Are my plants over-watered?


New Member
So I just went to check on my plants after a big storm last night and some of the leaves are curling down at the tip. I'm thinking its overwatering from the rain but I'm not sure could someone help me out? Thanks.



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Over watering doesn't happen with a single drench, nor do the plants react to over watering immediately. Over watering happens when the plants' roots are kept wet for an extended period.
Hopefully your rain will stop and you can let it dry out before you water or feed it.
It is a small plant for this time of year. Plants are entering their flowering stage now.
Yea I started them pretty late. Thanks I'll keep an eye on on them

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Major PITA is right. If the roots have been wet for an extended period of time, this would be the reason for a plant looking like that.

Give it some time but just watch out for leaf yellowing and other nutrient problems due to over-watering.
it is possible you could be overwatering, for example say you were already over watering her to begin with and had watered your plant the day before the big storm, now it rains, which would just compound the problem. With out more specific information I tend to not rule anything out.
Your soil looks very heavy. Did you add sand and/or vermiculite to lighten it up some? Heavy soggy soil will do that to ANY plant not designed for boggy places.

Since the plant is so small, you possibly could dig it up, (dig really wide and deep) and amend the soil to make it a lot lighter, then replant. When you clean out the hole, make it about as big as a 3 - 5 gallon pot, then fill it with your amended soil.

I hope this is a quick strain, because if you are in the Northern Hemisphere, you're coming up on autumn and shorter, cooler days.

Any chance you can bring it indoors when you dig it up? You'll have more control over how big it grows and when it will flower.
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