DWC flushing and water amounts


Well-Known Member
So just a quick thought as i go to harvest my Dwc girl now. So shes been in plain tap water for the past week and i filled it up to the top of her roots to clean them of a little and now the buckets half full of water. Plan on putting her in the dark.

Should i leave her with half full water OR fully aired out and no water in the bucket while in the dark?
Anyone do anything like this
My thouhgts are it will give it a cleaner burn and help with releasing the shock terps maby if in no water?!?! I had a blue cheese couple grows back that seemed to be effected by the rain water i gave her that had a 5-5.5 PH and my have been lacking oxygen etc. and i dont want that happening again. :Namaste:
How's it going @indochronic

Flushing is a controversial subject with some growers. Some say do it, and some say it is not necessary.

I grow DWC most of the time with a 5 gallon bucket. Myself, I do a quick water raise/flush, re-add plain water and put them in darkness for 36 hours before harvest.

I don't really flush presa what soil growers might do.

Wait an see what others say; they may tell you differently.

Good Dayy @Tokin Roll
(i didnt think u could @ People on here first of all lol)
Nice one for the info, i get what your saying about the whole flushing topic. How long roughly is that quick water rise/flush u do ?
Ima probably leave her with 1/3 fresh water and see the out come, im gona aim for more air then water.
Iv gotta do this tonight so if anyone has insight/tips in the DWC area in the next few days, ill be happy to try it in my nexy DWC grow. Always room for improvment :Namaste:
Happy Growing
You got that right, This is way we all need a trusty stoner friend lol. And going for a full chop yea.
Only 1 at the moment, usually only do 2 DWC max sincee they always yield over 3-4oz :D
I was thinking it shouldnt effect it but wasnt sure or thought there might of been a tip/trick i didnt know lol

I cant upload pic becuase i deleted them of my pc after i posted them to journal. but all last pics in this link are the DWC Amnesia, no root pics but there white and healthy..i hope :D DWC GAL
Much love for the replys, Have a blessed Sunday
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