Biggie D loves his weed!


New Member
Figured I may as well introduce myself... since, well, there's an entire forum dedicated to that. :p

You can call me R, Biggie, or Biggie D. I get it all from my friends. R would be the initial of my first name. Biggie, I get called due to my size. And Biggie D would be both nicknames combined, the D being a derivative of my birth name. :)

To put it out there, I'm 6'2", 350 lbs. Hence, Biggie. :) However, I'm the happy go lucky sort, though I do have a mouth on me from time to time. I was introduced to pot back in high school, my freshman year (go figure), but only smoked it one time with no real effect. After that night, I abandoned my desire to give it a shot, and went back to the square-head that regarded marijuana as a drug and to stray away from it, and the people that used it.

About 4 months ago, my best friend, who'd also had the same mindset, smoked with another friend of ours, and suggested it to me as a means of stress reduction and possibly to be used as a therapeutic medicine. A couple weeks later, I did, and I've smoked every day since then. Haha. 'Course, I do have an addictive personality as well so that might have something to do with it.

Since then, I've abandoned my previous thoughts on marijuana being a drug, and have become a supporter of the war against prohibition of marijuana, and am a firm believer that the plant should be legalized. I've also come to realize how the utility of alcohol, and even other legal drugs such as some over the counter pain relief medications, are more hazardous to spectators, and even to the users themselves.

I guess all I'm really trying to say is that I think I may have found a forum where I don't stand out like a thorn, and I look forward to bs'ing with you guys n gals. :p So, hi. ^_^
I'm glad you discovered the healing properties of Cannabis. I'm a biggie too :cool:
Welcome to 420
Welcome to the 420 forums Biggie. With your change in mindset you'd be a perfect candidate for getting politically active. We have tons of info here on all subjects related to cannabis. Political activism, worldwide news, growing, medical, etc. Any questions...just ask.
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