Do any of you use peroxide to clean your equipment?


Well-Known Member
I am new to growing. I have some regular peroxide I think like 3%. If I mix that with some water would that be good to clean the equipment with like reservoir and trays and pots and different equipment? What do you recommend to clean with? I do not really want to use bleach for it on there.
Bleach is cheaper than peroxide lots of folks use it. I use bleach between runs, if I'm cleaning something in an active run I use peroxide.

3% is on the weaker side of the recommended cleaning strength, I use anywhere from 3-10%. If you mix your 3% with water it's not going to be very strong. You'll need to use it from the bottle as is.
Sanitizing equipment between runs?

I use bleach and give everything a good scrub. Once dry, then I put everything in the tent, and seal it up. I mean sealing it good. Everywhere. Like close the ducts tight, twist them a bit, and then use the excess cord and wrap around it tight.

Once it's sealed up, I run an ozone machine that I have. It's not huge, maybe 8" square and 6" high. Then I run that for 30 minutes, wait 3 hours, open the tent and set it for another 30 minutes. Then wait another 3 hours (or overnight) and start to set things up again.

Disclaimer: Ozone can be hazardous without proper precautions. I cannot be responsible for its misuse. I'm simply offering up my use of it as contribution to conversation. I know what I'm doing with it, and strongly suggest one reads up well on proper use before considering its use.
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