Coco + Watering setup


Well-Known Member
I’m re-thinking my hydroponic idea, and maybe coco would be better with the addition of a frequent watering system built in. I only have a 2x4 tent so the operation has to be quite small to fit in the tent. I’m just trying to maximise my grow and also to speed up the cycles so I might get 3 grown in one season if poss.

Where do I start, as in anyone know a good detailed instruction of what equipment I need and a schematic diagram etc?
I was thinking 3 pots (or 2 if not enough room for a res etc)

It’s not that I haven’t started searching the forums myself, but it all seems like fine tuning Q&A what I have seen so far what I have come across. I really would like a good first steps bit of advice if poss.

Thanks in advance.
I’m re-thinking my hydroponic idea, and maybe coco would be better with the addition of a frequent watering system built in. I only have a 2x4 tent so the operation has to be quite small to fit in the tent. I’m just trying to maximise my grow and also to speed up the cycles so I might get 3 grown in one season if poss.

Where do I start, as in anyone know a good detailed instruction of what equipment I need and a schematic diagram etc?
I was thinking 3 pots (or 2 if not enough room for a res etc)

It’s not that I haven’t started searching the forums myself, but it all seems like fine tuning Q&A what I have seen so far what I have come across. I really would like a good first steps bit of advice if poss.

Thanks in advance.
Good morning @Saxplayer :ciao:
Coco is fantastic for growth and huge harvests, I love it.
@NickHardy runs an auto watering system in his coco tents.
He has a great system with max potential.
Check his threads including the 5x5 companion he has going with Jon.
Excellent info there to get you started.
Any coco questions I can help a little aswell. ;)
Talk soon my friend.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
I’m re-thinking my hydroponic idea, and maybe coco would be better with the addition of a frequent watering system built in. I only have a 2x4 tent so the operation has to be quite small to fit in the tent. I’m just trying to maximise my grow and also to speed up the cycles so I might get 3 grown in one season if poss.

Where do I start, as in anyone know a good detailed instruction of what equipment I need and a schematic diagram etc?
I was thinking 3 pots (or 2 if not enough room for a res etc)

It’s not that I haven’t started searching the forums myself, but it all seems like fine tuning Q&A what I have seen so far what I have come across. I really would like a good first steps bit of advice if poss.

Thanks in advance.
There are lots of options to choose from, you need to decide
Flood/Drain, SIP, NFT, Swick, Drippers, Capillary...
SIP is probably easiest of all as all you do is top up the res beneath the pot via a tube
@Azimuth has a thread with detailed instructions and pictorials of how it works and how to make a simple SIP bucket
Hope that helps
Flood/drain via emitters in coco or probably rockwool I reckon is your absolute best bet for yield and easy - BUT!

Its easy enough to flood them and much harder to drain then. Water you do expect to get handy with a wet/dry vac - even in our mains waste water drained room we still need the vac at tines to help control RH.

In a tent every single day you need to vacuum it unless you’re growing in the Gobi Desert.

A 2x4?

A 50-100L res outside the tent. Piped into a pressure pump - there’s pressure it’ll pump. 1/2” pipe out to the pump. Valve. Pipe to a six port manifold. 3mm Netafim pipe to 6x Netafim 12cm? Small ones collars. They 4x 2L per hour emitters in them.

When you open the valve the pump will push the nute mix in on demand.

Take 6x 1-2gallon pots. Here you need a tray for drainage and support for the pots because centre of gravity. They all fall down.

I bought a bunch of stainless steel pallets Standard wooden sized but stainless steel. I’ve had various pot sized holes drilled in them. Ot was an idea stolen from @Cola Monster - he uses wooden frames when he grows in solos (we both do that) brick your support pallet up above the trays. Open the valve for probably 8 minutes a feed to run off.

Go back thirty minutes later with a wet/dry vacuum and water up the excess water to look after your humidity levels (though in veg you might like it hanging around to increase Rh to 70% plus))

I did a priced up (from Amazon US) how to on around page 10 of my contest grow with Jon - its in my signature.

But yeah I would say - @Roy Growin suggesting SIPs probably smartest for 2x4!

You want to aim for say close on a pound out of a 2x4 with 6 1G pots? 4 even. 350w light.

Can be done.

So this is a 4x4 with 2x 12 port manifolds and two 2L/H emitters in each 16oz solo. Just gave them their 5th 2 minute watering of the day. 6 total, 150ml each time. 900ml nutes a day. I think ai can get over 2lbs out of one of these grows (480w light) My best is 680g or something. Pound and a half.


These are 12x in 3 Gallon Airpots in an 8x4 They’re on the 12.5cm Netafim collars - the equivalent of 4 the little emitters you saw in the 4x4. There are two 5x5’s with rhe same 12 plants and different pot sizes 3L and 2L i think. They have pallets. And of course one of our two wet/dry vacs to get rid of that standing water.


Upstairs we have proper 40cmx40cm drainage trays plumbed on for 18 plants to drain. 5 gallon pots and 25cm Netafim collars. 8 individual emitters.

All controlled from here. Can send 2 tanks and a hose pipe to anyone of 6 locations - got a spare 12 as well.

As soon as you even semi automate your feeding process - SIPS count here - your grow horizons really shift.


To everyone who has replied, thank you so much. SO much info here, I'll have to go through all of this later today when I get the chance to give it the time it deserves. Thanks again.
You guys are the coolest ever. I'm soaking up the info you gave me (soaking up...see what I did there?), seriously, if this wasn't such a controversial hobby (you know what I mean), given the pool of knowledge you guys have, and are willing to share, there would be no end to what a person could achieve with the help of you fellas.
As for my thoughts on my tiny tent setup, given what you have said, I think that SIP might be the way to go for now.
I'm rationing my thoughts given the following criteria.

1. I have no room for any external (outside my tent) tanks/plumbing etc. Tent is inside a cupboard in corner of a tiny office.

2. I cannot think about flooding my office space where the tent lives, and I did have a issue previously when I spilled water on the pull-out tent tray, as it somehow leaked through it and damaged a carpet (wasn't in the office at the time.... bedroom, and my wife wasn't well pleased!

3. Wet and dry cleanup once or more a day... eek! I seriously don't have the time even I were that dedicated!

4. Daily hands on overseeing/maintenance etc Some days I dont even get the chance to go to my workshop office (its remote from home).

Also, seeing as where I live, it is still illegal to even OWN a cannabis seed let alone grow the plant, I think a setup which has less permanency is better for now. That is, it would be easier to drag-out a tray and a couple of pots, than to try to hastily de-plumb a whole load of piping and wotnot, should I fear a raid is imminent. Also I think the courts would go harder on someone who has a dedicated sophisticated system in place, other than an old fella with a couple of simple pot plants.

I do grow plants outside one season a year, so I can get a decent size crop then. I just recently harvested three huge Lebanese land race plants, which I am drying at present, so all is not so bad re quantity.

Thanks again guys....

Flo-Gro FG510.

That's for two plants. They have smaller and bigger systems. That one on a timer and fed several times a day is a good starting point for automation with a small footprint growing in coco coir.


Flo-Gro FG510.

That's for two plants. They have smaller and bigger systems. That one on a timer and fed several times a day is a good starting point for automation with a small footprint growing in coco coir.

I looked at Flo-Gro and they do some real interesting stuff. They have a YT vid
which shows a great looking self contained pot.
Unfortunately, I cant find their goods for sale here in New Zealand (we dont always get a big choice here), but I will keep looking.

The concept looks like it could work for me. I guess coco could be substituted in place of the clay balls maybe? Am I right?

Also, I dont really understand why the runoff of one system should be discarded so they say, but in this system its recirculated. I mean, this sounds more economical, but then surely there are drawbacks of sorts?
I looked at Flo-Gro and they do some real interesting stuff. They have a YT vid
which shows a great looking self contained pot.
Unfortunately, I cant find their goods for sale here in New Zealand (we dont always get a big choice here), but I will keep looking.

The concept looks like it could work for me. I guess coco could be substituted in place of the clay balls maybe? Am I right?
I ran that system with coco coir years ago. First time running coir back then. It worked really well for either coco coir or regular DWC with clay pebbles.

I remember modifying mine with more holes going through the top net pot area and a bigger reservoir. I gave mine away when I moved years ago. It's the system where I first started learning about automation.
It does appeal on many levels, but a shame I cant find it where I live.
Im just about to phone a local hydro store to see if they have any suggestions that might come close.
I do see that they have a tray system, but I'm a little concerned about a large volume of water exposed to the grow light (algae etc), also not being able to control humidity during flower stage.
Anyway, I'll see what they have.
A huge thank you again for all the input and help you guys gave me.
After looking at all of the above, and then actually finding what is available here where I live, I am pretty much decided I will go with the Oxy-Pot 19ltr DWC system.
I was going to go with the Flo-Grow reticulated system as in the video I linked, but they are not available here in NZ. I spent a half day searching. However, the Oxy-pot system seems quite good I think. Just need to get a quieter air pump by all accounts, as the one supplied is noisy, and I will be getting two pots, so double noise from two pumps!
I'm off to take a look at these in person, as they have them in stock down the road.
So... I bought two of the Oxy-Pots. I didn't realise that they are manufactured in California! The setup is super simple, which is a good thing. The pumps actually sound quite to me, and they have a two setting switch and soft rubber feet. I don't think I'll hear them through the tent and wooden cupboard, which is a bonus.
It'll be a week or so until I can get them setup as I'm drying out three plants at present, but I'm so excited to have made a choice (thanks to you guys here), and cant wait to have a go. Meanwhile, I just need to order a few seeds..... oh back to that "choice" thingy again! So many seeds, so little time... :thanks:🎷
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