Cannabis' Close Cousins

David Bowman

New Member
OK, so my cheap Rapitest one-piece Digital pH Tester was a POS, all it ever read was 7.0 after briefly flashing some other number that may or may not have been the actual pH. The local nursey graciously took it back, 8 months after purchase BTW, for store credit. So, I purchased the next level up in soil pH and moisture meters, two-piece models with a separate wand with which to test the soil. I know that they are far from ideal but I have no real interest or need for the more accurate and expensive models. I'm simply looking for something that works reasonably well with a relatively low cost which looks to be the case so far with these two meters.

Each device has a list of plants that you can save as favorites to compare readings with recommended ranges. Not surprisingly, cannabis is not on either list, so what would be a name of a plant which closely resembles cannabis' characteristics with respect to soil pH and moisture? It could be a different plant for pH and moisture as there are 400+ plants in the pH meter and 150+ plants in the moisture meter. I've heard of the comparison to tomatoes but I thought that was mostly for general nutrition/soil requirements, not for anything as specific as pH or moisture. I'm thinking of a close cousin of some sort and I thought I'd ask you guys and gals what you might suggest.
i vote for tomato also, i used tomato nutes in the past and worked great for MJ, then i guess they like the same kind of condition to thrive, but as i often say , i’m not an expert.
i’m sure GardenF would have a better answer.
have a nice day CH.
weed has two very distinct and different times in its life. each with its own nute needs.

Palms, hibiscus and citrus plants all have similar needs to a vegging cannabis plant. Flowers and tomatoes are closest to bud stage.
I always heard that hops are most closely related. When their buds are ripe they really resemble marijuana. I doubt that the meter has a 'hop preset'. Go with the tomatoes.
Very well Said Josh, hops is a cannabinacea (not sûre about that word tho'...) then is a direct cousin of MJ.
On some good Belgian veggy-growing-related-websites we may find this info:)
I did not know about that relationship between cannabis and hops. Years ago I used to home brew and always loved the smell of hops and barley. We sometimes go to the Coors "Short Tour", straight to the tasting room skipping the actual tour, and on they way in the smells are wonderful.
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