Boyfriend keeps breaking our joints!


New Member
Hey everyone, it seems everytime I ask my boyfriend to come over with a J or two he has bent them or punctured them somehow... Who the heck knows how. I usually just throw white owl tubes in my purse. but I guess all he brings is a wallet which you can't really put joints in. Anyone have some advice I can throw his way?
I had the same problem with rolling a joint and then walking to friends houses. I didn't want anything bulky because it wasn't comfortable to walk/ run in and those white owl tubes are noticeable from a mile away.

My girl bought me this new wallet that fits a joint or two perfectly. Check it out through facebook or google. You can google search it by

Pill Pocket Wallet

It has the medicine container built in that is a memory plastic. It is like a soft plastic that doesn't shatter and it isn't rigid so it fits comfortably. Check it out... might be a good gift to buy him if he isn't a pain. All I know is I never forget my wallet and now I never forget my J's!

Hope this helps.
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