Describe your high

physically and mentally comfortable
I think we can all agree, its awesome
i just went through and read every post in here to refresh my memory, when i started this thread it was the first month that i ever started smoking weed.

now im a daily smoker i go through about a half oz a week on average, varying at times lol. anyway this was just a nice look back on my introduction of smoking since now i have so much experience i can relate to all these descriptions alot better.

weed is a hell of a thing ill tell ya, i cant even explain the way i feel when i just hold and examine wutever buds i have. its like from knowing what the plant does just from holding it and lookn at it theres some unexplainable emotion that goes through me haha. maybe its love :)
If I take 2 hits from my pipe I'll get a nice buzz, not stupid stoned but a nice relaxing high.

but man when I start smoking 3 bowls from the bong or smoke half an L, I get that great cerebral high where I feel at peace with everyone and everything, when you feel almost perfect, when boring things become fun, the un-funny becomes hilarious, when you feel no anger or frustration because you realize life's too short to let these emotions get to you, and when you listen to music you understand the meanings and feel one with the vibrations of the music, and you just feel like sitting or laying down forever just listening to the music and feeling incredible. :adore: :allgood: :Rasta:

That's what MY maximum high feels like, but it's kind of hard to really describe it because some people experience the high in slightly different ways. :peace:

Well put! "
At peace with everyone and everything" that describes it for me. That is the main reason I smoke. I am a worry wort. i stress over EVERYTHING! People say "calm down or don't worry " It isn't like I can turn it off or something. So when I smoke, I feel that peace, that tranquility that I really want.
I also have a ton more patience for my kids. I know that sounds shitty but when you're with them ALL the TIME it is needed. loL!
I also am able to step out of my situations in life and get a better look at them. I can look objectively at whatever I am going thru, or forget it ( something I am terrible at when I'm sober). Herb makes me more comfortable and less "jumpy".
Mind you I'm a cool person without, but I like myself a little better when I am stoned!
Was that too honest:hmmmm: ?
If it's the first time I've smoked in a while, and I'm smoking some dank, I love to blaze outside in warm weather. Then I start walking around with some of my friends, and I can't remember what happened thirty seconds ago. Usually when I'm high I get a great euphoric feeling and an intense train of thoughts and creativity goes through my head. Sometimes I start writing music in my head. If I'm smoking middies the high is still enjoyable, but I start shaking a little bit, which reminds me that I'm not smoking good weed.
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