DB's First Grow, White Russian Clones and Mystery Bagseed

Thanks guys...

Question (will try a pic later)... can taking a clone make that clone flower due to stress?

Took clones of my 4 seedlings and today one row of them has pistils...?


*EDIT* Nm, I must have been hallucinating and the low light didn't help... was only new green leaves. Doh.
Clones from mother and seedlings...


Have gone 12/12 to flower, but taken mother and clones out of the tent until I solve my lighting issue... was considering a large cardboard box as a veg room, but not ideal. Quick to dismantle but slight fire risk methinks, even with cfl.
was considering a large cardboard box as a veg room, but not ideal.
Quick to dismantle but slight fire risk methinks, even with cfl.
One or two 23w cool color cfls can pose a v small fire risk, :hmmmm:
but cheap 'n easy are bodacious attributes. :)

IMO, most risk runs in the electrical connections.
Not even insurance companies can sell safety.
Only have 125w currently, and stores seem to only have 18's on the shelves in UK.

If I leave mum in the room with little light what risks other than stretching shoild I look out for?
STARTING TO be disappointed to a degree as I can't.throw more time and resource at my garden. Used some skewers today, will defo use these next grow. I then plan a screen of green for fun... and weed of course.

my spare time is now spent being productive and it feels great to be growing ;)

I can't.throw more time and resource at my garden.
Finite time, and even less money. How do we resolve this issue?
Triage allocations, prioritize use. What really should your garden do?
How long can I get away with her like this?
Rhetorical question? To flower that magnificent big bim of a mama, it's either the sun or real HIDs.
Your near future in the UK for sun looks dim. So
In my part of the world, things are much the same. Floro nursery, HID flowers.
I have two bonsai moms -pardon my posting?

They and a tray of babies live under a T8 shoplight, but I think two or three 18w cfls will do nicely in a box 30x20x10 inches. I used an IKEA bookshelf, for a while.
Your big mama must come down, in pieces.
I don't think she would survive radical pruning. Mine never have :hmmmm:

Bonsai moms don't live forever, but they supply a steady stream of replacement prospects :)
No pardon required, I am happy for any posts, pics or advice and appreciate people taking time to stop by :)

+reps all round when I can get to my pc

Mum is in an 11 litre pot, perhaps OTT for what she needs. had planned to just flower her
Hmmmm... ok, ta.

Well been busy tonight... Started making my carbon scrubber, but need more activated charcoal. Ordered that, but here're a few pics of where I got to.

I used a mesh waste paper basket and a sheet of mesh from the hardware store.

A few bag ties and some string worked to make the tubes... should have used the bag ties first, really, but I was winging it. Which is why the first tube has green twine around it.

Some cheap tights/panty hose to cover the tubes, then sit one inside the other with a layer of activated charcoal in between









One tube sits in the other with the activated carbon around it.

Will post rest of pics once I have the rest of my carbon.

In UK the carbon was around 20 pounds for 5kg, the mesh, bag ties and tights/panty hose around a fiver I think. Could probably make 2 out of this.

Yeah, very non-specific, but I am flying by the seat of my pants ;)
OK, this morning I have one confirmed male and one confirmed female from the seedlings.

Obviously the clone is female so I am 2/5 so far with 2 to show.

Was considering letter the male flower outside the tent to gather some pollen... bad idea?
Ha, just seen jollygreen has done a far better job than I! Can't say am all that patient or proficient at DIY... Also UK stores seem to have a lot less choice, spotted a DIY reflector with metal pipe cut and spread as a hood... can I find one anywhere? Can I hell.

How To Build an Inexpensive Carbon Air Scrubber? This is nicer than mine, but I should get the same result.
Just for fun? :)

Temptation is to try a cross with one branch of the White Russian to create my own strain... a bit of trial and error and get my perfect smoke?

The current smoke I have is from a potent strain and also contains seeds. I am waiting to hear what it is still.
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