Chuckeye's Sativa Grow In ProMix HP

Day 40

First up is my test subject, the smaller of the two Green Cracks. Sadly, I think she has served her purpose and will have to give up her spot ;)

Then the Amnesia Auto can go in the middle and when she's done there will be more room for the remaining four.

Last watering the Green Crack received 1.6g of MaxiGro in 4L of water. PPM was 600 and ph 7.0

I found a site last night that had a ten year long thread with 197 posts on the Maxi series. Seems there were quite a few members feeding 5g/gallon all the way through veg and 7g/gallon all the way through flower o_O

Guess I'm just too used to slowly working my way up !

Day 40 Small Green Crack 17 Aug.jpg

The Amnesia Auto received 2.2g of MaxiBloom in 4L of water. She does have one bottom yellow leaf so I will up her feed next watering.

Day 40 Amnesia Auto 17 Aug.jpg

Double Chocolate is the bushiest of the four Sativa's. Will not be long before she needs stakes.

Day 40 Double Chocolate 17 Aug.jpg

Durban Poison is coming along but still the smallest ?

Day 40 Durban Poison 17 Aug.jpg

Green Crack has only been topped.

Day 40 Green Crack 17 Aug.jpg

Lambs Bread

Day 40 Lambs Bread 17 Aug.jpg

Group shot

Day 40 The Girls 17 Aug.jpg

Hey Chuck, you planning on feeding Koolbloom powder in the next few weeks instead of the maxibloom? Should hep to ripen those babies up good.
Na, just a testament to Chuckeye's growing skills.

Though I am currently 2-4 this year on my guerrilla grows.
My most recent casualty was taken out by a bush hog.
Are you going to relentlessly track him and rotisserie his greedy a$$, or let sleeping hogs lie? (Mmmmmm, hogs)
So much for well laid plans, sigh....

I was going to retire my small Green Crack Maxi series test plant but After taking this picture I found a corner to stuff her in, for now, I guess :love:

Day 41 The Girls18 Aug.jpg

What gorgeous fine work you do. Appreciate the thread style too, very helpful. Growspace is very aesthetically pleasing and very considerate to have the large print yoghurt contain. labels.. any chance of their return? I confuse easily.

Man, those peeps running such heavy maxi ferts. have my respect. I think that’s called, ‘tickling the dragon’ and I’m not advanced enough to dare. I hope the feed charts I linked elsewhere were helpful. The feed def has potential and it did very well for me outside in my veg containers and my grapes. Took these moments ago…



Gonna have double yield grapes this year because I used maxi bloom and not the usual 3-3-3. Prob over 500lb from 3 plants. The entire house is engulfed. As for the tomatoes every branch has a wing command squadron like that and the taste… oh yes. Aubergines are in 1 gal pots and carrying 5 fruit at a time, 4 plants in 60/40 peat perlite. Couldn’t give you a dose exact, about 3/4 max on package. I do have the powdered loop bloom but don’t know, looks like a dragon to me.

One of my tents already has a permanent moniker, the “Burn Unit”.

PS I also used maxigrow early on with the veg, but not grapes.

May Jah-love keep you and raise you up, forever. Amen. - rd
What gorgeous fine work you do. Appreciate the thread style too, very helpful. Growspace is very aesthetically pleasing and very considerate to have the large print yoghurt contain. labels.. any chance of their return? I confuse easily.
Thank you !

You never know what little detail may help someone out.

Plants are rotated regularly and I sometimes forget to move their name plates o_O
Man, those peeps running such heavy maxi ferts. have my respect. I think that’s called, ‘tickling the dragon’ and I’m not advanced enough to dare. I hope the feed charts I linked elsewhere were helpful. The feed def has potential and it did very well for me outside in my veg containers and my grapes. Took these moments ago…
Not sure how they are getting away with it, perhaps drain to a lot of waste every feed ?
Gonna have double yield grapes this year because I used maxi bloom and not the usual 3-3-3. Prob over 500lb from 3 plants. The entire house is engulfed. As for the tomatoes every branch has a wing command squadron like that and the taste… oh yes. Aubergines are in 1 gal pots and carrying 5 fruit at a time, 4 plants in 60/40 peat perlite. Couldn’t give you a dose exact, about 3/4 max on package. I do have the powdered loop bloom but don’t know, looks like a dragon to me.
Looking good !

I miss "regular" type gardening, I moved to this acreage quite a while ago and it's nothing but sand. Never did get around to making beds, sigh...
One of my tents already has a permanent moniker, the “Burn Unit”.

PS I also used maxigrow early on with the veg, but not grapes.

May Jah-love keep you and raise you up, forever. Amen. - rd
I usually find out how much is too much the hard way !

This time for a change I'm taking it easy :yahoo:

Just had a peek and ALL the girls are praying !

Just had a peek and ALL the girls are praying !
But will you grant their prayers?
(I'm gonna go out on a limb here and predict the affirmative)

Did you custom-build the semicircular elements of your panel system? It's very nice work.

I would like to experiment with some mylar perhaps on a custom wire form that would make my 5x5 tent corners, er, well... gone.

Something easily collapsible and remove/installable, maybe even as elements of a potential partition system.

I'm an airflow aficionado and I also have a Co2 system setup in one room/tent. Its yer basic bottled gas system/reg./inkbird contrllr, but supplemented by homegrown mycelium and fermentation buckets. Anyway, I feel that I've left a lot of 'head room' re: airflow in this tent/lungroom and I'd really like to make general airflow improvements before I start taking from that bottle of Co2, but I'm not well versed in the theory and need to find some edu resources that are a wee bit more advanced than what I've got so far.

Grow-on - rd
But will you grant their prayers?
(I'm gonna go out on a limb here and predict the affirmative)
The Girls Always have their prayers answered :love:
Did you custom-build the semicircular elements of your panel system? It's very nice work.

I would like to experiment with some mylar perhaps on a custom wire form that would make my 5x5 tent corners, er, well... gone.

Something easily collapsible and remove/installable, maybe even as elements of a potential partition system.
Yes, I started out with a 36" circle for one plant. Whatever I ended up with had to be easily moveable, my room occasionally has other functions !

Made a pattern on cardboard and then cut out sections or ribs in 1/2" plywood.

Air stapler and glued on wood braces in the corners. 3/4" thick "feet" to hold them up and provide a bottom source/inlet of air.

The first layer or face is 1/8" hollow core white plastic. For the next grow I added two 14" wide panels, enough room for two girls, basically a 3' x 4'.

Thought the plastic would be reflective enough, not. So I used spray adhesive to glue on tin foil. Now this seems to work wonders ! So much so that I would forget to rotate the girls !

And for the next grow, I added two more 14" panels for roughly 4' x 4'.

For this grow I was going to add more width to the flat panels and so far, I just set them up with spaces between them. Seems to work well enough I won't get around to adding on !

It literally takes seconds to move the panels out of the way and have full access to the plants. And I also put each plant on a rolling base. From a rolling stool I can work on/rotate the girls with little effort or back strain !

In hindsight, it would have been much less work and expense to use/cut up sheets of 3/4" foil lined foam insulation. $17 each here... And the corners could be two foot wide 45 degree angles. Cobble together wood stands for them..

I also hate square corners ;)
I'm an airflow aficionado and I also have a Co2 system setup in one room/tent. Its yer basic bottled gas system/reg./inkbird contrllr, but supplemented by homegrown mycelium and fermentation buckets. Anyway, I feel that I've left a lot of 'head room' re: airflow in this tent/lungroom and I'd really like to make general airflow improvements before I start taking from that bottle of Co2, but I'm not well versed in the theory and need to find some edu resources that are a wee bit more advanced than what I've got so far.

Grow-on - rd
Not sure how well CO2 would work in this relatively open system ?

My room exhaust fan is running at about 100 cfm 24/7. Middle setting on a 7" Honeywell fan. Full speed is 185 cfm.

Although the space is 10' x 10' x 8' high I'm pretty sure the heat from the 600w MH/HPS would be too much without some air exchange....

Not sure how well CO2 would work in this relatively open system ?
Indeed, however, my situ is quite diff. to yours, yet in order to have the air movement I'd like, I'm considering not just an active intake but also 'corner cutting' w. proposed mylar on wire-frame in each corner.

Am growing in a 5x5x6.6 tent in a sealed room that is 10x5x6.6 so the effective lung room is exactly the same size as tent. This room is on S-facing, currently quite warm, side of the house and is well insulated, but as it is sealed re: Co2, I really feel the need to pep up the exchange btwn tent/lungroom. My 6' AC inline fan exhausts to the outdoors, via ducting with two draft blockers, which is great if emerg. level temps or cO2 levels are reached the system will pull the ripcord and vent out the co2 quickly, but for lights-on running it just gets staler than a 5$ er, "hen"-house in there. I was thinking if I did some active air intake in the tent and made the walls more circular to keep this "air" moving it might solve the problem.
Day 44

How convenient, they all needed watering today !

First up is the Amnesia Auto, she received 3.5g of MaxiBloom in 4 L of water. One bottom leaf is just starting to yellow so I will up the dose next feed.

Her canopy is at ~ 20" and she's 24" across.

Day 44 Amnesia Auto 21 Aug.jpg

Double Chocolate is roughly 20" x 20" .

All the photo's received 3.5g of MC in 4L of water. Actually more like 4.5L and just enough to start to see some run off.

Day 44 Double Chocolate 21 Aug.jpg

Durban Poison is finally looking as vigorous as I like to see, she has caught up and surpassed the Lambs Bread.

Her canopy is at ~ 16" and 24" wide with very little urging ! I think she was just a light eater and needed a little more time to get her legs under her.

Day 44 Durban Poison 21 Aug.jpg

The Green Crack MaxiGro girl is also looking good and hasn't needed hardly any LST to spread her branches. She received 3.5g of MaxiGro in 4L of water. This is her post watering droop...

Day 44 Green Crack 21 Aug.jpg

Lambs Bread !

Day 44 Lambs Bread 21 Aug.jpg

The small Green Crack MaxiGro girl. I was concerned there was an interaction going on between whatever remained of her original feeding with MC so I did a 3X flush with the final containing 3g in 4L of MaxiGro.

She also got a hair cut with just the four branches remaining from her topping !

Day 44 Small Green Crack 21 Aug.jpg

Group shot. The plan is four bamboo sticks each with a hoop or ring of wire about 24" across.

Day 44 The Girls 21 Aug.jpg

Day 47

Feed and hair cut day !

Looking at the pictures now I could have taken a few more bottom leaves but they were in good positions to continue doing their jobs. Just not so tidy, he, he...

I did get around to picking up some bamboo stakes. After diving into trimming I decided to corral the outlying branches together with wire for now. The goal being a 2' x 2' or so footprint.

Later in flower/stretch I will make a cage with the stakes and more wire...

I am planning on using that "cage" to pull down any tops that get out of control !

Support and training aids, eh ?

I don't care to super crop but I've had good results pulling down tops well into flower.

All of the initial tie downs have been removed. The main tops shapes are established.

Day 47  Tie Branches 24 Aug.jpg

Amnesia Auto is showing just the teeny tiny bit of leaf tip burn so she received the same amount of MaxiBloom as last feed, 3.5g/4L. Took off some of the lower flowers that won't amount to anything, they are drying for a little test :bongrip:

Day 47  Amnesia Auto 24 Aug.jpg

The Double Chocolate is a little out of control, in a good way ! She was ready for water again after 36 hours !

I gave her 4g/4L of MC again.

Day 47  Double Chocolate 24 Aug.jpg

The smaller of the two Green Cracks is looking promising, she received 3.5g/4L of MaxiGro.

Day 47  Green Crack Maxi 24 Aug.jpg

Lambs Bread seems to be lagging at bit, this is her post water droop ! 3.5g/4L of MC.

BTW > I used to fret over drooping but within a half hour or so they are all back praying.

And only half of them do that...

Day 47  Lambs Bread 24 Aug.jpg

The other Green Crack on MaxiGro, now @ 4g/4L.

Day 47 Green Crack 24 Aug.jpg

Durban Poison

They say you are supposed to love all your children the same but this girl is the one I am most looking forward to smoking :love:

Day 45 Durban Poison 24 Aug.jpg

Group Shot.

Day 47 The Girls 24 Aug.jpg

Quick note !

Day 52, second day of flip to 12/12.

All the girls are on 4g/4L of their respective nutrients and I'm barely stretching watering to three days.

Amnesia Auto's canopy has stabilized @ 20 1/2".

All the other girls have grown 1" in the last 24 hours.

EXCEPT the Double Chocolate, she has grown TWO inches and is @ 30" ;)

The two Green Cracks are just behind @ 24". Durban Poison @ 22", Lambs Bread @ 17".

If she keeps up this behavior I am thinking about topping her 8 main branches....

And still expect to have to tie her down...

Not looking to set any records here, might just be easier to maintain an even canopy.

Day 51  Double Chocolate top one 28 Aug.jpg

Day 52 Double Chocolate top two 28 Aug.jpg

Day 52  Double Chocolate top three 28 Aug.jpg

Day 5 of flip to 12/12, total of 55 days.

Not much to report, they are just getting Bigger ;)

The light is @ 14" from the top of the Amnesia Auto canopy, she seems to be okay with that, I'm trying to minimize the stretch on the rest of the ladies.

Temp is 26.7C and rh is 49.

Amnesia Auto is on 4g/4L of Maxibloom, the two Green Cracks are on 2g of Grow and 2g of Bloom per 4 litres of water. All the others are still on 4g/4L of Mega Crop.

Double Chocolate is now @ 34", after this picture I installed three bamboo stakes and a 22" diameter wire hoop.

The plan was to to cut back to eight main tops and train them like a Xmas wreath, he, he..

I didn't have the heart to cut back to eight so for now the two tallest branches are simply pulled down towards the center. Going to think on that for a bit.... Maybe a wagon wheel shape o_O

Day 5  The Girls 31 Aug.jpg

Day 6 of flower.

Looks like the Double Chocolate is going to be a full time job o_O

Roughly twenty hours after pulling this branch fully horizontal !

Day 6  20 hrs later 1 Sept.jpg

After some thought I decided I couldn't sacrifice four perfectly healthy branches and went with my initial plan of pulling them down in a circle....

Before, can't even tell two branches were pulled over yesterday..

Day 6  Before 1 Sept.jpg

With another week + of stretch it should get interesting !

An hour later I already had to adjust some of the pull downs..

Day 6  Pulled over 1 Sept.jpg

The girls before the training, the Double Chocolate is back left..

Day 6 The Girls 1 Sept.jpg

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