CatfishKnight's Grow Room: 420's MarsPro Cree128

Cool oldergrower. The Journal is all new to me. Kind of fun to do now that I am doing it.
What a great way to think about it. (really only said that because thats kind of my line of thinking too) lol

You can bet your last dollar I will be following along for the ride.

Keep having fun:bravo:
Pepper herb pics, where? :)
Thanks MagicJim for checking out my Journal...
Subbed...because I saw some pepper herb pics....Something going on here I got to experience.
Pepper herb pics, where? :)
Thanks MagicJim for checking out my Journal...

I saw this in your gallery this morning. I guess it could be photoshop. or maybe your other half loaded it in gallery.

MagicJim, What do you mean you can't cross Marijuana Male Pollen into the blossems of the Pepper Plant to produce this?

I posted this one on the forum and SmokeSara used it in one of her picture ads yesterday I think in the forum, telling everyone that new LED light shipments were available.
They know I am just pulling everyone's leg in the MarsPro forum about doing the pollen stuff. :)
Hi oldergrower. I have made Salsa with the Trinidad Scorpion Peppers. Really hot and my eyes watered.
Can I have a taste from your first batch of Salsa? It looks simply yummy.
Howdy Catfish, glad i stopped in here, very cool setup! With a name like Catfish you must like to cast a line every now and then like me. Have you picked any strains yet? when starting my grow it was hard to pick the strain, there is soo much good stuff out there. My advice would be to get a variety of indica, sativa, and hybrids to start off so your wife can see what fits here needs the best. You have plenty of growin room so you can have a great selection in there. Subbed
Thanks flexy123. My wife does gardening every year and we built her a greenhouse last year. Now it is my turn. Lol
Holy crap, NIIICE!! Love the grow room and those sexy Mars Pro lights!

I am also growing peppers (Jalapenos, Serranos), the MJ is actually for my wife.
The first Jalapenos I harvested haven't been hot AT ALL ;( Maybe they were not ripe enough or I didn't stress them enough. Hope the next batch I pick will be hotter.
Hi Nicholas. Thanks for stopping in. Someone is sending me some seeds they developed. So I am waiting to try those.. :)
Howdy Catfish, glad i stopped in here, very cool setup! With a name like Catfish you must like to cast a line every now and then like me. Have you picked any strains yet? when starting my grow it was hard to pick the strain, there is soo much good stuff out there. My advice would be to get a variety of indica, sativa, and hybrids to start off so your wife can see what fits here needs the best. You have plenty of growin room so you can have a great selection in there. Subbed
one lights up the whole bedroom.
Ok I got all my (3) MarsPro Cree128 Led's.
Haha Ur a real cool guy catfish :)
So looking forward to seeing Ur lights perform in Ur room. When is it going to be started?

Well I am taking off work this Friday to go to another town to get my 2 tanks filled with Co2. Then I will put a fully grown pepper plant in there to see if it survives first. Lol.
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