And What Were Your Most Vivid Memories When You Started Smoking?


Well-Known Member
We were sitting in a field two of my navy friends and me.

In front of us there was a small hill and over the hill more fields.

A line of trees closed the horizon.

But what we didn't know is that there was a large and deep canal not very far from us, hidden by the small hill.

So to us everything appeared to be uninterrupted landscape.

We lit a big one. It was the third time I was smoking, so I was passed the paranoid stage.

We sat there...... with the classical dumb smile...

And then.......

and then....

She appeared......... a big black... enormous... immense.... colossal ...................cargo ship


She was so close that we could hear her propellers churning, seemingly plowing the fields!

She slowly filled the horizon. We had to look up to see the people.

I had goose bumps all over my body

Very sadly, she disappeared to the left, leaving us with the green of the fields again.

Too shaken to talk or move, we stayed still for a long time...

That was an intense moment in my life.

It was also the day I realized that this stuff was tailor made for me....
I can't say I got high the first time. It was the summer between 5th and 6th grade. It couldn't have been bad though. As I was smoking as much as I could get my hands on after that. I was high as hell by the time school came back into session lol.
Memories? What are they? Lol

Na the most memorable for me was laying behind this like electric hut thing by a skate park, bunking off school looking at the clouds with my old friend just talking nonsense and seeing what we could see in the clouds.
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