Feco Failure


New Member
made 5 cups of tincture with 2 oz of decarbed herb and 5 cups of 190 proof everclear in a magic butter machine, 130 degrees fahrenheit for 8 hours. Removed and strained (apparently not enough), placed on saucepan with minimal heat and stirred occasionally as the alcohol evaporated. Was trying to get to a warm maple syrup consistency and ended up with solids in the bottom of the pan towards the end. I didn't even end up with 1/10 of a cup when I was done and the alcohol hasn't even cooked off. Obviously this batch is scrapped but I'd like to know others experiences with feco and where i possibly went wrong. I'll run it through the coffee filter a couple more times next time just to make sure I don't end up with any plant material invading it again. Thanks ya'll for listening to some dumbass.
I think you already identified your issue (straining, aka filtration).

When you soak your weed in the ethanol, it strips away the cannabinoids/terpenes/flavonoids (the desirables) but also plant fats and waxes (the undesirables). The higher the temp of the weed and the ethanol, and the longer you soak it, the more of the undesirables that dissolve off with the desirables. To remedy this, you need to filter the resulting wash really well, before you evaporate off the ethanol to get down to FECO. If you don't, the heat makes the unfiltered fats and waxes stick together, forming solid chunks in your FECO.
I use my magic butter machine to make FECO at least twice a month. You should try 4 hours @ 160 degrees that has worked for me for years. Also I am guessing you are still using the 190 (green label bag) that came with the machine? Try using the 73 or the best one for tincture the 25 bag. The have a finer mesh in the filter so less particles get thru so you have a cleaner end product. When you have the tincture in your pan just let it simmer on low heat should take about 45 min to cook out the alcohol. From there have fun with your FECO.
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