Cold climate eg Scotland

Hi there, started my grow last week 3 different strains and seedlings looking ok a bit on the lanky side as I had 600w hps light at 5ft so they all stretched a good bit,light cycle of 18 on and 6 off got my light at 3ft now and see how that goes. Temperature is a tad high light on 29 to 31ish degrees Celsius. 20 to 22 degrees Celsius light off. Humidity still a problem very low 25% light on to 31ish light off.
try n do my journal again wrote it on this thread by mistake, I'll post some pics here anyway incase I mess up the journal again. bye
Hi pennywise, well 2 options either my loft which is freezing during winter usually or build a shed oot ma back garden also Freezing lol thats it I'm afraid.
I'd avoid the loft. Cops, helicopters & cold winds coming through the roof.
Ohhh if only you should try living here Southerncough wouldn't take you 2 minutes to catch a real cough here, Well xmas tree is going back up the loft tomorrow so I'll be taking a few measurements and assessments to see if loft option is doable
Hi bud loft is great make sure your intake is from inside your house though and you will need a humidifier for Scottish winter
Hi bud loft is great make sure your intake is from inside your house though and you will need a humidifier for Scottish winter
Thanks m8 got a humidifier today and need to look into if she'll let me put a 4 inch ole in the bedroom ceiling lol Suppose I could put it in the wardrobe but will there be enough fresh air from inside the wardrobe ?
Thanks m8 got a humidifier today and need to look into if she'll let me put a 4 inch ole in the bedroom ceiling lol Suppose I could put it in the wardrobe but will there be enough fresh air from inside the wardrobe ?
Btw started a journal 'Damba's grow room build and first ever grow 'multi strain x3' it has all pictures to date
I've got the exact opposite problems to you in SEA, lived in Glasgow 30 years back, can still remember how cold and wet it was.
It's winter here and afternoon temps are 32c and 50% humidity.
Sometimes it can get as cold as 26c in the night.

Good luck with your grow (I've already killed 6 seeds).
Thanks m8 got a humidifier today and need to look into if she'll let me put a 4 inch ole in the bedroom ceiling lol Suppose I could put it in the wardrobe but will there be enough fresh air from inside the wardrobe ?
my extraction is from a built in wardrobe in my bedroom I have a 4 inch and a 6 inch tubes seems to work
I've got the exact opposite problems to you in SEA, lived in Glasgow 30 years back, can still remember how cold and wet it was.
It's winter here and afternoon temps are 32c and 50% humidity.
Sometimes it can get as cold as 26c in the night.

Good luck with your grow (I've already killed 6 seeds).
Hullo thanks for the info Sarah I'm thinking I should have got a warm mist Humidifier instead still RH has improved a little bit I'm hoping if the plants survive then their own evaporation will help and its officially start of spring today still only 3° Celsius tho
Use you intake to blow mist over plants And a fan to circulate then take a reading next to plants
mine was 12% humidity raised to 40 plants now thriving
Can't do that m8 much too cold air would come in. I have a 95% sealed room to control the smell. I'm going to look into taking air from the inside of the wardrobe as well and use the existing vents to aid with the cooling
Can't do that m8 much too cold air would come in. I have a 95% sealed room to control the smell. I'm going to look into taking air from the inside of the wardrobe as well and use the existing vents to aid with the cooling
Use Ona blocks inside your outtake pipe masks smells great I’ve used loft air as in cold but much easier to control temps from inside use a sms fan controller to do the rest
And I use a 6 inch fan hung from rafters with elastic inside a sealed box then grounded by elastic no vibration and low noise 30 dbs
Use Ona blocks inside your outtake pipe masks smells great I’ve used loft air as in cold but much easier to control temps from inside use a sms fan controller to do the rest
And I use a 6 inch fan hung from rafters with elastic inside a sealed box then grounded by elastic no vibration and low noise 30 dbs
Thanks for the advice. I have a 6 inch AC Infinity and carbon filter inline exhaust system Superb piece of kit. Ultra quiet
my extraction is from a built in wardrobe in my bedroom I have a 4 inch and a 6 inch tubes seems to work
Ahhh thanks buddy I think I should be able to do that got a 6 inch vent cover coming anyway coz I thought I needed more air intake. I have two 4 inch passive intakes atm taking the air from the inside of the loft outside the grow room which isn't insulated so last night it was blowing a gale outside at 2° Celsius so the air was bone dry
Ahhh thanks buddy I think I should be able to do that got a 6 inch vent cover coming anyway coz I thought I needed more air intake. I have two 4 inch passive intakes atm taking the air from the inside of the loft outside the grow room which isn't insulated so last night it was blowing a gale outside at 2° Celsius so the air was bone dry
Check out my grow journal. Damba
Ahhh thanks buddy I think I should be able to do that got a 6 inch vent cover coming anyway coz I thought I needed more air intake. I have two 4 inch passive intakes atm taking the air from the inside of the loft outside the grow room which isn't insulated so last night it was blowing a gale outside at 2° Celsius so the air was bone dry
Check out my new grow journal it's called Damba's grow room build and first ever grow multi strain x 3 it has total breakdown of the build and grow to date
I’m now making my own cbd
Bath bombs creams and capsules great sleep when you high as fook
Well I took your advice m8 and I have put a 4 inch intake from the wardrobe and 1 still from the loft so best of both worlds a cooling intake and a warm air intake, as a result with humidifier on and room at 27º Celsius the RH gone up to 41% cheers again
Welcome here @Damba ! I'm myself located in Scandinavia so I understand your issues with the colder climate.
Even with a cold snap at the end of last month, this isn't a real big issue, to be honest. When summertime comes around the heat will become a bigger issue especially if you are running a HPS.
I'll try to find your journal and follow. Cheers
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