Brown leaf tips on only one plant, any ideas?


420 Member
Hi all,
I have some seedlings started and am trying something new this year. I turned an old fish tank into a "Propagation Station" so I could try to better control the temperature, humidity and such, to give them a good head start before they went outside. The idea seems to be paying off as I am getting great growth out of the plants and they look very healthy......except one.

All plants were planted on the same day, in Jiffy pods and are about 2.5 weeks old. They are on the same watering cycle, fed the same water with (pH of about 6.0 to 6.5), they are all planted in the same soil type, they were all germinated at the same time and 8 of 9 show no issues. I have 2 Granddaddy Bruce plants that are beautiful, 1 White Widow that is doing awesome and 1 of 2 Mango Meringue that is doing great. The other MM has the leaf tips turning brown, which is kind of worrying. The other 3 plants I'm not sure of the strain, but the seeds are about 8 years old from a Northern Lights X plant that went to seed on me. Even these plants are doing great and I really didn't even expect them to start based on the age.

I am at a loss as to what could be going on with the one plant or how to fix it. Any ideas?

They are on the same watering cycle
Hiya @Coyote251 I'd guess this, she looks soggy to me. Many times I can't water certain plants nearly as often as their sisters. Weed in soil needs a really good dry cycle and its been my experience that when I try and run based on my fabricated schedule and not what the girls actually want I run into troubles like whacky pH, nute lockout and root rot.
They don’t need a humidity dome after they brake soil. In fact they need good air movement to ward of diseases like pm or damping off. Agree with pbass, let them dry a bit. Not completely but fairly dry.
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