Dutchman’s 1st Grow Ever: 2018


Nice Pic's.. Yea those macro lens help with some pic for sure...

I don't clean my 'monster cropping' out till all the new branches get 5-7 nodes in length.. By removing all that flower crap before the branches emerge,, you lose alot of them. Unless you just want a center number... I'm doing a monster crop right now with my Pup. As a rule,, myself,, I don't like revegging a plant unless I have too. It's ALOT of stress on a plant. Probably the most stress you can do to one there is. But it does work. Unless your plant mutates on ya. Hope ya don't mind,, I'm posting a pic,, but here is the toppage that comes from that center buddage that revegged,

Keepem Green

Thanks for input Woody! I probably won’t be doing many reveg plants again. It takes a long time to go through be reveg process. This was more so a test for me to be able to take a cutting and flower it all the way through. Since my EM was the only girl I had at the time that wasn’t a mutant she got cloned when she was in flower. My critical+2.0 clones are doing great so far and they were cut from a vegging mom. This will be my route in the future if I chose clones.
Best way to take them... In veg.. They say'' the best way is to have a dedicated mother plant that stays in veg mode... Myself,, I've been taking cuts as I throw into flower... But even that,, a clone of a clone of a clone isn't the best either.. But it's been working for me.. GL and Keepem Green
Hey Dutch. I just check my plants ... does this look similar lol
It looks similar but definitely not the same cause. That looks more to be nutrient or ph problems!
Looks like caterpillar food to me! Those buggers can be very artistic :).
clone of a clone of a clone isn't the best either.. But it's been working for me.. GL and Keepem Green
How so? Aren't there some classic clone-only strains? My AK-47s seem to get better with each generation.
Best way to take them... In veg.. They say'' the best way is to have a dedicated mother plant that stays in veg mode... Myself,, I've been taking cuts as I throw into flower... But even that,, a clone of a clone of a clone isn't the best either.. But it's been working for me.. GL and Keepem Green
Looks like caterpillar food to me! Those buggers can be very artistic :).

How so? Aren't there some classic clone-only strains? My AK-47s seem to get better with each generation.

It was my understanding that a clone of a clone of a clone is another simple way of clone growing without using the same mother plant. The genetic makeup of those said clones don’t degrade do they?
I had a plant once that was screamer... typical growth buddage,, but after working with her for afew years,,,, clone of a clone of a clone etc,,, she mutated and grew like a plant in reveg,, even tho it wasn't, the buds looked totally different,, and the quality took a dive,, I ended up culling it from my gardens...

Who knows,, it 'might' have been something I did,, but I kind of doubt it,, it was a good solid grow with no problems,,,,, cept that plant.

I do know people who been working with the same plant for 10-12 years with no problem.. But they keep dedicated mother plants, that never come out of veg.
My first AK-47 was a monstercrop of a clone (1.1.1) that won me POTM and produced 6.4 ounces dry in a 7 gallon pot. Every clone I have taken since looks exactly the same and grows the same as the previous plant it was cut from, and I'm somewhere around 6th gen now. Not a few years yet, but with your info I'll be keeping tabs on it as I go. There's always going to be one of these around.

What’s up what’s up what’s up!!!!
Another day another dollar and another chance to play in the garden woop woop!

Early Miss1.1 is looking fantastic. I have her main tied over to the edge of the pot and shes got a good overall structure so far. I think with a few more weeks in veg and she will really do well going into flower. I’m not going to be removing much leaf or growth until just before flower and then around week 3 of flower.

Hope your all well and enjoying yourself!

Stay medicated !!:passitleft:
Girls look great... Hope ya don't mind me spouting out my little 2 cent.. Defoliation? Man.. that is a tuff one. I don't. Well, yea,,, atad when she's she needs a leaf or two that block out rays. And a 'lite' cut to lolly-pop her... But I never like to take 'sun' leaf... Leaf for leaf,, she has the most square inch of surface to do photosynthesis shit with,,, I was taught by my mentor,, plants grow mostly at night.. They spend all day making sugars that they use and grow at night...Now yea I have a veg tent on 24/7 damn near and my veg plants do fine,, might be better but I'm lazy..

And I don't know that ALL of that is true,, 90% or so, I'd stand behind,, but I use to love a still ass night in this old barn we grew in,, loaded with bigger plants,, you could hear the branches and leafs make noise.. Was alot of plantage in these bran's,,,

Of course I was extremely high most of the time. But I hate to see a plant lose her number one food source.... Now that's my take.......

But girls look great. They will fill that tent for ya.....
I do alot of selective thinning... Doing just that,,, looking straight down and seeing IF a bud come be enhanced with better light... I've been known to fold a leaf under a bud everyday rather than cull it....... Thing I found about taking took making leaf early into flower or right before,, plant has no recovery time... I've seen people do really well-doing alot of trim afew weeks before flower and doing things like ScoG shit... But my friend,,, we all grow diffenet. My woman dying to get cut loose doing alittle lolly popping right now.. They are 2 weeks in.. And still I ain't cut her loose... Oh well,, she'll live...... I'm babbling I just know,, every square inch of green you got is a plus......... I,, myself,,,don't want to hold her back. Like said,, unless she's unruly.. And man yours got aways to fill the tent... GL and you know'll I drive -by Keepem Green
Thanks for the input Woody and Shed you know your always welcome to give input! It’s to my understanding that the fans leaves act as food plates. Collecting and storing energy to convert to food and use in growth. So when removing “food” sources like fan leaves your taking away from the plants really. I try to remove minimal growth just to optimize air flow and canopy lihjt Penetration

What’s up everyone!
I Got a quick update today. EM1.1 is lightly being bent down now and I have the main tied over. I will continue to work her branches and spread her out over the next week or so until flip. She’s healthy, loving life and got a good watering and feed this morning. All the new growth is lush and green and I’m very happy with the look of her. Can’t wait to see her in flower again.

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