Cannabis Oil Dosing Tutorial: Tacking Method

Hi 420 Motoco,
Thank you so much for the detailed directions on how to use the oil RS style.

I have tried it three times now before bed, starting with 1/4 , than 1/2 a grain of rice. Third day maybe a little less than 1 grain of rice size.

Each time I just wake up with a film of oil slime across my teeth. It's quite disgusting. And all I can do to get it off is brush my teeth. This seems like a waste and that it's probably not the right way to get the oil into my guts for healing.... (I have ulcerative colitis).

Is there another way I can get the oil in other than applying on my gums under my teeth? I should mention that I have almost no salivary glands, they were destroyed by radiation for cancer when I was younger (i.e. dry mouth).
Many thanks!

Hello Fred and welcome to 420 magizine,
I have a few questions that hopefully will help us come up with a solution. First, what strain of product was your oil made from and are you tacking during the day at all?? And have you only been tacking for 3 days?? The amount you are tacking with is too big to start out with. Stick with the 1/4 size grain of rice until we can figure this out. As a rule we tack at night with a pure indica strain to help with sleep and we tack with sativa dominate strain during the day for healing.

I understand about the dry mouth. My dry mouth is from medication I take. Twice I tacked with the 1/4 grain of rice size right before going to sleep. When I woke up there was still oil left on my gums. I did not think it would matter and went ahead and ate breakfast. That was a mistake for me because I then felt the effects of eating the oil. I discovered it is because of my dry mouth that the oil stuck around until morning.

So my last question is are you tacking right before going to bed or a couple of hours before bed?? A couple of hours before bed would give you more time to let the oil absorb before ingesting it. I have to "work" with what little saliva I have and be conscious of making sure a small amout of saliva goes to my tack site. I then make sure I do not swallow the saliva for at least 15 minutes and usually longer for me, You will know that the oil is disapating when you get a taste of it on the back of your tongue. Also make sure you are tacking well below the teeth at the root line. You may have to experiment a little to see what works best for you. You want to be awake to make sure you do not get euphoric, then you know you are tacking correctly and healing will take place.

I am looking forward to hearing back from you and also to hear what Motoco suggestions are.

Hi FredNauj,

Welcome to 420 Magazine!

fghtsmallcell, covered your question thoroughly. Thank you for your details on your ailments. A nice mention of your saliva glands destroyed and that is probably a key factor in your ulcerative colitis condition and would also affect the autoimmune system also and lead to many other issues. This should not require more than 1 grain of rice during the day and 1/2 grain of nighttime. For example; 1/2 grain of rice in the a.m. broken down into two parts (one right after the other), followed by 1/2 grain of rice after lunch, and lastly the nighttime dose explained by fsc 1 hour before bed (standing or sitting) not laying down.

Unknowns; type of oil/strain/sativa dominant or Indica?

If the dosing instructions were followed you should be o.k.

Cotton mouth? If taken incorrectly, yes it will. Taken correctly, no. Unless as fsc mentioned, man-made meds. Did you get stoned? Also if you take your oil before (20-30 minutes) it will tone down the side effects of man-made meds.

As fsc mentioned, 'what type of oil'? Labeled RSO/C02/Butane? Is it cut with coconut oil/olive oil/glycerine? What is the solvent/carrier? You mentioned your saliva glands were almost completely destroyed. You would want to 'tack' on your lower gums. Why? It will repair them over time. Some of the most severe cases of autoimmune disorders are from saliva glands not working properly and you probably already know this. Lets try to resolve your issues on 'tacking' first before we move on to alternatives methods, which by the way just are not effective but none the less an alternative.

Thank you for any additional light you can shed on these questions so we can move forward for resolve.

420 Motoco

Hi 420 Motoco,
Thank you so much for the detailed directions on how to use the oil RS style.

I have tried it three times now before bed, starting with 1/4 , than 1/2 a grain of rice. Third day maybe a little less than 1 grain of rice size.

Each time I just wake up with a film of oil slime across my teeth. It's quite disgusting. And all I can do to get it off is brush my teeth. This seems like a waste and that it's probably not the right way to get the oil into my guts for healing.... (I have ulcerative colitis).

Is there another way I can get the oil in other than applying on my gums under my teeth? I should mention that I have almost no salivary glands, they were destroyed by radiation for cancer when I was younger (i.e. dry mouth).
Many thanks!
I have to jump in here or it will bother me. As I've colon cancer, I'm very familiar with colon/gut disorders & cannabis.
First, UC is an autoimmune problem. That means CB2 receptors.

CBDs reduce intestinal inflammation through the control of neuroimmune axis. CBD is able to modulate gut inflammation. The exact cellular signalling pathways responsible for the effect of CBD is PPAR-γ, a key receptor in its action during colon inflammation. During intestinal inflammation, CBD controls the inflammatory scenario and the intestinal apoptosis through the now altered by cannabis, glia-immune system.

I know many ppl fighting colon problems from cancer to Crohn's. Most of them that are "improved", did so by direct ingestion. I would suggest looking in to this method of treatment if your current one doesn't produce improvement.

Not trying to "go against the grain", but I feel you need to know this. Plus, it gives you an alternative.

I'll give you more info if interested.
I have to disagree with you, cajuncelt that the many people you know that was 'improved' by direct ingestion. I know of many people who had tried direct ingestion and found slight, if any improvement until they started tacking.

People might find some relief when first ingesting but, in my experience, does not conducive to long term relief.

Before ingesting, I think more information is needed.
I have another question now lol, will tack for now but I'm curious all your guys opinion on suppositories? My tumor is near to my hip/booty so I thought it might be worth looking into.


Hi anglearae, your getting closer and closer. Exactly why flattening helps. Make sure when applying the oil to your gums you are pressing firmly (like trying to press it into your gums). The reason why the euphoria wasn't too bad was you tried to tack better (as you mentioned, easier controlled when flattened a tad). Are you pulling your finger out and checking to see where the oil has moved? Then when re-applying to tack in a different spot right next to your first one? Keep repeating till its all gone. Another mention; you said you didn't want to take a small drink of ice water or to spit out your saliva because you didn't want to waste your oil. If its tacked on your gums you won't lose any oil, its not water soluble. But by not swallowing any saliva for 5-10 minutes you will have no euphoria. The healing process is much more effective with 0 euphoria. As you keep improving your tacking method like canjuncelt/fsc has mentioned it becomes much more easier. Soon you will be a jedi 'tack' master. Keep after it your very close. Many props for not giving up, you will find the dividends are so worth it . :goodjob:
Hey Bro, I agree that CBD's are important and why I always suggest a blend of CBD strains with a high THC strain. Here is where I will disagree to a degree. Digesting oil can be a quicker relief perhaps but I've seen otherwise. I mention this quite often in many post. Digesting oil (my opinion) works to some degree until you become immune to it, then not so much and in fact after awhile they can get much worse. In this case (nauj) her saliva glands were severely damaged causing these problems with her autoimmune. Also I've seen some of the worse cases of autoimmune disorders. I've posted one case that the person was in ICU almost every week all her life (29 yrs. old). Two days on the oil dosing correct she went out and ate 5 times the second day, last being spicy mexican food she could never tolerate. Some had slower effects depending on what the base issue was for the autoimmune system. Mo and I have learned (feedback from folks that are healing their issues) that many issues with autoimmune systems also are related to the pituitary gland in the CB1 receptors as it talks 'intimately' with the adrenal gland. As an example; cannabis concentrated oil properly blended ratio's 2-1 taken correctly takes care of pain and inflammation anywhere in the body but the first place the cannabinoids seat is the CB1 receptors.

I've mentioned this before brother; all the studies I've seen from western medicine to the canna industry is from digesting/smoking. Everywhere! My Dr. says this, my caretaker says this, my own research says this, my Dr. says no cure, my caretaker doesn't know and refers me back to my Dr., my friend is a scientist and this is what is causing this. Ask anyone you know if they know anyone who truly knows how the oil works via gum absorption? If I could get a dollar for everytime I've answered this question; Motoco/Mo, I've scoured the net and find nothing about gum absorption and how it works, I hear it mentioned on occasion but that is it. And that is it! This is exactly why Mo and I studied our tacking method using the cannabis concentrated oil. Nothing to interfere with our learning process. Concentrate only! Absolutely nothing else except experimenting with man made meds and their side effects. No influence from the net. Then after we learned how the oil worked after 1.5 years is when we asked friends with serious aliments if they would use the oil and give us feedback. Ranging from depression, PTSD, HIV, different cancers, parkinson's, chronic pain, autoimmune disorders, migraines, diabetes and I'm sure I'm leaving some out. When comparing notes all came to the same conclusion. Absorption through the gums via tacking won by a landslide. 100%!

We are finding out now that the major disorder we have came across is the autoimmune system. And more startling is western medicine is mostly non affective as well as the Dr.s diagnose. It is like it is not one thing specifically but the whole autoimmune region is affected. The one gal earlier mentioned was diagnosed with ulcers/bleeding ulcers, Crohn's, diverticulitis , colon disorder/spastic, process of elimination. This is going on all around the world. The silent killer. Never had an idea so many people have been suffering. How about seeing 70 different Dr.s in 15 years and now they all have released their patient and their diagnose is placebo effect, yet, they all agreed it was something with the autoimmune. Take a look at the folks in the IBS thread. They started off digesting and most as you mentioned found temporary relief. Then it came back while still digesting, a week or so. So yes, temporary relief. If they would of learned to tack properly or stopped researching they could of avoided this. Understand Brother, Mo and I don't toot our own horn. We do everything in our power to get people headed in the right direction as soon as possible. If you were on the concentrate long enough and knew what we have learned you would do the exact thing, teach the proper way to take the oil. We understand the gums might not be accessible in some cases so the next best non-euphoric process is via the rectum. Having the oil absorbed the the anal mucus membrane, like tacking the gum. That is why people who do strait depositories the oil isn't that effective, they simply miss getting the mucus membrane to absorb the oil for proper healing.

I've mentioned this often compadre, you have more knowledge than anyone I personally know on the scientific/medical terminology and also more knowledge on digesting also. Hands down the 'DoDa' and always have respected this. I also see someone who has fought your ailments trying just about everything under the sun because of your passion to live. Hands down the most courageous man I know and a journey to prove it. I also want to point out, I know it was just for temporary relief. But also this is why we always want folks to learn the proper way out of the gate. Oh oh, Mo responded, you are in deep brother! lol

I know you have been tacking properly for a while now, but not long enough to really feild test all we have been talking about. I know you have a group of peeps with issues, are they tacking? Just curious. You're going to see many changes brother you haven't even thought about.

Again Brother, we know each other well so take no offense and I know the purpose of your post. Those seeking advice a lot of times go directly to the current post. Just got some potent high end oil, digest it for temp relief and wonder if NASA is ever going to rescue them.

You will find out also Brother, few few people know the proper heal technique using the concentrate. Looking back guess we were really blessed to learn about the concentrate with no outside influence on edibles, digesting, sublingual or any other application. After we did learn the correct method 'absorbing the concentrate through a mucus membrane (specifically the bottom gum) we then were able to learn digesting and all the other methods, side effects using with man made meds digesting and side effects with meds taking the oil correctly.
Again my friend why do you think I've been trying to 'collar' you since first becoming a member? I want your passion, your knowledge going this way. Otherwise brother I wouldn't waste thousands upon thousands of words spreading awareness. Its the same in the local community. People try the 'tack' method, don't get the heavy feeling of smoking/digesting/man made meds, go researching, trying everything under the sun because they don't find anything on the net how it works, but here, at 420. Why do we put so much dedication into this? It is something everyone in the world should know. Its hard brother, more than most will ever realize or even grasp. You get cursed out by a best friend, judged by other friends, family, everyone except those who uses it correctly. Even called 'nothing but drug dealers'. The last is funny as hell!
And to top that off we never hardly get a break, ever! Seven days a week, almost 24/7. And for what? To help our brothers/sisters who are suffering, to help them as much as possible and as quickly as possible. From taking the oil to making it, whatever it takes to get them on the right track asap. I've been doing this post in between Seattle/Green Bay game, lol. So don't get offended compadre, we are totally anti-euphoric when it comes to healing. The only exception is if they have daytime oil only and cannot sleep. I then PM them for some relief, you know what it is :). I really took a 15 minute break because I got a email notification that Mo responded, hahaha. Our passion runs deep my friend. Still want to chat, but lets do it tomorrow if thats ok. I wanted some advice.
Final mention; this long winded post was for recent folks/members coming in and wanting to learn and why I took advantage of this on your post, lol. I truly wish I had the power a Dr. posses. Margie/Bob just take this concentrate properly and unless you break something your next check up is in 10 years just to say HI :). Seriously!

I have to jump in here or it will bother me. As I've colon cancer, I'm very familiar with colon/gut disorders & cannabis.
First, UC is an autoimmune problem. That means CB2 receptors.

CBDs reduce intestinal inflammation through the control of neuroimmune axis. CBD is able to modulate gut inflammation. The exact cellular signalling pathways responsible for the effect of CBD is PPAR-γ, a key receptor in its action during colon inflammation. During intestinal inflammation, CBD controls the inflammatory scenario and the intestinal apoptosis through the now altered by cannabis, glia-immune system.

I know many ppl fighting colon problems from cancer to Crohn's. Most of them that are "improved", did so by direct ingestion. I would suggest looking in to this method of treatment if your current one doesn't produce improvement.

Not trying to "go against the grain", but I feel you need to know this. Plus, it gives you an alternative.

I'll give you more info if interested.
Hi angela,
You need your blue dream oil blended with a high CBD oil. And some Indica for sleep. The method remains the same. Remember what we discussed about info on the net :) . Be patient, get the right strains, until then you just started the right way, congratulations by the way on no high! Focus on the oils you need and we will touch bases in a few more days. Don't change anything please. TY

Thanks all!
I have another question now lol, will tack for now but I'm curious all your guys opinion on suppositories? My tumor is near to my hip/booty so I thought it might be worth looking into.

Awesome post Motoco, spot on my friend. :Namaste:

Hey Mo!!! :love: :high-five:

"GO HAWKS" Super bowl bound. :cheer:
Guys, it's just a disease specific, alternative suggestion. The suggestion is based on several people I care about & all the similar they know. There just happens to be studies that are known about it. I've stated this enough somewhere that Israel has been doing pro tacking studies for a number of years.

Listen, I'm new to this. The other 100+ patients using cannabis fighting a terminal illness...are not. In fact, 1 specifically, has been growing/treating for 40 years. He's a little more open.
That post is not personal folks. Allow more knowledge. The studies didn't say "ingesting" was the method to use. In fact, it's kind of an important side note to show that the CB2 receptors play a pretty good chunk in curing some specific illnesses. How you activate them? Tacking is what I would always suggest too. But, even big pharma gives us secondary treatments in case of primary failure 5 years down the line. It's not pretty after that.
And hey, I love y'all, but allow a few "alternative suggestions" from time to time or no one will post any knowledge outside of just us. My main body of knowledge has been invited to the World Cannabis Summit. No matter what is thought of that, its still info bro. And, some of these folks have been doing this way longerv than me. So I listen. I mean they've done this for over 20 years and are still living. I'm going to listen.
You mention the pituitary gland. So does Rick Simpson when he admits he really pretty much doesn't know how, just that the oil can cure cancer. He's wrong about colon cancer. My brand was caused by genetic mutation called the K-Ras gene. Many cancers are way beyond glandular bro. They are genetic & need the oil's abilities at a DNA level to cure us.
I was trying to keep this disease specific, but still a general, secondary, alternative suggestion from a huge body of knowledge (not mine). Man, I'll quit if it's going to cause some drama. We love you guys too much & it ain't worth it to me mon frere. It's just not necessary.
Oh, I'm not leaving though. I'm just ending aggravating you two, welcome Mo! more than what I have.

Lache nas la patate my brother.
I very much appreciate your input Cajun. I don't find your post out of line or questionable. I am grateful for it.
Truth be told, I've been fighting cancer in some way longer than most have been making oil. I've seen lots of gurus. It's this way or death. Use method "X" or face peril. I've also seen failures in them all. My knowledge comes from folks speaking all over the world that have thought they've seen remission, only to fight all over again 5 years later. Rick Simpson learned this from a radio program. There were pockets of folks doing this before him & he is the 1st to point that out.
There are conventional medicine Doctors that are dedicated to fighting terminal illnesses with cannabis. Frankly, in going to give them an ear & not just dismiss what they say over ego or whatever.
I treat others too, but have not treated anyone for 15 years with cannabis. I don't know what it's like to deal with remission after years of no signs of disease. you?
The use of cannabis oil was brought out publicly by Rick. Many have taken it beyond where he started & he felt admits it.
This threads bigger than this backlash. Ironically, I was cautioned about this type of post & warned that it didn't conform. My response, though sincere & believed to be correct, has proven to be incorrect & I succeed the point.

I'm watching the playoffs, but am disappointed.
Also, I thought this was clear. It's about bioavailability. That's a big word, but it's a medical fact as well.
Intravenously is the BEST way to take it, but we can't. We physically can't. I know why. Anyone else?
The next best way is through mucous linings. As in nasal sprays. That's why Sativex if given this way. The med itself sucks, but the method of delivery is 2nd only to IV's. I mentioned Israel. They are now using the nasal delivery.
The next, & most convenient way, is our beloved tacking. That's why quitting snuff or chewing tobacco is harder to quit than smoking.
Oral ingestion & suppositories are next. Suppositories are limited for our med because it's non polar & insolvent in water. Our bodies can't process it as well directly in the rectum. Tommy Chong used this method. He would've been better off tacking. I don't begin to claim to know physically the pharmacological applications of cannabis. Not even a majority of them. Every established/successful canna-med entity states that even cancer alone has so many aspects to it that many paths are to be considered. Even the ratio of THC to CBD in a given illness. To claim you've the answer, especially having only treated for a handful of years, is going to bring down the roof on you eventually. To claim your way works for everyone/everything is, well, pretty confident. I've not met a single other caregiver, whatever, with a few decades of fighting express this.

Also, go back bro. I'm the one that informed you of the role of CB1 receptors. You were gonna hit them with the method & me the science remember?
Well, I know what happens, in a blanket sense, what happens when the CB receptors, CB1 or CB2, are activated by tacking. I'll let you explain it. Hope you don't throw the pituitary gland in there, cause even Rick let that one go. It's about cell aptosis & how the endocannabinoid system signals the cells to die as far as cancer. Western studies show that our introcannabinoid system induces cell death in several ways actually.
Hey canjuncelt, I understand where you are coming from and stated so multiple times in my post. Here is the deal, its NOT our way or the highway. It doesn't work that way. I would like to point out cancer can come from many different sources. Bottom line its cancer with mutating cells. We are not butt hurt Bro! And I hope you're not either. Does your friend still have cancer? I know of many people who have had cancer for years with no treatment and are still alive. I made a mention in the previous post; We learned this method, tried other methods to see the difference. I hope you are successful with your friends trying this method and compare notes. I also know people who are still digesting oil for their treatment, I've seen it get worse on some and better on others, but, the ones I know that are better never seem to fully cure? Also Bro I know that different ailments are treated in different locations. I've mentioned in another post that if larger amounts of oil are needed closer to the area, its easily done tacking first and digesting once the tack has reached the CB1 receptors to control euphoria and heal glands/receptors in the CB1 receptors area. Double duty if you will. I have boat loads to learn how things work and why. In the meantime I've learned enough simply because one method allows you to do other methods in a safer more effective way. Even when using man made meds. Funny thing is people in the industry for years on the MMJ side look at me like I got horns growing out of my head when discussing oil.

Nobody is going anywhere.

@ MagicMedicWanna: I never said canjun's post was out of line or questionable. I was simply comparing the different methods. We have had differences before and I'm sure we will in the future, its a learning curve. Simply giving comparisons between the different methods. This is where I'm at a huge disadvantage. I know how both methods work. Why is this a disadvantage? Telling those who do the digesting method know nothing of this method. The mutual bottom line we want to help people. Out of curiosity are you into the concentrates for healing major ailments? Just a question off of your 'call sign' or if you have input on techniques you have experience with. Thanks

The Israeli scientist are for real. They have been treating many things and most notably PTSD of late with an 100% effectiveness. Yet a head doc in a PTSD forum said there is no cure, ever! Hey canjun have you found a post on the studies Israel have done on the gum absorption? Specifically how to use it?

Hey canjun, you hit an interesting topic; DNA. HIV affects DNA and changes it characteristics also and untreated or caught to late can lead to death also. In fact some of these topics is what I wanted to discuss with you offsite. Brother, we know each other personally, you know I respect you and care about you! Seriously bitch? LMAO. This isn't my forum brother and anyone can say what they want. Read through them, lol. I'm far from perfect and admit as such and one of my downfalls are expecting others to learn as fast as Mo and I have. Again, we learned this way first. A lot of times I wished we never did for all the hassle it is. You know how we feel about you Brother. Apologies if you felt like I was stepping on your toes and forgetting the amount of time you started tacking. I'm sure as you gain more knowledge you will have a better understanding one way or the other. Mo has to remind me of this all the time. When you do start understanding more though you will understand what I'm up against as well.

Peace and love,

Motoco and Mo
Really? I know nothing of this!
This threads bigger than this backlash. Ironically, I was cautioned about this type of post & warned that it didn't conform. My response, though sincere & believed to be correct, has proven to be incorrect & I succeed the point.
Wow, I tried the nasal delivery 'another mucus membrane application point'. Thanks

I know this canjun, our roles, medically terminology and use. Dude, I'm not questioning your knowledge. I'm not frick'n going around with closed ears either, lol. And if I was told I couldn't post what I wanted to say in a public forum that was topically related old or new and I was warned what I could say I would be pissed also. Is this what this is all about Bro? Something I know nothing about? I don't need this either. Thanks for the insight canjun.

Its different if some wanker comes in and starts crap because their a juicehead or something. But warned for your knowledge, just because its different than mine? BS! Are you sure it wasn't a liability issue for digesting to get stoned, someone gets hurt?

Fook it. Goodnight Bro!

Also, I thought this was clear. It's about bioavailability. That's a big word, but it's a medical fact as well.
Intravenously is the BEST way to take it, but we can't. We physically can't. I know why. Anyone else?
The next best way is through mucous linings. As in nasal sprays. That's why Sativex if given this way. The med itself sucks, but the method of delivery is 2nd only to IV's. I mentioned Israel. They are now using the nasal delivery.
The next, & most convenient way, is our beloved tacking. That's why quitting snuff or chewing tobacco is harder to quit than smoking.
Oral ingestion & suppositories are next. Suppositories are limited for our med because it's non polar & insolvent in water. Our bodies can't process it as well directly in the rectum. Tommy Chong used this method. He would've been better off tacking. I don't begin to claim to know physically the pharmacological applications of cannabis. Not even a majority of them. Every established/successful canna-med entity states that even cancer alone has so many aspects to it that many paths are to be considered. Even the ratio of THC to CBD in a given illness. To claim you've the answer, especially having only treated for a handful of years, is going to bring down the roof on you eventually. To claim your way works for everyone/everything is, well, pretty confident. I've not met a single other caregiver, whatever, with a few decades of fighting express this.

Also, go back bro. I'm the one that informed you of the role of CB1 receptors. You were gonna hit them with the method & me the science remember?
Well, I know what happens, in a blanket sense, what happens when the CB receptors, CB1 or CB2, are activated by tacking. I'll let you explain it. Hope you don't throw the pituitary gland in there, cause even Rick let that one go. It's about cell aptosis & how the endocannabinoid system signals the cells to die as far as cancer. Western studies show that our introcannabinoid system induces cell death in several ways actually.
I need a vacation. I'm really burnt out anyway. Canjunbro if this is true what you speak, I'm very disappointed and would be VERY upset. I've got some heavy contemplation to do for direction.

Reaching for some nighttime oil, peace.
There are many ways to digest. We can now make the cannabinoids 90%+ water soluble with several methods. Most agree the challenge is finding what ratios, blends, specific cannabinoids, etc. are needed to be learned asap. Throwing in the fact that most diseases are caused by numerous things doesn't help & takes many years to learn.
For instance, the liver has the most CB receptors of any organ in the body, except the brain. The use an antagonist to activate these localized receptors is obviously key to fighting liver disease. How do you best do that? I believe I know. I know from about 150 combined years of decades of individual treatment with cannabis from successful knowledgeable group of folks. Was the submucousal (tacking) method of delivery the best in the majority of successful treatments?
Sorry, I've too much knowledge on the digestive system & liver diseases to crawfish on this.
The original poster asked a question & posed some issues. Go back & reread the responses. If I was them based on several responses, I'd blow off what I said.
What if I was blowing off precious time of complete treatment too in doing that.
We all know the pros of tacking. Your swimming down stream with us & tacking. I'm proof it's effective. Has it rid me of cancer? No, not yet. Has it does metastasis for the next 10 years? I don't know yet.

Keep all knowledge flowing... Until an entity (ies) come along & nail ALL of the missing pieces down for us, we're all we got.
Cajun seemed to think there may be some kind of fallout over his posts. I just wanted him to know I appreciate his posts and that I didn't find anything he said to be out of line or questionable. I want him to post without worry. That was all!
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