Film Can From 77 To Today

I met a guy that knew a 87 yr old vet that had some seeds from the late 50's early 60's that he shared with me. I took about 10 of my choice.
It is surprising to find so many people interested in old strains saying the new stuff is too powerful.
My 77's are a big hit with the elders for sure and I like the mellow sunrise services that continue till I go to bed.

I have found more seeds in my "treasure Chest" in a strike anywhere matchbox and a few stragglers in the drawers of my old tool box. No tellin how old they are but these tool boxes they are in haven't been touched since 91 anyway, and the Treasure Chest is from the late 70's. It has lots of HS and old coin stuff in it.

Hey OTF how's a going? Did you have luck germing those seeds? I have a bunch of oldies but they're resisting germination. How are you getting it done?
Best luck with the clones!
I did not try to germinate those 50-60's seeds or any of the others I have.
I just soak in water over night, then in wet paper towel in a plastic herb tray with a lid about 1/2" tall you get at the grocery store. Place in drawer. Remove sprouts when 3/4" and place in cube. I have been getting good results.
Maybe rattling them in the film can for years has some positive effect?

The new lights are ROCKIN the clones!
Hey Fence - I enjoyed this .... but did I miss the "Smoke Report" . Did your heritage seeds do a good job???
Asking for a friend!!!
I guess I didn't. I was very surprised how it all turned out. Way better than I grew back in the day. I saved them for a reason. After curing they came out much smoother. First thing I do is wake and bake and maintain all day long. Still productive and all the old folks loved them being they weren't as stoney. My wife started smoking again so that cut my stash down quickly, plus she felt obligated to give away a couple of Oz's.
I did not get to trying to get seeds from them.
OK thanks. I have to try them one day. Scrog looks nice!
THX. This was not the plan. I told the wife to get 2 or 3 Fem seeds or clones. She got 5 so I made her buy me new lights. 5 strains in a 3x5 is going to test me. LOL. Those IGrows produced but it was slow going. What did I know too. That was the most important thing to take away was the experience, not going to the dispensary for a year was pretty nice too.

Just moisten the towel, I ring it out good.
THX. This was not the plan. I told the wife to get 2 or 3 Fem seeds or clones. She got 5 so I made her buy me new lights. 5 strains in a 3x5 is going to test me. LOL. Those IGrows produced but it was slow going. What did I know too. That was the most important thing to take away was the experience, not going to the dispensary for a year was pretty nice too.

Just moisten the towel, I ring it out good.
Well played with the lights! :laugh:
Well played with the lights! :laugh:
I thought so too! She is easy to talk into buying anything, it is me that is the cheap skate!
I also talked her into a light meter that I can make Par charts with. I played with the new lights for about 6 hrs getting the angles and spacing to give me the most even coverage as I can. That was fun.
It is so nice not having to raise the lights every time I step in the room. Those IGrows are beasts! I was surprised by the outcome even if it took forever. They are way better suited for a very short horizontal grow.
I thought so too! She is easy to talk into buying anything, it is me that is the cheap skate!
I also talked her into a light meter that I can make Par charts with. I played with the new lights for about 6 hrs getting the angles and spacing to give me the most even coverage as I can. That was fun.
It is so nice not having to raise the lights every time I step in the room. Those IGrows are beasts! I was surprised by the outcome even if it took forever. They are way better suited for a very short horizontal grow.
Even with my short time growing I've seen LED's come a long way! Now with a volume knob they're so sweet!
Even with my short time growing I've seen LED's come a long way! Now with a volume knob they're so sweet!
No doubt.
These Electric Sky's have dimmers but I don't understand the logic yet. They list the lights with dimmer at 12-24" for flower yet David said he keeps them at 32" full power throughout. You get better coverage by far with little hotspots at 32" because of the lenses. I guess I could buy another light for the 3x5 and lower and dim but why?
Sorry, David is the grow guru at light mfg who I talked to for 50 mins before getting the second light.
Here is the Par chart I made after 6hr of tuning.

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