Ajagunle's Green Poison Winter TLA Journal - NFT CFL GLR DLS UVb

I'm with you on the defoliation there AJ! It was doing great for me with Driz, LK and The Keeper. Granted they turned male, but not from hermi. Runtlet didn't start getting it until she started showing pistils (should've started sooner with her), by then some of the secondary branches had some big stretch between the nodes. But all new shoots are growing off real tight nodal space. Some are only a cm or less! So I got that in the mental bag for later sativa grows! :high-five:

Loving the NFT! Couldn't quite get my head around how it could work for a small grow, until now. Thanks! +reps!

I'm going hydro on my next one. Got some Blue Planet nutes on the way and all the necessary gadgets for a DWC in hand. Though I'm contemplating aeroponic as well. May just make a lil' aero cloner to satisfy that urge. :) My archetypal gemini behavior patterns have been in full swing lately. Gotta harvest soon or my wife is going to kill me. Lol!

Talk to you soon!!


Good to see you K!

NFT is ideal for me and my space, very limited physical effort (a challenge for me) and as long as I keep written records of my daily ‘rounds of the Estate’, extremely short for the most part, fairly simple, I do have an Archetypal Piscean character trait, memory of a Goldfish!

Defoliation is fantastic for getting ‘in amongst it’, it may add some time to vegetative growth, not that I’ve noticed so far, but the extra light on all the secondary branches has the desired effect! Going to open them all up tomorrow and guide as many tips to the surface as possible!

I shall look forward to your Hydro & Aero adventures!

I love nft and find it can be the most space efficient especially if vertical space is limited. The gro is looking great and I'm in for the long haul! I currently have a top feed nft under construction and will be following yours closely. Not enough of us around so we should stick together!

It was the space the decided it for me, and I already had the kit with which I thought I was comfortable. Good to have you along! Not sure I really know what a top feed NFT is but I’m sure it will become clear in your journal. Surprised NFT isn’t more common, but until recently I didn’t appreciate how many options there are.
Endless options! That's the best part of this hobby ( other than producing affordable medicine for yourself, friends, and family ). My nft is just set up with a table over a res. and the water is pumped to each net pot individually rather than just to one end of the table. I also have my pump going 24/7 to prevent lack of water and nutes in my clay pellets. Little bit more difficult to set up, waterproof, clean but worth it at the end.
Green Poison, Day 38

I have diluted the Res to 769TDS, still dialling into the most stable strength for plants at this stage, the manufacturers recommended dilution gives a whopping 1400TDS! and I have added 2ml ProPac, a root elixir that I would have previously added with a 10l Res top-up.


Girls are beginning to get a bit crowded, D Day2 tomorrow, when I can direct the shoots and unfurl the leaves scrunched up at the grow tip (circled)


I removed only leaves with a stalk longer than 2" and tried to set the most advantageous positions for the growing tips. The taller tops are not quite long enough to be held under the screen, when they are I will attempt a supercrop.


A lot more light getting to growing tips and a very noticeable increase in air movement. Looks a lot untidier than I had hoped, I'll have to be more forceful when the branches are less delicate.

The first run doing something new or running new equipment or new space is always less than optimal. Its only after running the same a few turn a rounds that we can get all the kinks out. Keeps things interesting!
The first run doing something new or running new equipment or new space is always less than optimal. Its only after running the same a few turn a rounds that we can get all the kinks out. Keeps things interesting!

Hi Northerner, there is also the ‘well I wouldn’t start from there’ scenario, you are right of course, and I won’t!

Everyday is a School day
A small win!

Putting GK's explanation into practice has taken a few light cycles, I have been removing Nutes all week, replacing with water to reduce TDS and at the next inspection ph has crept down and TDS crept up. I do not have any more room to keep the 'spare' Res. Being on a fixed income with inflation all around I try and minimise all waste and have kept all the syphoned off Res with a bubbler. Probably costs more to bubble than it does to replace.


Today TDS has fallen for the first time, 679 down to 658, ph has drifted by +.2, not wanting to increase TDS I have adjusted with ph down, already diluted at 40:1, I removed 10ml of res added 1ml ph down and added back 2.5ml of down at almost 400:1 dilution.
Having just been defoliated will presumably affect the eating:drinking ratio, lack of leaves should result in lower rate of transpiration and an increase in eating Nutes, proportionally. We shall see.


The top of the main tip is scrunched up against the screen so I have used pipe cleaner coils to force the stem off the wire. I also managed to divert the direction of the next branch along.

48 Hrs since defoliation and there is now a bit more room to see what’s going on and what’s growing where. I have had a good rummage for growing tips and to worry them to the surface, in some cases further defoliation was unavoidable. Not whole leaves yet, just any finger that is shading a future branch. This leaf was giving me the Bird, for the last time!


TDS has dropped to 718ppm and ph risen to 6.2 so I topped with 1.5l of diluted Nutes, ph back to 5.8 and TDS of 783ppm. I think that there should be a unit of ph, seems a bit odd just having a number, except if it is even, obviously, I Think.

Man, you guys scare the shit out of me with that hydro. It really looks like something I could f up in a hurry. What if you wanna go outa town for a coupla days ?, I need to be able to do that. I'm assembling this shit in my mind all the time, just a little intimidated by all the friggin measurements and equations. When I was in school they didn't even teach math. That's a lie, they did, I was just so stoned that I thought I was doin good to know that all I had to sell was 20 joints and the rest of the bag was mine! I hope at some point it dosen't seem so labor intensive, I like the idea of no friggin heavy bags of soil, and no friggin fungus g-nats. Can someone direct me to someplace with a name like " hydro for dummies? "
Man, you guys scare the shit out of me with that hydro. It really looks like something I could f up in a hurry. What if you wanna go outa town for a coupla days ?, I need to be able to do that. I'm assembling this shit in my mind all the time, just a little intimidated by all the friggin measurements and equations. When I was in school they didn't even teach math. That's a lie, they did, I was just so stoned that I thought I was doin good to know that all I had to sell was 20 joints and the rest of the bag was mine! I hope at some point it dosen't seem so labor intensive, I like the idea of no friggin heavy bags of soil, and no friggin fungus g-nats. Can someone direct me to someplace with a name like " hydro for dummies? "
its not as scary as it sounds bro,and you can leave for days at a time just set your ph at 5.5 and it will take 3-4 days to get to 6.1 when you want to bring it down again.heres a link to the basics of hydroponic growing.
Easy Basic Hydroponic Marijuana
hope this helps:)
Growing is growing whether in soil or hydro. They both can be easy but you get out what you put in. All the same variables are present its about how closely one chooses to control these variables that makes the difference.
Man, you guys scare the shit out of me with that hydro. It really looks like something I could f up in a hurry. What if you wanna go outa town for a coupla days ?, I need to be able to do that. I'm assembling this shit in my mind all the time, just a little intimidated by all the friggin measurements and equations. When I was in school they didn't even teach math. That's a lie, they did, I was just so stoned that I thought I was doin good to know that all I had to sell was 20 joints and the rest of the bag was mine! I hope at some point it dosen't seem so labor intensive, I like the idea of no friggin heavy bags of soil, and no friggin fungus g-nats. Can someone direct me to someplace with a name like " hydro for dummies? "

Huge apologies mcloadie, I am in danger of misrepresenting NFT. I managed several improving harvests without a ph meter and measuring Nute strength is still a new experience for me.

A boy with his New Toys syndrome,

In trying to keep ph as close to 5.8 as possible I am in danger of denying access to some elements more readily available if the ph moves through 5.5 to 6.1.
Growing is growing whether in soil or hydro. They both can be easy but you get out what you put in. All the same variables are present its about how closely one chooses to control these variables that makes the difference.

I think I have been over controlling, making work!

No such thing I believe ( over controlling) the more refined you process the more consistent your product will be. This also makes it much more easy to improve because if you know exactly what you did last time and make a change for the better you can pick out the particular that made the improvement.
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