buying a slide

spud 302

New Member
hi. i was looking at buying a killer tabletop 40 for a friends b-day. I thought the slide looked a little small in the pic, so i looked around to find a bigger one. I then noticed that i had no idea what i was doing, and gave up and came here. how do i make sure it will fit in his bong?
I would just ask him in a nonchalant way. I would say my friend has the same bong and you want to make sure you buy the right thing. Then you could just surprise him. Hope this helps. ;-)
Ms. Fox is right.
But if your worried. Then buy a slide and if it does not fit the bong bring it back to the store with the bong and the slide and tell them the story about the b-day gift and they will understand (the people that work at my head shop are cool, most of em are) and then just get the one that fits then.
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