a ppm of ~500.

Peat moss has a low ph and might help in conjunction with the buffering of the ProMix HP ?

And there is this about MC, I hope I'm not misquoting @Emilya o_O

Traditional synthetic nutrients use EDTA salt chelation that uses pH within a certain range as the means to release the nutrients and make them available to the plants. Veganic nutrients are bound instead with an amino acid that is actually eaten by the plants to release the nutrients hidden inside, and the pH of the fluids has no bearing on this process. As long as your pH is within the bio-safe range of 9-4, uptake is fine in that system.

It also retains water a little better but I'm not sure if that is relevant or a good thing.

Might make flushing less effective or simply take longer ?

Considering doing an experiment with adding 20% (?) to a 3 gallon mix.

Thoughts ?

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