Does it work like that?


New Member
Hey guys thanks for always being helpful. This is my second grow and first time trying scrogging ive only googled, read here and figured if its wrong? .

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You have the right idea and it looks like you are doing fine. The idea is to keep all of the tops flat and level and it looks like you are doing so. If you are limited on height, when the scrog is 75% full you flip to flower. If not then you can use the scrog to tie "leaders" (higher tops) to it to keep everything level and flip when you are 6" or so above the scrog. Hope this helps.
Thank you. So by 6" would that be 18 cm ? Sorry we have metric and liters... makes confusing micing grow fornula too sometunes. Ive been giving them 1 ml of floranova grow 7 -4-10 mixed into 2 ltr bottle of water.

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Looks over-watered to me. Light yellowing of the leaves and very droopy. A clear sign. Also, why spray them? All that does is cause leaf bleaching. Only really used with young seedlings.
Thank you I didnt know that so ill stop doing that :) how often would you water, i water them through every 3 days maybe thats too much then ?

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Looks fine.

what is your growing medium, then i can give you an idea on how to feed/water? Also why did you not fill the pots more? Thats valuable rooting space, leave an inch at the top and thats more than enough, try fabric smart pots next time, way way way better than plastic pots. No need to spray plants so stop doing that or you will cause some damage from light.
Well got busted :/ I actually miss my ladies suckscI didnt get to see them flower and enjoybmy hard work :(

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Sorry to hear that. Hope there will be no repercussions.

If it's any consolation, I got busted two weeks before the harvest. I did get to see them flower and believe me, it's worse than cutting off your plant in veg. Just the thought of those lovely, obese buds and the idea of cops smoking them, accounted for many sleepless nights :)
Sorry to hear that. Hope there will be no repercussions.

If it's any consolation, I got busted two weeks before the harvest. I did get to see them flower and believe me, it's worse than cutting off your plant in veg. Just the thought of those lovely, obese buds and the idea of cops smoking them, accounted for many sleepless nights :)
Hahaha agreed ☺ it was hard enough seeing them cut them and stupid cops also cut my pepper plant LOL Well lesson learned... i know who reported me so now ive learned to hide better just joking they were actually nice and mild towards me. Csnt wsit for it to he medical legal here.

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