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Making compost tea at home using molasses and homemade VC.

It's easy. Took me 5 min. This way your vermicompost is as fresh as it gets. When you do it this way, it's hard not to think of a bagged EWC product, sitting in a plastic bag on a pallet in the sun. This is why keeping worms is such a rewarding hobby. It's alive!


Grab a bucket and fill up with clean water. Set up an airstone to bubble.


Grab some molasses


Reach down a little in your worm bin and grab a handful


Use the 1/4 or 1/8 in screen to screen the castings from the compost. Go thru and put cocoons, castings, and others you want to keep that made it thru the screen back home in the worm bin


Add Screened VC to bubbling water/molasses and bubble away.

For this tea, I eyeballed a gallon of water, 3/4 cup VC, 1tsp molasses. Will add to the next watering and soak the soil after a 48hr bubble session. This is a good batch size for a small home grower with a couple few plants.

Easy as pie, and a great boost to the soil's population of beneficial microorganisms.
"Go thru and put cocoons, castings, and others you want to keep that made it thru the screen back home in the worm bin"

I just realized I made a typo there in the last post. Should be worms not castings in the above statement. The castings go in the tea, the worms go back in the bin, to make more castings.

Sorry, that was confusing.
What is VC? Thanks!!

ETA, I think it's vermicompost?
I posted on another forum a while ago, "I see many folks transitioning TO a living organic soil method of growing indoors organically, but I see NONE transitioning away from it". That's still true today my friend, I didn't figure this stuff out, but I'm sure glad I found the guys who did! When I saw ya going that route I was excited for you and still am!

The Blimburn Grizzly purple kush is looking nice in veg, the RD lee roy's are in same pot/same everything and GPK is growing more stout and vigorous so far. My GSC mom, and kids are doing fine. Will be interesting to see how a chemi born plant takes the transition into organic soil. I've yet to try that.

I'll snap a pic or 2 of the plants, not much to see. They got an act this morning, appear a little over watered right now. And room is still a challenge to complete, but I have some money now. I'll get paint, and electric within the week. Things will explode in here once I get it dialed.

A few days ago, GPK


Same, tonite


Room shot.
GSC mom up front left. She is getting trained and defol'd.
Pot w/ GPK and (2) Lee Roy's back left
Others are GSC as well

Everything is looking just OK atm. Room goes from 50's w/ air exchange to Upper 70's with no or little air exchange. I've been manually turning fan on and off when I can.

All good, electrician's on the way, and problems solved.
Luscious color CO. They're going to fill that room.
Awesome CO!

That GPK looks like a brute. All your plants look fantastic.

Your room is going to be amazing when you get it done.

I've got a question for you on the mulch. Does it hamper the ability to top dress with EWC and guano? I've been trying to wrap my head around that.

Thanks my friend:thanks:
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