bong water evaporation?


New Member
While I ran out of weed while taking my last bong hit, for some reson i was in stuck mode just starin at my bong water and something poped in my mind. If i boil my bong water and let the water evaporate, will i have some resin?? Any responses will be appreciated :roorrip:
I think that this is just cone dreaming. A blocked pipe full of resin will get you a smoke of resin but it will be rough as guts.

Remember : A clean bong is a happy bong

A dirty bong just encourages the opportunity of pluerisy and you are sucking smoke through layers of used and old smoke remenants.
Shit chevy, that last hit must have been something special to come up with that..... very creative, but smokin res is like eating you own puke bro.....
Haha appreciate all the responses everybody, I know resin hits get you high as hell, and all of ya made good points. Im currently growing some Purple Power from AMS barely a month old. Hoping its gonna b a good smoke so i can stop coming up with some crazy ideas when i run out of buddha lol
"While I ran out of weed while taking my last bong hit, for some reson i was in stuck mode just starin at my bong water" quote from chevy, I laughed so hard when I read this as I had just recently hit my pipe and was in stuck mode stairing at the 420 homepage, but I dont think I was thinking of anything while in stuck mode :smokin:
THC is not water soluable. You will only be collecting all the nasty stuff the water filtered out. :peace:
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