ProMix HP


Well-Known Member
Trying a couple of new things this grow.

Auto Fem's from AutoCanada.

King Gelato, 2 x Gelato, Purple Silverback and a Gorilla Glue #4. All dinky little greenish seeds popped !

First, germinated fully in distilled water, ~ 1/4" tap root after 36 hours. Do Not miss the whole paper towel thingee ;)

Cut open an older bag of ProMix HP and found it to be quite dry.

Filled up my yogurt containers and wet with a 75% solution of Mega Crop's recommendation for seedlings/early veg.

Common knowledge seems to be to wait two to three weeks to start feeding but in what medium ? ProMix has no nutrients in it.

Maybe a bit early to judge but color looks good, no signs of burning and the first set of leaves are still green.

Comments ?

Day 9 above ground....

KG 17 Jan 2022 Day 9.jpg

Trying a couple of new things this grow.

Auto Fem's from AutoCanada.

King Gelato, 2 x Gelato, Purple Silverback and a Gorilla Glue #4. All dinky little greenish seeds popped !

First, germinated fully in distilled water, ~ 1/4" tap root after 36 hours. Do Not miss the whole paper towel thingee ;)

Cut open an older bag of ProMix HP and found it to be quite dry.

Filled up my yogurt containers and wet with a 75% solution of Mega Crop's recommendation for seedlings/early veg.

Common knowledge seems to be to wait two to three weeks to start feeding but in what medium ? ProMix has no nutrients in it.

Maybe a bit early to judge but color looks good, no signs of burning and the first set of leaves are still green.

Comments ?

Day 9 above ground....

KG 17 Jan 2022 Day 9.jpg

Good morning @Chuckeye Hope you are having a good day my friend.
Your lady looks very healthy at this point.
Do you have a feed schedule for your MC?
That would help.

Stay safe
Good morning @Chuckeye Hope you are having a good day my friend.
Your lady looks very healthy at this point.
Do you have a feed schedule for your MC?
That would help.

Stay safe

Not sure if their schedule will help me, my well water has a ppm of 500 !

So basically I'm starting with their recommendations and keeping a close eye on the results...

And first time using MC, upgraded from Advanced Nutrients M/G/B ;)

Not sure if their schedule will help me, my well water has a ppm of 500 !

So basically I'm starting with their recommendations and keeping a close eye on the results...

And first time using MC, upgraded from Advanced Nutrients M/G/B ;)

I love MC, been using um for a few grows now. Can use um from start to finish! Seedling looking cherreh, I think you doing fine my braddah. It's hard to nute burn with MC... good product. Looks like you know your medium, so I would stick to what you doing, and around day 16 give um full strength MC.
Common knowledge seems to be to wait two to three weeks to start feeding but in what medium ?

in my opinion and other experienced growers i know on here etc, a week into a wee ones life it will be requiring nutes,, very mild indeed for sure,,

this stage of a plants life is the most difficult, for me it sure is,, but i know for me, in my hempy solo cups, where my wee ones reside,, a week in i am feeding them,, mega crop also

one tip perhaps for you. mega crop. it is 'not ok' to mix up teeny batches of that stuff. i ran into this problem very recently, and was mixing small amounts. my m c is the original formula,, balls and stuff,, anyhoo, because i was mixing small amounts, i got the balance of mixture unbalanced as i was putting too many balls into the mix,, way too much nitrogen,, my leaves curled up like mad

P1180184 (2).JPG

this pic is just the beginning,, the curl lasted for three sets of leaves, and got quite a bit worse

i had so few plants in production then, now i am getting revved back up,, and i only mix in 8 liter batches, no less,, full strength and then dilute to where i want it after that

karma sent friend
in my opinion and other experienced growers i know on here etc, a week into a wee ones life it will be requiring nutes,, very mild indeed for sure,,

this stage of a plants life is the most difficult, for me it sure is,, but i know for me, in my hempy solo cups, where my wee ones reside,, a week in i am feeding them,, mega crop also

one tip perhaps for you. mega crop. it is 'not ok' to mix up teeny batches of that stuff. i ran into this problem very recently, and was mixing small amounts. my m c is the original formula,, balls and stuff,, anyhoo, because i was mixing small amounts, i got the balance of mixture unbalanced as i was putting too many balls into the mix,, way too much nitrogen,, my leaves curled up like mad

P1180184 (2).JPG

this pic is just the beginning,, the curl lasted for three sets of leaves, and got quite a bit worse

i had so few plants in production then, now i am getting revved back up,, and i only mix in 8 liter batches, no less,, full strength and then dilute to where i want it after that

karma sent friend
I have the original formula too, but I sifted the balls out. Ground them down, and mixed ¾ back into the MC. Keeping the other quarter for a stronger feed if needed... for small batches.
I have the original formula too, but I sifted the balls out. Ground them down, and mixed ¾ back into the MC. Keeping the other quarter for a stronger feed if needed... for small batches.

you might have to run a little calmag at some point. that's what you're pulling out. especially if you are under led.

i usually start at 50% of the seedling mix til you get to the current stage then up the feed a bit. i'd probably be right where you are at the moment
Pretty sure the balls are Calcium not Nitrogen. With Mega Crop and Pro mix, my feed schedule was 1g for every 5-7 days old the plant was, topping out at 6g. So:

Day 1-5 1g
Day 6-10 2g
Day 11-15 3g
Day 16-20 4g
Day 21-25 5g
Day 26 - Harvest 6g

Do you know what makes up the 500ppm of your water?
you might have to run a little calmag at some point. that's what you're pulling out. especially if you are under led.

i usually start at 50% of the seedling mix til you get to the current stage then up the feed a bit. i'd probably be right where you are at the moment
I use one alternate CalMag from TPS.

EDIT: Sorry, not trying for high jack thread... I'll stop haha.
I use one alternate CalMag from TPS.

EDIT: Sorry, not trying for high jack thread... I'll stop haha.

lol ... run the cal mag or leave the balls back in.
With 500 ppm well water, I'm guessing there's already a shit ton of Calcium in there. Probably a decent amount of Sulfur too.
And first time using MC, upgraded from Advanced Nutrients M/G/B

AN refugee myself.

With 500 ppm well water, I'm guessing there's already a shit ton of Calcium in there. Probably a decent amount of Sulfur too.

lots of times it's iron as well. sulfur and iron are common well water elements here. both get hard to deal with.
Pretty sure the balls are Calcium not Nitrogen. With Mega Crop and Pro mix, my feed schedule was 1g for every 5-7 days old the plant was, topping out at 6g. So:

Day 1-5 1g
Day 6-10 2g
Day 11-15 3g
Day 16-20 4g
Day 21-25 5g
Day 26 - Harvest 6g

Do you know what makes up the 500ppm of your water?

No, it's been many moons since I had it tested !

Depending on the season, it takes from 40 - 50 drops/2.5L of water to bring it down to a ph of 6...

Using your ratio I'm at roughly the 1-5 day number.

i was going to ask @bluter if he remembered what the balls consisted of,, because it was great discussion a few years back,, but i looked it up myself

all the research i did told me the balls were nitrogen 'and' calcium

which is why folks are mentioning adding cal mag,, cuz if one reduces the balls, one is reducing nitrogen 'and' calcium,, hence the adding additional cal/mag to make up for it,,

and even m.c. company admitted there is not enuf mag in there, and changed the formula,, tho i know not where it be at now,, still working on my first bag,, and long time to go still too, as in years seems like
I mix 1 cup of tap water ( 100ppms ) and 100g of megacrop, and put in bottle of your choice. Let sit and shake over 24 hours. Shake before using, and measure out fast. so i know 1ml is about 65ppms of MC. Beats measuring out and the little ball problem.
i use mc as well. i also give them some cal-mag. i measure out by grams how much to feed. i use measuring spoons by volume. here is my schedule.

for 1 gal
Measure Amount Veg 1 - Seedling/Small Plants Veg 2 - Normal Veg Veg 3 - Extended Veg
Grams 2 4 4.5
Bloom/Flower/Budding Phase
Measure Amount Bloom/Flower Week 1-2 Bloom/Flower Week 3-4 Bloom/Flower Week 5-Harvest
Grams 5 5.50 6
for 5 gals
Measure Amount Veg 1 - Seedling/Small Plants Veg 2 - Normal Veg Veg 3 - Extended Veg
Grams 10 20 22.50
Bloom/Flower/Budding Phase
Measure Amount Bloom/Flower Week 1-2 Bloom/Flower Week 3-4 Bloom/Flower Week 5-Harvest
Grams 25 27.50 30
for 7 gals
Measure Amount Veg 1 - Seedling/Small Plants Veg 2 - Normal Veg Veg 3 - Extended Veg
Grams 14 28 31.50
Bloom/Flower/Budding Phase
Measure Amount Bloom/Flower Week 1-2 Bloom/Flower Week 3-4 Bloom/Flower Week 5-Harvest
Grams 35 38.50 42
for 8 gals
Measure Amount Veg 1 - Seedling/Small Plants Veg 2 - Normal Veg Veg 3 - Extended Veg
Grams 16 32 36
Bloom/Flower/Budding Phase
Measure Amount Bloom/Flower Week 1-2 Bloom/Flower Week 3-4 Bloom/Flower Week 5-Harvest
Grams 40 44 48
for 10 gal
Measure Amount Veg 1 - Seedling/Small Plants Veg 2 - Normal Veg Veg 3 - Extended Veg
Grams 20 40 45
Bloom/Flower/Budding Phase
Measure Amount Bloom/Flower Week 1-2 Bloom/Flower Week 3-4 Bloom/Flower Week 5-Harvest
Grams 50 55 60

Small update, I was worried my high ppm well water (500) would render the MC calculator useless but so far my girls seem to be thriving on the recommended amount.

Good color, not a single blemish and the first set of baby leaves are still green !

I can only guess at the size differences being related to the size of the tap root at planting ?

They did range from 1/8" to 1/2" and the two on the right, a Gelato and the Purple Silverback lagged behind in unfolding.

The middle plant and the one immediately to the right are both Gelato's. Not sure what the o_O

The Girls 23 Jan 2022 Day 15.jpg

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