Anxiety and pot?


New Member
Anyone know the effects of smoking pot has on anxiety? I know if you smoke too much you can get anxious and some people get paranoid, but what about after the effects have worn off? Does having thc in your system after you're sober do anything? I know it probably is different person to person but have any studies been done, or anyone have personal experiences?
Its ALL about how YOUR mind works with it. I have horrible anxiety, and sometimes when I smoke I'm too high to be anxious, my minds on other stuff I'm cool, relaxed, but sometimes it makes it worse because naturally it does make you more paranoid. It's all about your perception of things. If you dont want to be more anxious after you smoke you gotta make your mind that way. As for the after effects, I don't think it really makes a difference. I feel once your buzz is gone your you again. Not that marijuana changes that, but you know, sober again.
It depends on the person and what mood you are in before you smoke. Personally it only boosts how i feel. If I am in a good mood and around the right people and feel comfortable then I will feel even less anxious when I smoke. If I smoke by myself in a sketchy area with cops I will feel more anxious and paranoid.
I have an anxiety disorder and bud helps me keep it under control. If I'm sober and anxious I can't do anything about it, but if I'm blazed and anxious I just blame the bud lol, no but really the bud helps me focus on other things and the anxiety melts away...
Like has been said it's all in your perception, if you are looking for the anxiety you will feel it, you have to find a way to focus on something to keep your mind occupied outside of yourself and good MM helps.
Dope anxiety in various degrees is pretty common, and I used to suffer from it myself at times. But 99% of the causes of it can be eliminated, and even when you're actually in anxiety, you can easily learn to get rid of the effects. That it is so common and that people still suffer through it when it can be avoided led me to write a book about the high and all it's ups and downs. I've been toking/eating hash for about 25 years and have researched the causes of bad highs, and what makes a good high, so that I could keep on using every day without having to have tolerance breaks. I was very kindly allowed to post a link to the book on 420 here:

Headstuff - How to be Good at Being Stoned

There's also a new FAQ on the MySpace site about the book's contents,and you'll note that the title is now 'Cannabis & Meditation - An Explorer's Guide'.

Hope this helps,
That really doesn't sound very nice at all, I know from experience what it can be like.

My wife never used to get paranoia attacks (she's been smoking as long as I have), but she started having them last year, two bad ones and lot of little ones if she's not careful. It varies a lot from person to person, type of weed, time of day smoked and a whole lot of other factors. Any forum you go to you'll always see thread with people talking about it.

I have an anxiety disorder and bud helps me keep it under control. If I'm sober and anxious I can't do anything about it, but if I'm blazed and anxious I just blame the bud lol, no but really the bud helps me focus on other things and the anxiety melts away...
Like has been said it's all in your perception, if you are looking for the anxiety you will feel it, you have to find a way to focus on something to keep your mind occupied outside of yourself and good MM helps.
:smoke2: I have depression/stress related anxiety and agree w/ City Indian that you need to remember that unless one is stumbling all over or babblng incoherently, nobody probably is aware the other person is high...redirecting your focus, take a couple of big deep breaths and exhale really slowly, then ask yourself why you feel anxious and try to move past it by engaging in a distraction, may help...any anxiety outside the worn off effects of MMJ is just the person IMO...because that is me otherwise:laughtwo:
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