DrZiggy's Low And Slow Drying: Maximizing Your Harvest

Not at all fireman128. I used that silk because I had it on hand, having purchased a yard to do some dry sift hash. Cheesecloth would work. That nifty screening Furcifer uses is nice too. You simply need something permeable enough that moisture can exit, and woven tightly enough to keep the contents from gaining freedom from the jars. :battingeyelashes:

Thank you so much!
Speaking of cigars, a treat, :battingeyelashes: :love:

TheRoach once treated us to a tutorial on rolling a proper cannacigar. It starts with this post and meanders through the following posts.

TheRoach's Cannacigar

Is it a method that a person can use whilst riding on the back of a motorcycle? Because I've found that placing ground cannabis in a paper, rolling it up, licking and sticking works pretty good. Might have been a tad wasteful at 55MPH, though. I was pretty sure I got on that motorcycle with enough to roll two joints ;) .

Thanks for the thread link. I'll have to read it when the storm passes and power stops going out (luckily, it keeps coming back on almost immediately, so I won't waste the sack of refrigerated/frozen items I finally got around to placing in the refrigerator after the last storm killed my electric long enough to ruin the stuff that I'd managed to FILL the thing with previously). Little steps, ~TS, little steps.

Hey, speaking of rolling... Does anyone do that thing where you flip the paper over and turn it upside down, so that you're starting at the (back of) the sticky end, add your ground bud, roll the paper into a cylinder that has ZERO overlap, lick the sticky, complete the roll, and tear off the bit of paper that's now left past the point where you stuck the sticky to it? I used to be able to do that back in the day, but these days I end up with a mess, lol. I may not have described the process very well, IDK.
Did anyone sum up the info we have so far?
Did anyone sum up the info we have so far?

I was getting ready to do that soon, unless someone else has the urge to beat me to it. I have no ego. This is a group exploration, and I'd be more than thrilled to see what someone else comes up with.
Is it a method that a person can use whilst riding on the back of a motorcycle? Because I've found that placing ground cannabis in a paper, rolling it up, licking and sticking works pretty good. Might have been a tad wasteful at 55MPH, though. I was pretty sure I got on that motorcycle with enough to roll two joints ;) .

Thanks for the thread link. I'll have to read it when the storm passes and power stops going out (luckily, it keeps coming back on almost immediately, so I won't waste the sack of refrigerated/frozen items I finally got around to placing in the refrigerator after the last storm killed my electric long enough to ruin the stuff that I'd managed to FILL the thing with previously). Little steps, ~TS, little steps.

Hey, speaking of rolling... Does anyone do that thing where you flip the paper over and turn it upside down, so that you're starting at the (back of) the sticky end, add your ground bud, roll the paper into a cylinder that has ZERO overlap, lick the sticky, complete the roll, and tear off the bit of paper that's now left past the point where you stuck the sticky to it? I used to be able to do that back in the day, but these days I end up with a mess, lol. I may not have described the process very well, IDK.

I broke down and went to using the rolling machine Ziggy gave us in Jamaica. I'm challenged when it comes to rolling a joint. :laughtwo:
I broke down and went to using the rolling machine Ziggy gave us in Jamaica. I'm challenged when it comes to rolling a joint. :laughtwo:

Don't feel bad, the motorcycle-rider rolling experience was... Hmm... 1990? It's been a few years. These days, the hands are not properly connected to the head. I've been rolling LOTS of ground leaf recently (as a matter of fact... We Now Pause for Station Identification...), and what used to take seconds now takes five minutes. More if I get in a hurry (that sometimes requires a different paper :icon_roll ). Or else I'm left with half a gram on the plate and only .5 to 1 in the paper. But curved hemostats are great for stuffing the rest in both ends, lol, and one positive thing I can say about RAW papers is that they burn properly even if they weren't rolled properly. Well, that and the fact that I can light one leaving my porch and finish it all the way over... THERE at the grocery store, because they burn slowly.

My brother is in his mid-50s and can still grab a paper and a bud, then hand you a joint a minute later that looks like it came out of a machine. And if it's ground material, lol, it's more like grab, pour, twist, lick, here (and then there). Last time I had enough bud to roll one, he was here so I gave him the (ground) bud and a paper. He griped that it was wrinkled, so I stood up, said, "I'll go grab another one," and before I got out of the room he replied, "Get back here and light this." I don't know how he does it. He can't even feel his thumb or that part of his hand at this point, and the rest of his fingers aren't exactly substantially better.
Cure is looking good... hung on the rack for a week then cut off the stems. It smells amazing.
Cure is looking good... hung on the rack for a week then cut off the stems. It smells amazing.

Oh BaseGrow..... Impressed I am. :high-five:

Wait until you taste it. Across the board we've all been stunned at the differences.
Don't feel bad, the motorcycle-rider rolling experience was... Hmm... 1990? It's been a few years. These days, the hands are not properly connected to the head. I've been rolling LOTS of ground leaf recently (as a matter of fact... We Now Pause for Station Identification...), and what used to take seconds now takes five minutes. More if I get in a hurry (that sometimes requires a different paper :icon_roll ). Or else I'm left with half a gram on the plate and only .5 to 1 in the paper. But curved hemostats are great for stuffing the rest in both ends, lol, and one positive thing I can say about RAW papers is that they burn properly even if they weren't rolled properly. Well, that and the fact that I can light one leaving my porch and finish it all the way over... THERE at the grocery store, because they burn slowly.

My brother is in his mid-50s and can still grab a paper and a bud, then hand you a joint a minute later that looks like it came out of a machine. And if it's ground material, lol, it's more like grab, pour, twist, lick, here (and then there). Last time I had enough bud to roll one, he was here so I gave him the (ground) bud and a paper. He griped that it was wrinkled, so I stood up, said, "I'll go grab another one," and before I got out of the room he replied, "Get back here and light this." I don't know how he does it. He can't even feel his thumb or that part of his hand at this point, and the rest of his fingers aren't exactly substantially better.

It's passion for the work TS. :rofl:
It's been a driving passion for a long time, hasn't it? These passions I have for the ECS and cannabis are still new, less than three years in, so I can't tell you how thrilled I am to have had you walk through the door with all this knowledge, ready to share.

We're gonna change the way people think about drying and curing, in the same way we're changing the way they use cannabis as a healing modality.

Speaking of cigars, a treat, :battingeyelashes: :love:

TheRoach once treated us to a tutorial on rolling a proper cannacigar. It starts with this post and meanders through the following posts.

TheRoach's Cannacigar

SweetSue, I have been a silent guest for months before I joined. Passion! I would seek out your blogs because of the passion you display. The profound effect that resonates positively from your posts.
This place might be a virtual playground for some. For us....its a virtual reality!
We define ourselves with passion and the freewill to help others.
Everybody, anyone can Call me, write me, text me, email me, blog me, shout out your window to me, PM if you like....Do not PM me with.....
"is it ok to dry my harvest in a microwave. If I use a paper bag? And how long do I keep it in? Or is there a shorter better way?"........................i havnt responded yet!................or did I?
It was hot out today. 95deg, 100% humidity. Heat index after that wonderful 2 o'clock shower. 100,000,000,000deg C.
Looked at the weather report for my area.
Currently 91deg, 32% humidity, sunny 20% chance of rain.
Oh, I got a PM.......sometimes it's better to go outside and shout, scream, cry, whatever.
I think I'll carry my soapbox around for a while.
Move over torturedsoul you've got company. Hahahahahahaha
It was hot out today. 95deg, 100% humidity. Heat index after that wonderful 2 o'clock shower. 100,000,000,000deg C.
Looked at the weather report for my area.
Currently 91deg, 32% humidity, sunny 20% chance of rain.

I think I'll carry my soapbox around for a while.
Move over torturedsoul you've got company. Hahahahahahaha

If you see weather like that regularly, I'll just hop off and you're welcome to use mine. That's... umm... I tend to imitate a rock on days like that, only it doesn't work because rocks don't sweat like that, lol. Days like that are good for fishing, because laying there staring between your feet at the tip of your rod and hoping that, if it moves at all, it'll just jiggle a couple times as the crafty fish grabs a meal in exchange for leaving you alone is about all the work a person should have to do on days like that.

Stay cool, lol.
We have a volunteer.
Everyone.....round of applause please!

LMAO. My buddy (who'd know) told me that he learned NAVY stands for never again volunteer yourself. He also told me that when standing amongst a row of men, and someone asks for volunteers, this is Swahili for please take one step back :laughtwo: . Anyone who failed to follow this directive was punished by being given some onerous task. But don't get me wrong, he told me that he learned a lot while in the Navy. Like the best place to get high was the reactor room, because officers didn't go there unless they had to, and that if you see someone walking with a full bag of air, they were taking it to a porthole to empty the smoke out. IDK. He's a little bit... you know...

Hillbilly. But he's cool. If he could manage to turn a computer on, he'd be a member of the forum for sure.
LMAO. My buddy (who'd know) told me that he learned NAVY stands for never again volunteer yourself. He also told me that when standing amongst a row of men, and someone asks for volunteers, this is Swahili for please take one step back :laughtwo: . Anyone who failed to follow this directive was punished by being given some onerous task. But don't get me wrong, he told me that he learned a lot while in the Navy. Like the best place to get high was the reactor room, because officers didn't go there unless they had to, and that if you see someone walking with a full bag of air, they were taking it to a porthole to empty the smoke out. IDK. He's a little bit... you know...

Hillbilly. But he's cool. If he could manage to turn a computer on, he'd be a member of the forum for sure.

Seems to be the same thing in the Australian forces, I'm not a member but considered it, anyway, the story goes,
Officer "so who here has a motorbike license, I need an errand ran."

Not so smart guy "I have a motorbike license, sir!"

Officer "Great 80 push-ups than sprint to the key house and get the so and so key, back here in 4 minutes!"
Humidity will rise, but 16% is too low a starting point. Do what you can to get humidity up to 45-50%.

An update if anyone is interested. The buds were fine when I arrived home yesterday. After some experimentation, I settled on putting a shallow pan of water on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator with a soaked rag partially hanging out to wick some of the water. A drip pan beneath it all.

After a couple of hours, humidity is now at 37% and seems to be holding there overnight. I believe that is close enough to the reported ranges that I will leave it alone and see what happens.

Thanks so much for your thoughts and input!
An update if anyone is interested. The buds were fine when I arrived home yesterday. After some experimentation, I settled on putting a shallow pan of water on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator with a soaked rag partially hanging out to wick some of the water. A drip pan beneath it all.

After a couple of hours, humidity is now at 37% and seems to be holding there overnight. I believe that is close enough to the reported ranges that I will leave it alone and see what happens.

Thanks so much for your thoughts and input!
Fantastic, so glad the rag worked

You will be even more happy in a couple weeks when it's dry
LMAO. My buddy (who'd know) told me that he learned NAVY stands for never again volunteer yourself. He also told me that when standing amongst a row of men, and someone asks for volunteers, this is Swahili for please take one step back :laughtwo: . Anyone who failed to follow this directive was punished by being given some onerous task. But don't get me wrong, he told me that he learned a lot while in the Navy. Like the best place to get high was the reactor room, because officers didn't go there unless they had to, and that if you see someone walking with a full bag of air, they were taking it to a porthole to empty the smoke out. IDK. He's a little bit... you know...

Hillbilly. But he's cool. If he could manage to turn a computer on, he'd be a member of the forum for sure.

Dale said the best place was next to the incinerator. When the latch on the door moved he'd release the roach into the flames and all evidence went "POOF!" :laughtwo:
An update if anyone is interested. The buds were fine when I arrived home yesterday. After some experimentation, I settled on putting a shallow pan of water on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator with a soaked rag partially hanging out to wick some of the water. A drip pan beneath it all.

After a couple of hours, humidity is now at 37% and seems to be holding there overnight. I believe that is close enough to the reported ranges that I will leave it alone and see what happens.

Thanks so much for your thoughts and input!

Glad you found a solution. Have fun.

And kazz...... we're always interested. :hug: :love:
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